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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 19
padesu sarva-bhutani
pumsah sthiti-pado viduh
amrtam ksemam abhayam
tri-murdhno 'dhayi murdhasu

padesu -- in the one fourth; sarva -- all; bhutani -- living entities; pumsah -- of the Supreme Person; sthiti-padah -- the reservoir of all material opulence; viduh -- you should know; amrtam -- deathlessness; ksemam -- all happiness, free from the anxiety of old age, diseases, etc.; abhayam -- fearlessness; tri-murdhnah -- beyond the three higher planetary sy
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26th July, 2010

Mumbai, INDIA: ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) with over 90 temples spread across the length and breadth of the country and millions of Krishna devotees all over the globe today went digital and announced a separate channel on Mobiles, in collaboration with Mobile TV leaders, Apalya Technologies and Neuron Mediatech, an ace content and software infrastructure company.

Irfan Khan, Co-founder, Neuron Mediatech opined “We have designed rich media spiritual con
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"King Ambarīṣa first of all engaged his mind on the lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa; then, one after another, he engaged his words in describing the transcendental qualities of the Lord, his hands in mopping the temple of the Lord, his ears in hearing of the activities of the Lord, his eyes in seeing the transcendental forms of the Lord, his body in touching the bodies of the devotees, his sense of smell in smelling the scents of the lotus flowers offered to the Lord, his tongue in tasting the tula

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Misuse of Independence and the outcome

Kala Krsnadasa was influenced and allured by nomads or gypsies, who enticed him with women. Maya is so strong that Kala Krsnadasa left Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's company to join gypsy women. Even though a person may associate with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he can be allured by maya and leave the Lord's company due to his slight independence. Only one who is overwhelmed by maya can be so unfortunate as to leave Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's company, yet unless one
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Happiness never obtained by misusing of Independence

When the living entity prefers to misuse his independence and glide down towards nescience, the all-merciful Lord first of all tries to protect him from the trap, but when the living entity persists in gliding down to hell, the Lord helps him to forget his real position. The Lord helps the falling living entity glide down to the lowest point, just to give him the chance to see if he is happy by misusing his independence.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB
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Vulture's mentality

Ali asked how one could understand God's love, and Prabhupada brought it to an even more practical platform. "This is the process, I've described. We have got Deity of the Lord, we offer foodstuff prepared very nicely, and whatever leftover is there, we eat. We dress very nicely with flowers, with ornaments; we give Him a nice place to sit down, to sleep. He also looks after our comfort. In this way, exchange of love."

A long and interesting conversation ensued with Ali asking
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 18
so 'mrtasyabhayasyeso
martyam annam yad atyagat
mahimaisa tato brahman
purusasya duratyayah

sah -- He (the Lord); amrtasya -- of deathlessness; abhayasya -- of fearlessness; isah -- the controller; martyam -- dying; annam -- fruitive action; yat -- one who has; atyagat -- has transcended; mahima -- the glories; esah -- of Him; tatah -- therefore; brahman -- O brahmana Narada; purusasya -- of the Supreme Personality; duratyayah -- immeasurable.

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis


1. During the first month of the winter season, the young unmarried girls of Gokula observed the vow of worshiping goddess Katyayani. For the entire month they ate only unspiced khichri.

2. After they had bathed in the water of the Yamuna just as the sun was rising, the gopis made an earthen deity of goddess Durga on the riverbank. Then they worshiped her with such aromatic substances
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A Wish Fulfilled

A Wish Fulfilled

Resting on the banks of the River Ganges is “Kanhapur”-the city of Lord Krsna-presently known as Kanpur. Nearby is Bithoor where the Ashrama of Valmiki Muni is located and where Sitadevi, the Goddess of Fortune and wife of Lord Ramacandra, lived when Her husband expelled her from Ayodhya. Lava and Kusha were also born here.

Kanpur city is believed to have been founded by King Hindu Singh. While in the early days of its formation, the city was seen as an insignificant village, it b
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Our Eternal Father: A Child??


"Although God has no parents as He is eternal and is the father of everyone, yet He can agree to become someone's child - have a little baby form and a devotee to serve Him as a parent. As a parent, the parents think that they are bigger than the child.

The parents always want to protect the child. Even though Krishna is the Supreme protector of everyone. His parents always think, "I have to protect Krishna. If I don't protect Krishna, some danger will befall Krishna."

So the parents actu
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Introduction - The Supreme Abode

The abode of Lord Sri Krsna is described in the Bhagavad-gita, Fifteenth Chapter, sixth verse:

na tad bhasayate suryo

na sasanko na pavakah

yad gatva na nivartante

tad dhama paramam mama

"That supreme abode of Mine is not illumined by the sun or moon, nor by fire or electricity. Those who reach it never return to this material world."

