Draupadi's surrender ?

I have a question and request someone to enlighten me with it.

When the Kauravas tried to disrobe Draupati first she asked help from her husbands, then the king Dhritrashtra, then great personalities like Bhishma, Drona etc but all failed. Finally when she was just being disrobed she was so helpless that she called out to Krishna and got saved. It is said that our surrender should be like Draupadi where we should call out to Krishna in a helpless mood.

Now our acharyas have said that when Draupati asked others for help Krishna did not save her because it meant that she was more dependent on others than Krishna. Therefore our acharyas have said that we should learn from this pastime and not ask material people for help rather ask Krishna for help directly in a mood of surrender like Draupati.

However I am seeing something much positive in this pastime which may go against what our acharyas have said so I ask for forgiveness for any offenses. Actually we can learn from this pastime that like Draupati we should try our best not to harass Lord Krishna for our material problems. Therefore like Draupati first we should try our best to solve our problems and if everything fails then it is natural that one will become helpless and call out to Krishna in the mood of surrender. If it is said that Draupati should  have called out to Krishna from the beginning without asking help from someone else then she could have asked for Krishna's help right in the beginning when she was being pulled out by her hair (first she was pulled out by the hair in the assembly where the Kauravas were then an attempt to disrobe her was made). However won't it mean that the moment a material problem starts and if we harass Krishna for help then it is more like we are chanting for the fulfillment of our material desires rather than love of God.  Therefore I request someone to let me know that why is Draupati criticized for asking help from her husbands ?

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  • Volunteer

    He simply directly engages himself in activities of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and thereby factually attains his constitutional position as an eternal servitor of Lord Kṛṣṇa. In such a situation he takes pleasure in hearing and glorifying the Supreme Lord in pure devotional service. He is convinced that by his doing so, all his objectives will be fulfilled. This determined faith is called dṛḍha-vrata, and it is the beginning of bhakti-yoga, or transcendental loving service. That is the verdict of all scriptures. This Seventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gītā is the substance of that conviction.


  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances!

    from our side there are need for two things:

    effort and hope for Krishna's mercy.

    Other things are done by Krishna - Sri Nama Prabhu.

    As like a bird who wanted to get back her kids from the ocean. So she requested ocean to give her her kids, so as we see she did not ask God to do so. But ocean kept quite. So she decided to act herself and started to 'dry up' the ocean.

     Seeing that determination Divine forces were involved...

    So from our side there should some action. If that bird would just sit and wait Garuda won't guess that she was n trouble and flew over by.


    In Draupadi's case she lost hope for everyone so what she could do? Just to remember Krishna and surrender to Him. No matter even if one has material desire one should ask it from Krishna only not on other Demigods or worldly people.

    For example, one wants to take leave from his job for yatra and goes to the boss. So he has to meditate on Paramatma and request Him - Paramatma to let him go to yatra but externally one may request the boss - worldly man but internally one should know that every action and reaction is only happening by the sanction of Krishna.

    So again even if one is having material desires one should go to Krishna.

    And if Krishna really loves person He won't give what His Devotee wants but will give what He needs for living successful human life.

    In the reality if one is busy with taking care of Krishna full day Krishna for sure is thinking of His Devotees happiness even of his material needs. But one should be selfless and tolerant and do whatever needed from his side as like that bird or Draupadi who cried for help.

    Your servant,  

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