Bonafide GURU is a DISCIPLE!

"The whole purpose of Krishna Consciousness is to develop our pure Krishna Consciousness and the first qualification, first thing we should do, in the Nectar of Devotion, is find the shelter of a bonafide spiritual master.

We serve under the shelter of a bonafide spiritual master, and then after sometime we take initiation. After taking initiation then we get further instruction and the things progress from there, we offer our service to the Guru.

So Prabhupada said, the first qualification of a Guru is to be a disciple. Chadiyace vaisnava seva, nistar paiche kebab. If there is anyone who claims to be Guru who is not a disciple, then he is NOT a bonafide Guru.

A bonafide Guru must first be disciple of his Guru. Even Krishna is 'Gurur Guru'. He is the Guru of all Gurus. He also accepted a Guru just to show us how it is absolutely essential."

HH Jayapataka Swami
Vyasa Puja Lecture Sridham Mayapur
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