Krishna (4351)

Question about Hera Pancami

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Srila Gurudeva and Srimati Guru Mataji.

All glories to the most merciful Sri Sri Nitai Gauracandraji.

All glories to Sri Jagannath.

Hare Krishna

Which form of Laksmi came to bring Sri Jag

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6 Replies

About a bhajan

All glories to the devotees of the Lord. Please accept my humble obeisances.

I heard a beautiful bhajan played by Havi das and starts " anilo prema dhana.." I can't found it in the vaishnava songs book. Somebody knows where can I found the lirycs

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3 Replies

ambition in life

Hare Krishna,

I see that when we become more and more into Krishna Conscious we become less ambitious towards materialistic things.. For eg a materialistic student, say if he is in engineering field may think that he has to become a great engineer, op

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10 Replies
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