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ISKCON Juhu Rathayatra Festival 2010

Juhu Rathayatra Festival 2010

By Basu Ghosh Das

On Friday, January 29, 2010, ISKCON Juhu, Bombay celebrated its 30th annual
Jagannath Rathayatra festival.

The Rathayatra festival was inaugurated by local MLA (“Member of the
Maharashtra Assembly”, the legislative branch of the Government of
Maharashtra) Ashokbhau Jadhav, and Sri Dilip Patel, the Chairman of “Best”
(the Bombay Municipal bus service authority),
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Historical camp of ISKCON in Haridwar

We would like to invite all the devotees to participate the Kumbhamela and
the 500th Years Celebration of the Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Sanyas.

This is first time in the History we are getting this much big piece of
land in Haridwar. ISKCON have 3.5 acres of land in Prime location.

Enjoying the 40 wooden cabins,the 1000 devotees capacity Steel hanging
Pandal, the exibitions, 60 feet Chaitanya Mahaprbhu's Murti, dioramos,
Harinam Bullock cart and Installed Nitai gaursunder Deity, the 2000 people
feeding ca
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sri jagannathaastakam

Çré Jagannäthäñöaka


kadäcit kälindé-taöa-vipina-saìgétaka-ravo



jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me


bhuje savye veëuà çirasi çikhi-puccham kaöi-taöe

dukülaà netränte sahacara-kaöäkñaà vidadhate

sadä çrémad-våndävana-vasati-lélä-paricayo

jagannäthaù svämé nayana-patha-gämé bhavatu me


mahämbhodhes tére kanaka-rucire néla-çikhare

vasan präsädäntaù sahaja-balabhadreëa balinä

subhadrä-madhya-sthaù sakala-s

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Radhe Radhe,

Here sharing a message with my friends which I have downloaded from the internet. The message is as follows:


radha raseshvari ramya rama cha paramatmanah rasodbhava krishna-kanta krishna-vaksha-sthala-sthita

"Beautiful Shrimate Radharani is the queen and the origin of the rasa dance. She is the giver of pleasure to Krishna, who is the Supersoul in the hearts of all. She is the lover of Krishna and is always situated upon the
chest of the Lord."

krishna-pranadhidevi cha maha-v
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How do we make each other Krishna conscious?

I think the acknowledgement to the self as ahamkara ruins one karma.If we need to keep the consciousness free and pure it should be attach with Krishna devine.It is happens only through selfless or more self free bhakti towards the devine.what Gopikas showed towards the devine.It is beyond ahamkara, beyond love, and beyond to the self itself.anish ms
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Cleaning our hearts!

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.28.33

dhyānāyanaḿ prahasitaḿ bahulādharoṣṭha-


dhyāyet svadeha-kuhare 'vasitasya viṣṇor

bhaktyārdrayārpita-manā na pṛthag didṛkṣet

With devotion steeped in love and affection, the yogī should meditate within the core of his heart upon the laughter of Lord Viṣṇu. The laughter of Viṣṇu is so captivating that it can be easily meditated upon. When the Supreme Lord is laughing, one can see His small teeth, which resemble jasmine buds r

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~~~ I wonder~~~ Beautiful Poem~~~


If Srila Prabhupada visited you,

Maybe just for a day or two.

and came by unexpectedly,

I wonder what you'd do.

Oh, I know you'd give your nicest room,

To such an honored guest,

And all the food you'd offer,

Would be the very best.

And you would keep assuring him,

you're glad to have him there,

That serving him within your home,

Is a joy beyond compare.


If you saw him coming,

Would you meet him at the door,

With arms outstretched to welcome

this honored visitor?

OR ...

Would y

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Meditating Upon The Deities

One should take ‘darshan’ with great devotion and beg for The Deities mercy when one enters the temple. One should not, however, immediately look upon the Deities full in the face. The proper manner in which one should take ‘darshan’ of the Lord is described in Srimad Bhagvatam 2.2.13


SB 2.2.13

The process of meditation should begin from the lotus feet of the Lord and progress to His smiling face. The meditation should be concentrated upon the lotus feet, then the calves, then the thighs, and in t
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Beware of scammer

Within the last month, emails, especially hotmail e mails, it seems, have
been hacked and used to spam the mailing list with a**** HELP!**** letter
which describes the person as stuck in London due to robbery and asking for
money to purchase a ticket to get back home.

My daughter Nitai and Mother Akuti have both been victims of this scam and
in the case of Akuti, some devotee acutally sent money, via western Union,
to London,following the direction of the scammer, and that money was picked
up at the We
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Marc Joins the Hare Krishnas on How The Other Half Lives

Tuesday 12 May, 9.30pm

This week on How The Other Half Lives, Marc Ellis joins the Hare Krishnas, well-known for their Friday-night chanting on Auckland’s Queen Street (at 9.30pm on TV ONE).

