
10th offense of the holy name

The 10th offense of the holy name is the most "scariest" as it is the most easiest to commit

"10) To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy name and to maintain material attachments, even after understanding so many instructions on this matter. It is also an offense to be inattentive while chanting."

The main focus of my question is on the bolded part. 

Now since we are chanting Krsna's name, it's obvious that our mind has to be towards Krsna, be it his name, his pastimes, his beauty, etc... but how far can this be stretched. Sometimes while I am chanting, my mind turns towards a bunch of topics that I sort of think about in a KC sense. Like, for example if I am chanting my japa, my mind would think about material relationships and it's relation to KC - sort of like a KC analysis of a random topic my senses notice. So "technically" my mind is on KC but at the same time that doesn't "feel" right because I have always assumed that not thinking about Radha, Krsna, Balarama, etc. while chanting is an offense, thus I sometimes try to visualize them and their pastimes according to the various descriptions I have read. 

To give a bit more detail - sometimes these questions are more KC than others. For example if my mind is engaged in analyzing a specific topic, I would try to quote verses from the Bhagavad Gita, while other times I would just use my gained knowledge from lectures and reading to analyze it. 

So to clarify - The instructions are very clear for the 10th offense, but how far can one stretch it. Of course thinking of only Radha, Krsna, Balarama, etc. is per se the "safety" line but at the same time is it improper to do what I do?

My answer would probably be that I sense what I do to be in the gray area since it does relate to KC, but at the same time it does distract me from the holy names and Krsna in subtle way, so it would be considered an offense.

I look forward to your instructions

Haribol Prabhus and Matajis,


[[ In addition to this topic, I would also like to add another topic to discuss:

Please share your secret "tips and tricks" to chanting the Holy Name of the Lord and avoiding offenses. For example - do you pace, what is the object of attention on your mind - Krsna's name "Krsna Krsna Krsna" or is it Krsna's beauty - "curly dark bluish hair, red lips like the Bimba fruits, lotus shaped eyes, yellow dhoti" or is it Krsna's exquisite leelas - "rasa leela, Makhan Chor, etc."

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  • Volunteer

    So do these rules strictly apply to just the chanting of the Mahamantra or is it universal (ie. when singing or not doing japa, etc). 



    • Volunteer

      usually for only chanting we spend 2-3 hours but these rules are for 24 hours. All 24 hours should be a preparation for those 2-3 hours deep meditation. Intense connection with Krishna or true intention to intensely connect with Krishna.

      Your servant, 

  • Volunteer

    Beautiful answer mataji, thank you.

    I would now like to add another topic to this discussion too, which I will also add to the original post too:

    What are your secret tips and techniques for chanting (and to an extent avoiding offending the Holy Names) 

    For example, I remember Maral Mataji once wrote that she enjoys listening to kirtanas while chanting (if i recall correctly, if I am wrong or out of context, please forgive me). So basically, what and how do you devotees chant - be it if you sit in the middle of the floor, face a specific direction, meditate on Krsna's beauty and chant loudly and clearly or if you pace around the room thinking about Krsna's divine pastimes in Vrndavana, etc. 

    • Volunteer

      thank You for asking this question Prabhuji!

      In the reality after that discussion i stopped to hear the Kirtan. Accepted it as sign. So now i try and trying to chant and just hear ONE NAME AT A TIME. 

      But it is the most difficult task in whole WOOOOOOOORLD. :(

      It is so difficult.

      Oh about tips......!

      In the reality every our action should be for the sake of chanting properly.

      Our sleeping habits

      our food habits

      our talk habits

      our reading habits

      our friends

      our ....everything should be only with intention to chant and hear the Holy Name attentively.

      here You will find small videos on the power of speech, sound, timetable https://www.youtube.com/user/iskcondesiretree/videos?tag_id=&sor... ... and that only for our better hearing.

      ...for example, we have to be careful of our speech; what we speak on that we will contemplate...

      our sight....

      My tips:

      - i avoid eating grains cooked by those who do not chant 16 rounds. Very important.

      - not over eating or avoid eating heavy food to save time. Because when we eat heavy food and over eat we have to sleep more...

      - something like mouna. Talks only if needed for the service...

      - sight try to avoid to look to unneeded things or to some people's eyes. Protection from lust, greed...etc.

      - hearing - no TV no other karmi songs. 

