This is the maiden album released by His Grace Ekalavya Prabhu, disciple of His Holiness Lokanath Swami.
This is the maiden album released by His Grace Ekalavya Prabhu, disciple of His Holiness Lokanath Swami.
How to Always Be Absolutely Ecstatic
Nobody truly desires to be miserable. But yet most people are foolishly acting on a regular daily basis in ways that guarantee to keep them miserable. It doesn't have to be like this because there is a solution. There is a way that anybody and everybody no matter what situation they may be in can always be absolutely ecstatic. That way is called the science of self-realization. Just as there varying stages in the science of mathematics, there are also varying
Amar Jivan
My Life
(from Saraëagati)
ämära jévana, sadä päpe rata,
nähiko puëyera leña
parere udvega, diyächi ye koto,
diyächi jévere kleça
nija sukha lägi’, päpe nähi òori,
dayä-héna svärtha-paro
para-sukhe duùkhé, sadä mithya-bhäñé,
para-duùkha sukha-karo
äçeña kämanä, hådi mäjhe mora,
krodhé, dambha-paräyaëa
mada-matta sadä, viñaye mohita,
hiàsä-garva vibhüñaëa
nidrälasya hata, sukärye virata,
akärye udyogé ämi
pratiñöha lägiyä, çäöhya-äcaraëa,
lobha-hata sadä kämé
e heno durjana, saj-jana-varjit
Message for enlightment
Most of the times, we lose our valuable time and opportunity in trying to correct the situations for better in order to perform our bhakti with full vigour however this is where we miss the point
If we just forget our situation, and just somehow push ourselves and in whatever situation we are in, just put our full heart into our service, our bhakti, then the situations automatically get aligned to our requirements over a period of time
In the path of life, learn to
Definition of pure bhakti:
anyabhilasita sunyam
jnana karmadi anavritam
anukulyena krsnanusilanam
bhaktir uttama
["The cultivation of activities that are meant exclusively for the pleasure of Sri Krsna, or in other words the uninterrupted flow of service to Sri Krsna, performed through all endeavours of the body, mind and speech, and through the expression of various spiritual sentiments (bhavas), which is not covered by jnana (knowledge aimed at impersonal liberation) and karma (reward-seeking activ
Yesterday one devotee was commenting that on each level of ISKCON management we find devotees blaming the persons on the level just above them for their problems. That is if one is a cook in the temple for example, one will blame the temple commander, if one is the temple commander one will blame the vice president, the VP will blame the President, and the president will blame the GBC or guru.
The standard way of dealing with this blaming situation (the one which leaders us
The 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON commenced Saturday morning in Sri Mayapur Dham with Bhakti Caru Maharaja offering the traditional guru-puja ceremony to ISKCON’s Founder-Acarya, Srila Prabhupada, while Ekalavya Prabhu led anenthusiastic and inspirational kirtan. This year’s GBC Chairman,Romapada Maharaja, welcomed everyone in attendance and delivered areading from the tenth canto of Srimad Bh
3 NICE Stories,*
*1. Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all
people gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella. **THATS FAITH.***
*2. Example of the feeling of a one year old baby. When you throw him in the
air, he laughs because he knows you will catch him. **THATS TRUST.***
*3. Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive the next
morning but still we have plans for tomorrow. **THATS HOPE. ***
Stop the construction of unnecessary bridge in front of keshi Ghat on Holy river of yamuna in Vrindavan
On Yamuna ji a two way highway bridge is being built to divert the traffic which, makes a half ring,
through the Keshi Ghat. This Bridge serves no purpose but reveals the cruelty towards our yamuna ji.
• Decreasing the already scarce supply of swee
Nadiya Nagare Nitai Nece Nece Gay Re
(refrain) nadīyā-nagare nitāi nece’ nece’ gāy re
jagannātha-suta mahāprabhu viśvambhara
māyāpur-śaśī navadvīpa-sudhākara
śacī-suta gaurahari nimāi-sundara
rādhā-bhāva-kānti-ācchādita naṭabara
nāmānanda capala bālaka mātṛ-bhakta
brahmānḍa-vadana tarkī kautukānurakta
vidyārthi-uḍupa caura-dvayera mohana
tairthika-sarvasva grāmya-bālikā-krīḍana
lakṣmī-prati bora-dātā uddhata bālaka
śrī-śacīra pati-putra-śoka-nibāraka
lakṣmī-pati pūrva-deśa-sa
Srila Prabhupada’s important instructions on preaching to the intelligent class of people
“..One thing: You must be attentive that our routine work--such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, reading, sankirtana, etc.--should always maintained at the highest level of Krishna Conscious standard, as the smallest neglect or inattention to these matters of routine practices will cause all our other programs to fail. These things are the backbone of spiritual life. So it is natural th
An insignificant offering in the lotus feet of
on his 64th VYAS PUJA
Oh master, eternal master,
Well-wisher of me forever,
Deliverer of the fallen soul,
By teaching me a fool owl.
I am the greatest sinner,
Full of lust greed anger,
I pet envy proud illusion,
This can vanquish by your vision.
You are like a boatman,
On the shore of holy name,
To take us you are ready,
But it needs in us urgency.
Master you have the way,
But it needs sincerity,
This can send one to godhead,