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"In the great teaching of the Vedas, there is no touch ofsectarianism. It is of all ages, climes and nationalities and is theroyal road for the attainment of the Great Knowledge“- Thoreau, American Thinker--------------------------------------------------------------"In religion, India is the only millionaire .... The One landthat all men desire to see and having seen once, by even aglimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows ofall the rest of the globe combined".- Mark Twain---------
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Please accept my most humble obeisancesAll glories to Srila Prabhupada

To our great and pleasant surprise more than 60.000 people came to visit our Sri Sri Radha Gopal ISKCON temple in Aravade on the 1 year inauguration festival which was heldon the 26th-27th and 28th of January.For those of you who attended the opening festival in Aravade you can recognize the term "and ocean of people".We chose the 26th, which is also the republic day of India, because it is a public holyday but at 10 o'clock a
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On 31st January 2010 here happened a historical procession in Vrindavana from Krishnabalaram Mandir to the Kumbha Mela cite ISKCON camp on the bank of Yamuna. Srila Prabhupada’s deity was carried on the back of an elephant. Numbers of senior devotees including HH Lokanath Swami, HG Panca Gouda Prabhu, the temple president of Krishna Balaram Temple Vrindavan, HG Dina Bandu prabhu, HG Janardhana Prabhu etc were present. HH Lokanath Swami was the one of the principal kirtana leaders in the very pro
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Hare Krsna.We offer medical treatment free to devotees if he or she cannot bear the expense of treatment. If anyone desires to get help in treatment, he or she can write about the disease in medical terms and send the treatment chart. By the mercy of Lord Krishna, we will try to help with treatment. You can email at, or can call 0095690-30300 or 098888-81513.Your servant,Kashiraj dasaISKCON, Ludhiana
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Doctor Who?

Doctor Who?


“Why don’t you get a job?” – that was the immediate question an elderly Indian man in Loughborough asked me last week as I hurried through the town centre clad in my saffron robes. I could sense a feeling of disapproval mixed with amazement, but I tried to empathise with him instead of becoming defensive. Anyone from an Indian background will know about the family pressures to graduate and become a doctor, accountant, or at the very least settled in some professional career. After all
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Friday, Jan. 22, 2010Is There Such a Thing as Life After Death?By Laura FitzpatrickTime.comIs there life after death? Theologians can debate all they want, but radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long says if you look at the scientific evidence, the answer is unequivocally yes. Drawing on a decade's worth of research on near-death experiences — work that includes cataloguing the stories of some 1,600 people who have gone through them — he makes the case for that controversial conclusion in a new bo
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Recession-Proof: Harinam Sankirtan!

Recession-Proof: Harinam Sankirtan!"We need to really push on the sankirtan movement. Expand the congregation to Namahattas and Bhakti Vrkshas and we have to distribute the books profusely to many people.We can have halls to spread Krishna Consciousness, Bhaktivinode Thakur called it sraddha kutirs, homes of faith, so that we can push forth the sankirtan movement so that we can put back Kali and we can establish that golden age.Now there is the financial crisis in the world. It is actually good
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ISKCON Kumbh camp ready

Dear Maharajs,Prabhujis and Mathajis,PAMHOAGSPThis is to inform you all that our Kumbhamela Camp is getting Ready and itwill be inaugurated officially by the Chief Minister Mr. Pokrialji, and theDM of the Kumbh Admn on the Shivaratry Day12th Feb.We would like to invite the world wide devotees to take part in this nicechances of preaching to millions of people for 3 months.Our camp will be doing Harinam, Book distribution, Kathas, Discourses,Public boothes of Q/A, food for Life, lots of cultural
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The material world, or material existential life, is filled with threefold miseries: miseries pertaining to the body and mind, miseries pertaining to natural disturbances and miseries inflicted by other living entities. Human society is meant to create a spiritual atmosphere by spreading the spirit of Krsna consciousness. The miseries of material existence cannot affect the status of Krsna consciousness. It is not that the miseries of the material world completely vanish when one takes to Krsna
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Nityananda's mercy

Srila Prabhupada said, "To approach Radha and Krishna, we must get LordCaitanya's mercy; to get His mercy, we must get Lord Nityananda's mercy; andto get Lord Nityananda's mercy, we must approach people like Jagai andMadhai." Thus, with humble, compassionate hearts, we must encourage peopleto chant "Krishna!", worship Krishna, and serve Krishna's instructions.Hare Krishna.By Giriraja Swami
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Lord Nityananda is the eternal associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Rarely is the name Nimai (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) taken without that of Nitai (Lord Nityananda). Mahaprabhu cannot be approached or understood without the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, who is the cardinal guru of all the universes and serves as an intermediary between Mahaprabhu and His devotees. He is the Lord's active principle in both creation and lila. He is the second body of the Lord, manifestin
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Shortcut to the Spiritual World!

