
For this question, I primarily focus it on my experience with my parents (who are also very fortunate devotees).

Ever since my childhood I've seen my parents consult Brahmins to do ceremonies (not like a Satya Narayana Katha or Lakshmi Puja or something like that, but more like a material ceremony -- the Brahmin does whatever puja at his end so something "happens" at our end) .. as I got older my parents, ever so curious, got a few yantras, and much later they got some power stones (or healing rocks or crystals)... then my mom consulted a Brahmin in India about something and now I have to where a ring with a gemstone on it.

I did ask my parents why do we do all this ... it may work, it may not work .. but we aren't materialists who don't know about Krsna. The devotees in the temple did not wander around seeking advice and all that.. besides if we serve Krsna, then the demigods would automatically bless us

I was told two things: 1) Devotees in the temple are surrendered to Krsna and thus they have no worries and 2) We aren't perfect in unalloyed devotional service to Krsna so we use the "extra" help...

Of course my question was answered in the technical sense, but going back to the discussion title: why do some devotees (I use the word devotees since my parents are definitely devotees, more so than I am; and I'm not sure if my parents are the only ones like this or if there are others; it's bit hard to term this particular word) insist on using "extra powers" and look into horoscope and all that. Of course being in the material world with a business and all, means it's impossible to surrender 100% to Krsna, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Krsna rejects us... He takes care of us as He sees fit..

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  • Volunteer

    2539588517?profile=originalhere is the carpet. Hand made; And in order to make it many girls sit in line and do together for several days. As we see there are many different shapes on that carpet. And they are knows as Yantras in Sanskrit or Hindi i do not know.

    So in our countries history and history of its literature we read that these symbols symbolize many things. Each shape carry some intention and wish...for example there might be images of birds, elephants, and other auspicious animals...it is similar with mehendi which girls put here in India.

    2539588574?profile=original again little closer.


    some shapes may be the shapes of some grains intention or wish of wealth and prosperity...

    2539588590?profile=original here up is a similar thing as like rangoli. It is kept in the door. So why do Indian women draw rangoli? In the same way in our country women make carpets and keep in doors.

    2539588531?profile=original this shape with 8 points it says it is in Lord Chaitanya's feet:

    2539588501?profile=original it represents protection of His Devotees. For our surprise in our country only 2-3 years back this shape was put into our national flag. Before that Devotees were in trouble, they used to be harassed but as we see now Lord Chaitanya sending some signal ( :D i do not know may be it is my speculation)

    so in this way yantras are some type of vibration.

    For example, when we start the abhishek we have to draw the spiritual world on the pot with chandan and with our right hand's middle finger. And that is one triangle up and another is down. And put on that yantra the Deity.


    Also when we enter to the Altar room we draw some yantras on the floor with our finger not touching the floor in order to honor the Earth and to purify the place....

    So these subtle things are there but these days we do not want to cooperate nature but exploit-ate her. Which means if cow does not want to give milk we give injections and take milk from her artificially...

    which means Sunset one should sleep but we stay awake till midnights and hurt our health as a result no intelligence no knowledge....

    Stones also have power, but one should select very carefully they may hurt also. Not all astrologers will know the truth. But for those who do not have money only thing is to surrender to Krishna no other way.

    Why not? Kings used to have stones in their ornaments, for example gold decreases lust, silver cools, pearl cools, ...so in this way to prevent diseases is other goal of wearing gems.

    Your servant,    


  • Volunteer

    Just read this particular answer from Maral Mataji in another discussion, which does partially answers my question

    As like we put some yantras in Altars for the protection or pleasure of Deities.  --Maral Mataji

    But I would be honored to further discuss this

    • Volunteer

      nice thing to discuss ... now lets start, hope Devotees also will give whatever they know.

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