
Health Update – 12/5/2023
Today the MRI scan was done, and it shows no sign of infarction or bleeding in the brain, which is very good news. Further physical tests will be done next week including tests to exclude arrhythmia and other heart conditions. Maharaja has been in better strength today than yesterday and his comprehension and ability to focus have improved. He is still feeling very tired and needs lengthy rest.
Mahārāja is very grateful for all the prayers and good wishes of the Vaiṣṇavas for his well-being. Please forgive us for not responding individually to all the messages and know that they have been received, communicated to Guru Mahārāja, and are greatly appreciated.


Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

I would like to inform you about HH Śivarama Swami’s recent health issues.

Mahārāja has a chronic spinal problem that has matured over the last six months to the point where it is affecting his walking and requires surgery. Upon arrival to Hungary, he also had a second bout with Covid, and the Nṛsiṁha Caturdaśī/Vyāsa-pūjā weekend festival was, as usual, physically demanding. Understandably, Mahārāja was exhausted, but on Tuesday he developed a pre-stroke condition with warning signs, the main symptoms being left-sided hyperesthesia, numbness in the whole body (paresthesia), loss of balance, hypersensitivity, loss of ability to concentrate and a severe headache. His long-term neurologist has examined him very thoroughly and as it is possible that he has had a transient ischemic attack or mini-stroke (due to decreased blood flow to the brain resulting in sudden onset of neurologic symptoms) tomorrow he will have a safety brain MRI/MRA scan.

Currently, Mahārāja is staying in the Budapest temple, and despite these medical challenges he remains in good spirits although he is very tired and rests a lot. When he has finished his rounds he works on Vilāpa-kusumāñjali, editing his Introduction to Volume 2 and his commentary to Verse 46. As soon as there are new developments or information, we shall send an update, and in the meantime, we humbly request the Vaisnavas’ prayers for Mahārāja’s well-being.
On behalf of the SRS Health support team,
your servant,
Mañjarī Devī Dāsī

Source: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=108416

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