      - waking up in brahma muhurta - very essential. Without raising to the level of goodness how to come to the level of pure goodness? Impossible.

      - sleeping early hours. No proper rest, no intelligence and strength...

      - control of thoughts and desires, plans. Sometimes we start to plan many things and desire material objects so it is another disturbance. So solution is let me chant first then plans will be done.

      - sitting posture. Very important.

      - speed of chanting. When we chant too slow mind will run away. If too fast we will pronounce wrongly so the speed is important. Not to fast and not too slow. Again - difficult :(

      - Desires - it says that if we for the sake of hearing the Holy Name avoid thinking of our desires that desire will be fulfilled by Krishna. But we think that while japa we have to think of that desire. But no. It will be fulfilled if we sacrifice with that dear thing to us for the sake of Krishna. Krishna will be pleased and take into consideration. 


      Your servant,  

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    Whatever i will write is firstly for myself.

    Because i always have this problem with Japa. Inattention.

    There are main 10 and plus one offenses and the last is the root cause of all other offenses. All other offenses grow only from the 11th one. 

    On the contrary when we chant attentively we won't be able to commit other offenses because pure Holy Name entering to the heart cleanses it so much, and makes it as soft as like a butter and as we know butter does not hurt anyone. But give pleasure to others - serve.

    But when Holy Name is not inside, when the heart is locked it will remain as like a stone. And stone always hurts others. 

    So all relationships start with attention and respect. We pay attention and start to respect the person. But if are not attentive we are not able to respect someone. 

    Being attentive we learn all needs, desires, qualities of a person and start serve to him according to his desire and that only pleases the person. Service is not that we serve as per our own desire. 


    Now about thoughts while japa:

    in the lectures i heard that our duty is JUST TO HEAR the Holy Name. Not Holy Names but A Holy Name: 'Hare' 'Krishna' 'Rama'

    Just hearing. And when Holy Name-Sri Nama Prabhu enters into our locked heart He will do all other needed things. Our en-devour is just let the Holy Name enter into our ear then to heart. Mind is in heart so hearing with mind we let Him inside the heart - and there are we are covered with dirt starting with false ego - soul.

    In the reality Sri Gopinath- Shyamasudar is inside the soul which means Krishna is not alone He is always in Vrindavan along with His associates. So in this way within our soul there is already Vrindavan Dham and all pastimes are going on. But it is inconceivable. So when our heart is purified we will start see our own svarupa, our relationships with Krishna.....

    But artificially to meditate on lilas is very difficult but it is also can be done but other time than Japa time.

    So everything is there within the Holy Name.

    And our duty is just to let Sri Nama Prabhu enter to our heart by hearing each Name.


    One should not become distressed when he is not able to hear first word, but bring back mind from other thoughts and again try to hear the second word. Even if one can not hear second Krishna then one should try to hear followed Hare. If even not that then hear Rama. If not that then again Hare...or it so happened that we did not hear all 15 words at least we have to try to hear the last 16th word Hare.

    In this way we will achieve perfection-we will let Krishna enter into our heart.

    And when Krishna is in the heart ;) He knows His duties.


    Meditating on Sri Sri Radha Krishna or Sri Sri Gaura Nitay?

    i was confused to pray to Sri Gopinath or to my Gaur Nitay Deities and for many months i was in trouble because i wanted to concentrate my mind on one Form but could not decide Sri Gauranga or Gopinath.

    Solution was Lord Chaitanya is so merciful so I will take care of Him. Pray and hope He will be the object of my meditation. In Kali Yuga without the mercy of Gaura Nitay we won't understand Radha Krishna.

    So Deities are Sri Nama Prabhu. Holy Name appears as Deities. So to worship and take care of Deities is similar with chanting. And we do that in order to please the Holy Name and get His mercy. His mercy means we will be able TO HEAR HIM - HOLY NAME.

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Your servant,  


  • REMEMBER THIS EXAMPLE : When guests come to our house , we welcome and serve them by heart and proper care . But if one do neglect , busy in own works and do not treat them properly , then its obvious the guests won't stay for more than a few min. and go out .

    Now just replace the guests with the chanting of the holy names ! Always remember the fact that HARE , KRSNA & RAAM are absolute and the trancendental vibrations are non different from their personal forms .

    Hare Krsna
    • Volunteer

      ahh that is an excellent example. Thank you prabhuji

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