"Narottama Das Thakura prayed for a short-cut. He said, "I am so unfortunate, I am so unhappy. It is so difficult for me to control my mind. So Lord Nityananda, please just flood me with ecstasy. Flood me with Your mercy. Then I will be so attracted by the taste of the love flowing from Your lotus feet that automatically my mind will be absorbed. "

This is the devotee's short-cut. If we can get the mercy of Lord Nityananda, then very quickly we taste the ecstasy of pure love for Krishna. Then the

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New Staff and 2010 Admission Openby Parsada devi dasiA team of 7 devotee-graduates from the famous Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) will be joining the staff of Bhaktivedanta Gurukula and InternationalSchool (Vrindavan) this coming school year! This group of creative andtalented devotees is led by Dr.Lila Purusottoma dasa, presently a professorat IIT Kanpur, who will be joining full time in July as Director of theschool.Thus, for those of you keen for your child to be educated in an environme
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Constantly Chant The Holy Names

I perpetually worship Sri Nityananda, the root of the tree of krishna-bhakti, who wandering around in Bengal approached the door of every home. With upraised arms he exclaimed: "O Brothers! Please constantly chant the holy names of Hari. If you do so, I will take the responsibility to deliver you from the ocean of material existence."Sri Nityanandastakamby Srila Vrindavana dasa Thakura
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Like Rising Cream!

"His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has used the appropriate analogy of Cream.Cream naturally rises to the top of the milk, and similarly, if the devotee's Desires are pure, light and free from all material contaminations, that pure desire will pull one higher and higher in Devotional Activities.There is no need to be misled; one should exclude all other desires except one- to be the servant of the servant, in other words, to be a pure Vaisnava."
HH Jayapataka Swami From the boo
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By Kavicandra Swami

At about 3PM IST HH Mahavisnu Swami (91 years) peacefully left his body at the Bhaktivedanta Swami Hospital, Mumbai.He will stay here for two days while disciples come from afar and then go to Nasika for Samadhi.Many devotees were present with Kirtan. His eyes became clear as he looked around at everyone. He mouthed the Holy Name and left Is the end of a glorious lifetime of blissful preaching.The following is cmments by HH Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura upon the departure
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Please accept our humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.Photos of His Holiness Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj's final pastimes in this material worldClick here"Many devotees were present with Kirtan. His eyes became clear as he lookedaround at everyone. He mouthed the Holy Name and left Is the endof aglorious lifetime of blissful preaching."- His Holiness Kavichnadra SwamiISKCON Sannyasi and Guru His Holiness Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj peacefullyleft His Body yesterday 25th jan 2010 at 3
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Maya's Sticky Web!

"When a living being attempts to enjoy separately from the Lord, he enters Maya's Web.Just as an unwitting insect flies into a spider's web and, just as by struggling, the fly becomes increasingly entangled, so the unwitting living being becomes increasingly implicated in illusion the more he struggles to implement his Independent plans.On the other hand, just as a baby spider crawls nonchalantly across the web, so the devotee who is linked with Lord Madhava, the original author of illusion, rem
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Representatives of Andal & Ramanujacarya!

When we took our Safari to South India we went to the Sri Rangam temple and there we chanted Hare Krsna for the acarya of the Sri Rangam temple, one of the 64 temples of Ramanuja and that’s maybe the most important that he has. Then he said, "You are all incarnations of Andal, an incarnation of Lakshmi who chanted the holy name and said everyone should go with karatals and drums in the street and chant the name of Krsna." He said, "You are all incarnations or representatives of Andal, you are do

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“How to remove Anarthas from our heart” is the topic of four session seminar conducted byHG Vidurpriya Das at ISKCON,Ludhiana. Srila Narottam Das Thakura Das analyzed the various anarthasPresent in our hearts in his book entitled “Madhurya Kadambani” and Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura has mentioned in Sri Caitanya Siksamrta that by hearing and reading about Krsna’s killing of various demons in Vrindavana leads to removal of anarthas, represented by those demons, from our heart. The seminar was based
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