Krishna (4351)

Desire for liberation

It is said that devotees even does not desire for liberation.
I heard in one lecture that by this it is meant impersonal liberation.

It is true that wherever devotees reside it becomes Vaikuntha.
But is the desire that "i wish to serve lord's lotus feet

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Generation gap causing issues

I am working as a software professional in the IT industry. Now this industry has lot of global exposure and as such there is a lot of aspiration for people working in the industry.
We, in the IT industry are constantly exposed to people living a very

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Hare Krishna,



I was reading few articles on spiritual topics last week and I observed few things that do impact my present life.I posed few questions to myself like:

-Why we try to seek spirituality?

- Why most scriptures differ with each ot

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Glories of Lord Gauranga

Lord Rama killed the demons by using His arrow as His weapon, Lord Narasimha killed the demons by using His nails as His weapon, Lord Krishna killed the demons by using His sudarshan chakra as His weapon but Lord Gauranga killed the demons in the hea

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A fish is just a fish…

From long time I was living a stressful life, somehow I managed till 10th May 2013. I have very bad past experiences which took everything out of me. On that very day I was so depressed that I had no interest of being on this earth anymore. I was beg

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