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13522935868?profile=RESIZE_584xHer Grace Krishna Priya Devi Dasi entered the spiritual realm of Goloka Vrindavana to serve her beloved Lordships on March 12, 2025, at 3:41 pm in North Carolina. Devotees present said, “She was very peaceful, pain-free, and looking effulgent during her departure as if she knew where she was heading to and what to do there. She was surrounded by loving devotees holding her while Srila Prabhupada’s chanting was going on. A perfectly glorious departure!!”

Glorifications from godsiblings and devote

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13522935461?profile=RESIZE_584xOn the auspicious occasion of Gaura Purnima, the appearance day of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the BBT is excited to announce their plan to publish the main works of the Six Goswamis, the chief disciples of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Forthcoming titles include the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu, Jaiva Dharma, and Dāna-keli-kaumudī, to name a few. If you are eager to receive these important works, the Śāstra Maṇḍala book club is for you.

Śāstra Maṇḍala will provide its members a dedicated space to explore a

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13522925070?profile=RESIZE_584xBy 3:30 AM you can hear the yelping of the jackals subsiding in the distance, but much nearer in most directions, the sound of water is pouring in a sturdy plastic bucket meant for a morning bath.  Oh yes!  Everyone in the rented rooms have a shower, yet it’s custom to let that water fill up as far as possible.  That’s when the splash takes place.  That is your bath.

These sounds are routine for the early riser, for those who hurriedly make their way for morning worship, the mangal arati.
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Lord Krishna withdrew His dynasty from the earth by orchestrating a devastating battle.

jalaukasam jale yadvan / mahanto ’danty aniyasah
durbalan balino rajan / mahanto balino mithah
evam balisthair yadubhir / mahadbhir itaran vibhuh
yadun yadubhir anyonyam / bhu-bharan sañjahara ha

“O King, as in the ocean the bigger and stronger aquatics swallow up the smaller and weaker ones, so also the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to lighten the burden of the earth, has engaged the stronger Yadu to kill

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13522284289?profile=RESIZE_584x New Navadvip Dham preparing the stage and altar to welcome the Deities at the Gaura Purnima Festival.

On February 2, 2025 in New Navadvip Dham, the long-awaited arrival of Lord Sri Ram, Lakshman, Sita, and Hanuman Ji at New Navadvip Dham unfolded in a manner that left devotees in awe. What seemed like a simple deity transfer turned into an extraordinary divine pastime, revealing the unmistakable hand of Lord Ram guiding every step of the way.

The journey of these deities began nearly two decade

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13522283901?profile=RESIZE_584xIn a heartfelt message on the auspicious occasion of Gaura Purnima, Govardhan Das, the new Chair of the Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON, extended his blessings to devotees, friends, and well-wishers around the world. As communities around the planet are celebrating the gift of Lord Gauranga’s mercy, he especially acknowledged the tireless efforts of every member of ISKCON to “share the joy of devotion and bliss that comes from the sweetness of Krishna’s Holy Names.”

The GBC Chair calle

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DISPLAY FOR TODAY by Bhaktimarga Swami

13522283277?profile=RESIZE_584xBeing Saturday, so many pilgrims have come from Kolkata and the surrounding areas increasing the numbers and intensifying the sense urges.  No harm!  Mayapura is neither Mardi Gras nor Disney World.  It is a family-friendly, God-centred place.

Numbers haven’t actually reached that of the Maha Kumbha Mela that attracts millions claiming to be the largest assembly of humans on the planet.  But, Mayapura is a huge draw on the weekends.  Everyone feels it here.

One of the features of Saturday i

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The most adorable and transcendentally fragrant tulasi is endowed with transformative potency and has a special significance in the worship of Lord Krishna.

What kind of offerings please God? Gorgeous, expensive, elaborate…? Not necessarily! If one can afford, one may make magnificent offerings to God, but what the Supreme Lord is looking for behind any offering is love and devotion. In a nutshell, attitude behind an offering is greater than the magnitude of the offering.

Lord Krsna says in Bha

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By Karuna Dharini devi dasi, disciple of Virabahu Maharaja

Ecology: the study of the relationships between living organisms and their interactions with their natural or developed environment. 1

We have been hearing the term ecology popularly in use since the seventies. People have become very concerned with nature’s welfare. Some scientists spend their entire lives researching how to save a particular community of animals. There are organizations to save the elephant, Panda, plankton, frog, jun

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If someone offers you some mahaprasad, then you should honor little whenever it is, whenever they offer, you can honour little bit. But as far as going out of your way to find mahaprasad at times that are unregulated to eating schedule. That is simply feeding the tendency for your tongue to continue to be uncontrolled.

jihvara lalase yei iti uti dhaya
sisnodara-parayana krishna nahi paya

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu instructed Raghunath Das Goswami that he who simply chases after the satisfaction of hi

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13522057089?profile=RESIZE_584xThis Course gives attendees a solid introduction in how to understand and resolve conflicts in an effective and Vaisnava-like manner.

