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Letting go.

"Relinquishing all ideas of righteousness, surrender unto Me alone; I will deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not despair." Bhagavad-Gita 18.66I'd like to tell you a story. It's one I've told a few times lately.When I received my first copy of the Gita, I just didn't get it. I was impressed, to be sure. I just wasn't sure why. I was seventeen at the time, and honestly, considering the mix of hormones and stupidity endemic to the adolescent condition, it's a wonder if I really understood a
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SDGonline - Japa Essay

Japa essayJapa should be a time for prayer, turning to Krishna in His holy names. It should not be just numbers and hurrying to get them done. I’m a little guilty of that. Nevertheless, it’s a great accomplishment to get your rounds done and should not be overlooked. Early mornings are meant for this. Getting up and diving into your rounds, watching the count rise, enunciating the syllables even without thinking so much about them. The names are Krishna and Radha. It’s absolute, even when you’re
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I can not forgive myself whatever happened to one of our real hero inArmenia Bhakta Armen Sargsyan, and you know him personally too.Tough I was not even in the country and he never approached me for any helpever, yet I feel very bad and guilty what had happened to hem.After the jail and psychiatric hospital Armen was feeling very bad due tomany wrong medicines and injections and slowly slowly he started to have somemental problems and was unable to work and support himself and his wife and twoch
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jAI jAGANNATH!!!!!!!!

LORD JAGANNATHLord Jagannath beckons me with his hands outstretched,Beautiful dark eyes widespread,So loving and merciful with a countenance divine.Seeing him makes the whole world fine.Oh lord, every year you keep me in your thought,And see that I come, against all odds fought.Really you darshan makes me freshSeeing your devotees removes all my stress.Again this year I wonder,How your beautiful dham I can plunderAnd never ever make this blunder,To think I am the doer and commander
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Gauranga is calling...

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"...this sankirtana or street chanting must go on, it is our most important program. Lord Caitanya's movement means the sankirtana movement. You may simply take two hours for chanting sixteen rounds daily, two hours for reading congregationally, and balance of time go out for sankirtana. We must do both, reading books and distributing books, but distributing books is the main propaganda." Srila Prabhupada
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kc is great

In kc i am feeling very happy because it is pure,pleasent,peaceful.kc is very systematic.and above all it leads us to GOLOK DHAM in the lotus feet of shree shree radhakrishna
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A Lesson Well Learnt!!

This post could well be titled “Inspiring Devotees Part II” but just for the sake of it I decided to change it a little. Before I relate the story let me write in something about my own self –When I had just started chanting and was quite new to the philosophy I aspired to become a Gopa in Goloka Vrindavan, that because I am not very fond of girly chores that keep the Gopis busy all day besides Krishna spends most of His time with the Gopas so that was it I wanted to be a cowherd boy. Later as I
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Articles by H.G Vraj Bihari Prabhu

Please visit this blog by H.G Vraj BIhari Prabhu which contains different sections like "Lessons from the road" has all his articles which have been published in the International as well as National issues of Back to Godhead magazines. Also he is writing several articles under the section " Spiritual Reflections" which are really inspiring and thought provoking . And also under the section "Smaranam" he is writing articles with amazing clarity and spiritual nectar.So here is the link to the art
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hare krsna everyone out there. jay jaya jaya jaya srila name is nit and i turned 33 just. married 3years ago. children, two daughters 5 and 1.we reside in the countryside, in the midst of bloody nowhere. it's no fun.haribol!
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1. We are put to test and trial in this world. Only those who attend the kirtana of the devotees can succeed.2. Every spot on earth where discourses on God are held is a place of pilgrimage.3. Possession of objects not related to Krsna is our main malady.4. Let me not desire anything but the highest good for my worst enemies.5. As dalliance with the body in luxury increases, so wanes the spirit of service of the Lord.6. Those favored by God find their paths set by thorns.7. There is no peace or
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Simply Surrender

Simply Surrenderproud of successa weeping holllow lifeleads me to deathlamenting the decades of unwanted strifehereby i submit sad tale of my lifelife in a womb of unbearable nightlaying in a bag with no air n no lightpushed from the darkness in shock n in painnetwork of fantansy, covered my brains....simply surrender, no more ll i moanlord i m fallen, plz take me home.................................................................................................................................
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Self Reformation - Part II

When a neophyte devotee has risen to the madhyama platform, sadhana is absolutely necessary to maintain him in that position. If he becomes slack in sadhana, he rapidly reverts to the neophyte condition. Therefore, the essential prerequisite for both creating and sustaining a madhyama society is intense common commitment to sadhana."Any devotee who wants to institute reform must begin with himself. The prerequisite for coming to the madhyama stage is to be a strict follower of the regulative pri
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108 names of Srimati Raharani

(uttered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, according to tradition)srimad radha rasa-mayi rasa-jna rasika tatharasesvari rasa-bhakti rasa-purna rasa-pradarangini rasa-lubdha ca rasa-mandala-karinirasa-vilasini radha radhika rasa-purnadarama-ratna ratna-mayi ratna-mala su-sobhanaraktosthi rakta-nayana raktotpala-vidhariniramani raamani gopii vrindavana-vilasininana-ratna-vicitrangi nana-sukha-mayi-sadasamsara-para-tarani venu-gita-vinodinikrsna-priya krsna-mayi krsna-dhyana-parayanisadananda ksina-madhy
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Bhagavd Gita and Management, Hare Krisna

One of the greatest contributions of India to the world is Holy Gita which is considered to be one of the first revelations from God. The spiritual philosophy and management lessons in this holy book were brought in to light of the world by the great Sri Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Swamiji. the greatest philosopher of India. Maharishi calls the Bhagavad-Gita the essence of Vedic Literature and a complete guide to practical life. It provides "all that is needed to raise the consciousness
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Self Reformation

Hare Krsna,Based on an article of HG Ravindra Swaroop Prabhu this makes an interesting read for the struggling sadhakas like me on how to chalk out properly their path of devotion and how important it is to follow the principles rigidly to get that HIGHER TASTE in our spiritual lives."In all spiritual affairs, one's first duty is to control his mind and senses. Unless one controls his mind and senses, one cannot make any advancement in spiritual life. Everyone within this material world is engro
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Inspiring Devotees!!..!!

There are few things I am proud of one of them is the fact that almost all of my God brothers and God Sisters who I have met so far are very sincere and serious devotees. They inspire and encourage others in the path of Bhakti and hence I look up to them. This pride however is mixed with the aspiration of being like them some day, well! hopefully someday soon.I wish to share a little incident of how a grihasta couple comprising of two aspiring disciples of my Gurudev, in their own little way ins
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