Bhagavad Gita 15.6

This verse gives a description of that eternal sky. Of course we have a material conception of the sky, and we think of

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Obeisances to Lord Krishna

Obeisances to Lord Krishna
(Excerpts from Sri Gopala-Tapani Upanishad)


1. Obeisances to Lord Govinda, handsome with a peacock-feather crown, identical with Balarama, His
intelligence sharp, and He the swan in the Manasa lake of the goddess of fortune's thoughts.

2. Obeisances to Him, the death of Kamsa and his allies, the killer of Kesi and Canura, the object of worship
for Siva, and the chariot-driver of Arjuna.

3. Obeisances to Him, the cowherd boy fond of playing the flute, the crusher of Kaliya, t
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Understanding God

Nandarani came to see Srila Prabhupada this afternoon for advice on this and other matters concerning her service. Prabhupada agreed with Atreya Rsi's strategy and suggested that they worship Gaura-Nitai Deities, because They can be worshipped simply by kirtana. Or if they want, he said they can worship Sri Sri Radha-Krsna with a reduced program of only three offerings and aratis a day (mangala, raj-bhoga, and sundara) along with daily bathing and dressing of Their Lordships. He
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 6 Text 17
sva-dhisnyam pratapan prano
bahis ca pratapaty asau
evam virajam pratapams
tapaty antar bahih puman

sva-dhisnyam -- radiation; pratapan -- by expansion; pranah -- living energy; bahih -- external; ca -- also; pratapati -- illuminated; asau -- the sun; evam -- in the same way; virajam -- the universal form; pratapan -- by expansion of; tapati -- enlivens; antah -- internally; bahih -- externally; puman -- the Supreme Personality.

The sun illumina
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How to see God ?

Topic : Vision

How to see God ?

Ointment is applied to the eyes for clear vision. When the ointment of love of Godhead will be applied to our eyes, then with these eyes we shall be able to see God. God is not invisible. Simply like a man with cataract or any other eye disease, he cannot see. That does not mean the things do not exist. He cannot see. God is there, but because my eyes are not competent to see God, therefore, I deny God. God is there, everywhere.

Srila Prabhupada,

Boston, May 1st, 1969

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ISKCON Russia`s Second Sannyasi

On the 3rd of July, almost two thousand devotees gathered for a festival celebrating the 17th anniversary of the installation of the Deities at Moscow`s Leningradskiy Prospect temple. They also became witnesses to the rare event of a sannyasa initiation – that of thesecond Russian devotee accepting the renounced order of life.

Sannyasa is considered to be the highest spiritual rank in Hinduism in general and in the Bengali Vaishnava tradition. It means total renunciation of the world`s pleasures

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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Lalita-vivaha-mandapa


Here, the gopis performed Lalita's(a friend of Srimati Radhika) wedding ceremony with seven-year-old Sri Krsna here. One day, Lalita and the sakhis were sitting with rasik Krsna and talking sweetly with Him. Upon the indication of Srimati Radhika, Visakha and some other sakhis tied Sri Syamsundara's yellow cloth to the corner of Sri Lalita's veil. Rangadevi and other sakhis started to sing wedding songs while Tungavidya and other
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Los Angeles's 33rd Annual Ratha Yatra!


SANTA MONICA, CA - The Temple of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) at Watseka Avenue here held its 33rd Annual Festival of the Chariots Parade on August 1 which started at the Santa Monica Civic auditorium and ended on Venice Beach.

In the morning the idols were taken from the temple and installed in three beautifully decorated chariots, the towering canopies of which were splendidly draped in yellow, green, red and blue. Along the sides, balloons swayed in the gentle b
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*Artificial Life?*


*Artificial life?*

Question: What is the Vedic comment on recent news report about artificial life?

Answer: Let me quote Caltech biologist and Nobel laureate David Baltimore, who has said that Venter has "overplayed the importance" of his results; he
"has not created life, only mimicked it."

Let’s see what he actually did:

1. Determined the sequence of the DNA in one of the world’s simplest bacteria,

2. Synthesized a copy of that DNA from components sold by a biological supply company,

3. Replaced the
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Kamika Ekadasi - from BrahmA Vaivarta PurANa:

The saintly king Yudhisthira maharaj said, “Oh Supreme Lord, I have heard
from You the glories of fasting on Deva-sayani EkAdasii, which occurs
during the light fortnight of the month of AshADha. Now I would like to
hear from You the glories of the EkAdasii that occurs during the dark
fortnight (krishna paksha) of the month of ShrAvaNa (July –August). Oh
Govindadeva, please be merciful to me and explain its glories. Oh Supreme
VAsudeva, I offer my most humb

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