Ellis dons robes, shaves his mane, and moves in with devotees at their Kumeu premises to find out what it's all about. Ellis believes more and more mainstream Kiwis are looking for the answers outside a 9-5 existence. He says there must be more to life th
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Historical Time Chart of Vrndavana

Historical Time Chart of Vrndavana

A Comprehensive Guide to Śrī Vṛndāvana Dhāma

  • 1473 Appearance of Lord Nityananda.
  • 1479 Madhavendra Puri visits Radha-kunda and Govardhana -establishes worship of Gopala later known as Sri Nathaji
  • 1482 Advaita Acarya takes diksa in Vrindavana from Madhavendra Puri
  • 1483 Appearance of Lokanatha Gosvami
  • 1486 Appearance of Lord Caitanya
  • 1487 Appearance of Gadadhara Pandita
  • 1488 Appearance of Sanatana Gosvami
  • 1489 Appearance of Rupa Gosvami
  • 1491 Disappearance of Madhavendra Pur
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What is submissive hearing?

It means putting aside all your preconceived ideas, accepting yourself to be a fool and being willing to accept the superior authority without challenging the spiritual master and great sadhus. To open your heart, to open your mind, to open your ears, and to hear.

H.H.Radhanath Swami
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Who is intelligent..

  • Intelligent people can see the problems.
  • They try to understand the cause 1st before going for solutions.
  • They know "why they r doing anything what r they doing".
  • They try to understand the essence of the subject 1st before going for subject matter.
  • Krsna says,"those who control their senses and remain fully conscious of Me", are of steady intelligence.
Hare Krishna
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Please Forgive Me [Nice Story]

Please forgive me

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy

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WHO SHOULD READ THE BHAGAVAD GITA?The Young - To learn how to live.The Old - To Know how to die.The Ignorant - For wisdom.The Learned - For humility.The Rich - For compassion.The Poor - For comfort.The Dreamer - For enchantment.The Practical - For counsel.The Weak - For strength.The Strong - For direction.The Haughty - For warning.The Humble - For exaltation.The Troubled - For peace.The Weary - For rest.The Doubting - For assurance.The Sinner - For salvation.*The Human - For guidance.*
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Vedic Reference Regarding Intoxication

In the Manu Samhita it is stated:na māṁsa-bhakṣaṇe doṣona madye na ca maithunepravṛttir eṣā bhūtānāṁnivṛttis tu mahā-phalā"It may be considered that meat-eating, intoxication and sex indulgence are natural propensities of the conditioned souls, and therefore such persons should not be condemned for these activities. But unless one gives up such sinful activities, there is no possibility of achieving the actual perfection of life."Tags:
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In a lecture on this occasion in 1976 in Mayapur Srila Prabhupada quoted his
Guru Maharaja:

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada . . . continued that “There is
no need of establishing many temples. Better we publish some books.” He said
like that.
He said that “We started our Gaudiya Matha in Ultadanga. The rent
was very small, and if we could gather two-hundred-fifty rupees, it was
going on very nicely. But since this J. V. Datta has given us this stone,
marble stone Thakurbari [Datta donate

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Beloved Vaisnavas, please accept our sincere reverences!All glories to our Patita Pavana Srila Prabhupada!Seeking to expand more and more ways of disseminating news from our beloved ISKCON BRASIL(, we ISKCONBR´s team would like to invite all those who honor ISKCON to also contactus through our various means of communication.To access the Facebook link: # / profile.php? id = 100000395815018 & ref = tsThe facebook is now the largest social
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The Highest Vaisnava Sees Himself as the Lowest of All
by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Prabhupada

He who serves Lord Hari counts himself as the least of all entities. He is lifted to the highest order of the Vaisnavas when he can feel himself the last of all. He can then proclaim the message of the highest devotion to Lord Hari.
"The best of all people deems himself to be less than all others." Such is the great dictum.
It is necessary for the best person to scrutinize his own ineligibi
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Spiritual Perfection

Voluntary endeavor is the only qualification for spiritual perfection.Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 3.9.38yac cakarthāńga mat-stotraḿmat-kathābhyudayāńkitamyad vā tapasi te nisthāsa essa mad-anugrahaḥSYNONYMSyat — that which; cakartha — performed; ańga — O Brahmā; mat-stotram — prayers for Me; mat-kathā — words regarding My activities; abhyudaya-ańkitam — enumerating My transcendental glories; yat — or that; vā — either; tapasi — in penance; te — your; niṣṭhā — faith; saḥ — that; eṣaḥ — all these; ma
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