color:maroon"">Question: Why Buddhists Are Atheists?"Times New Roman""">
I am very lucky to have a master who is helping with my questions. If Lord Buddha achieved self realization, He must have been Krishna conscious or God consciousness. But yet theBuddhists don't believe in God. Why is this?
Thank you
KCmso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman""">
color:maroon"">Answer: Unknowingly Buddhists Are Theists"Times New Roman""">
It is amazing that even with knowing it the Buddhists are theists, that they are God conscious. This is because Lord Buddha is an incarnation of Krishna. At the time of Lord Buddha'sadvent the people had become so degraded that they were justifying cow killingwith a completely distorted misunderstanding of the Vedic wisdom. Out ofkindness upon the poor cows, Lord Buddha appeared and taught an atheisticphilosophy, which denied the Vedas but taught that if one causes suffering toothers that the same suffering will come back to the person who caused it. Inthis way Lord Buddha stopped the cow killing by teaching karma andnon-violence. This was amazing because God Himself was teaching atheism. Whydid He do this? It was for the higher cause of saving the poor cows and makingthe people pious so that later on pure Krishna bhakti could be re-introduced.
Sankarshan Das Adhikarimso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman""">