To register:

Duration: 4 days, 2 hours each.

All times are 6am in LA, 9am in NY, 2pm in UK, 6:30pm in India

Batch #1 (weekends)

Sat, 12th April:

Sun, 13th April

Sat, 19th April:

Sun, 20th April:


Batch #2 (same course on the weekdays)

Wed, 16th April

Friday 18th Ap

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13522056299?profile=RESIZE_584xHare Krishna TV (HKTV) has emerged as a pioneering spiritual media platform that has successfully integrated traditional Vaishnava teachings with modern digital technology, reaching millions of viewers worldwide. With an impressive 650,875,760 YouTube views and an expanding digital ecosystem, HKTV represents one of the most successful Krishna conscious media ventures globally. This comprehensive spiritual platform offers diverse services ranging from counseling to educational courses, making anc

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13522055279?profile=RESIZE_584xThe community’s bridge is now cleared of debris from flooding. Photo courtesy of ISKCON New Govardhana.

ISKCON New Govardhana shared a post from Vaishnavi Devi Dasi reporting on the effects of Cyclone Alfred on the large 1,000-acre Hare Krishna Community in New South Wales, Australia.

The report describes the challenges of the power outage and damage, the safety and protection of the Deities, devotees, and guests, and the status of buildings and services in the community. You can read all the de

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13522054453?profile=RESIZE_584xIn 1966, a humble storefront at 26 2nd Avenue in New York City became the birthplace of a global spiritual movement. It was here that His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), introducing the timeless practice of bhakti-yoga to the Western world. Known as Matchless Gifts, this unassuming space became the epicenter of a spiritual revolution, where the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra first echoed in America. 

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13522053474?profile=RESIZE_584xSrivasa Thakura, one of the members of the Pancha-tattva, lived in Navadvipa-dhama in Mayapur, near the residence of Jagannatha Mishra and Sacidevi, where Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. Later, when Lord Chaitanya began His sankirtana movement in Navadvipa-dhama, He and His other most confidential associates would meet at Srivasa-angana, the home of Srivasa Thakura, and have kirtan throughout the night. The kirtans at Srivasa-angana were ecstatic, and only the most intimate devotees of Sri Ch

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81st Vyasa Puja of the Divine Twins!

13522007485?profile=RESIZE_584xAfter a long time, we once again had the joy of celebrating the divine twins, HG Jahnanivas Prabhu and our beloved Sripad Pankajanghri Prabhu, just as we always have in the past. This year, on the 19th, the atmosphere was nothing short of blissful—filled with heartfelt offerings, cherished memories, and the ever-present mercy of Sri Sri Radha Madhava as we celebrated their 81st Vyasa Puja!

Seeing the radiant smile of HG Jahnanivas Prabhu was a sight that warmed every heart. It was as if the love

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ULTIMATE SACRIFICE by Bhaktimarga Swami

13522006861?profile=RESIZE_584xOur best audience to date is the group of students from SMIS.  This beautiful flock of over 300 enthusiasts graced the auditorium.  Oh, how they love the story of the dwarf avatar!  The performers were in top form.  They repeated their excellent performance (I don’t want to say ‘perfect’ because you can always tweak or polish – improve).  It was an evening show.


I asked the young students what their favourite portion of the drama was.  As usual, that is very individual, whether it was the b

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13521170288?profile=RESIZE_584xGleanings from the prayers of Yamunacharya

By Rishabh Verma
Servant at ISKCON Gold Coast Australia

We often hear from devotees that the aim of one’s life is to attain Prema for Krsna so that one is eternally able to serve Him with enthusiasm. In doing so, one is often reminded of their constitutional position as a Jiva subservient to the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. From the aspect of the Jiva, there seems to be no question about their constitutional relationship with Krsna. However, to fully b

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13521168294?profile=RESIZE_584xPodcast host, Bhrigupada Das with guest Shaunaka Rishi Das, the Director of OCHS.

This month, the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) released its latest initiative, The Bhagavata Podcast. This unique offering promises to take listeners on an engaging journey through the Bhagavata Purana, more commonly known as the Srimad Bhagavatam. 

The podcast host, Bhrigupada Das (Måns Broo), a scholar and Gaudiya Vaishnava practitioner, will trace a linear progression through the text. Discussions with h

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13521167057?profile=RESIZE_584x(LtoR) Balaram Lila Das; Prof. Aniruddha Chakraborty, Dean Academics, IIT Mandi; Dr. Sumanta Rudra, Academic Dean, BRC; Prof. Laxmidhar Behera, Director, IIT Mandi and Dr. Venkatesh Chembrolu, Associate Prof., representing the centre for IKSMHA (Indian Knowledge Systems and Mental Health Applications), IIT Mandi.

In a significant step towards advancing research and education in Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS), the Bhaktivedanta Research Centre (BRC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

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