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1. om sri-krsnaya namah

2. om kamala-nathaya namah

3. om vasudevaya namah

4. om sanatanaya namah

5. om vasudevatmajaya namah

6. om punyaya namah

7. om lila-manusa-vigrahaya namah

8. om srivatsa-kaustubha-dharaya namah

9. om yasoda-vatsalaya namah

10. om haraye namah

11. om caturbhujatta-cakrasi-gada-sankhambujayudhaya namah

12. om devaki-nandanaya namah

13. om srisaya namah

14. om nanda-gopa-priyatmajaya namah

15. om yamuna-vega-samharine namah

16. om balabhadra-priyanujaya namah

17. om putana-jivita-haraya nam

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108 Names of Lord Sri Rama

108 Names of Lord Sri Rama



Obeisances to Sri Rama, the Giver of happiness


Obeisances to Sri Rama, the Auspicious One


Obeisances to Sri Rama, who is as lustrous as the moon


Obeisances to Sri Rama, to the ever-lasting one



Obeisances to Sri Rama, the Lotus-eyed


Obeisances to Sri Rama, the Abode of Lakshmi


Obeisances to Sri Rama, the King of kings


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Sri Krishna said ...

Bhagavad Gita 2.13

dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jaratatha dehantara-praptir dhiras tatra na muhyati

As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.
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Eight Rules for Better Japa

The rules start with basic mechanical arrangements and end with the proper mood and meditation. Anyone who follows these eight rules will surely improve his japa and receive delightful rewards from sri-nama.1. Night before-Give up rice and eating heavy foods at night.Take simple foods such as milk and fruits. By eating a light meal you will sleep soundly, rise early without difficulty, and have full energy for attentive japa the next morning. The night before make asankalpa or firm vow: "Tomorro
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Dear Devotees

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

As I am finishing my last preparations for the upcoming Japa and Kirtan Retreat in Radhadesh, I'm becoming increasingly enthusiastic. This Retreat will be different from all the other ones which I have facilitated in the past. The main inspiration for this retreat will be the Bhajan Rahasya of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura which is a fantastic, experience oriented guide book for a deep and fulfilling practice with the H

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jay Prabhupad


One evening in the temple, as Prabhupada concluded his lecture about Prahlada Maharaja, he asked if there were any questions. Himavati, one of the women disciples, raised her hand.

Prabhupada: "Yes?"

Himavati: "Prahlada Maharaja was such a great devotee that he said, "nothing is mine.' But then why does he say "my God'? How could God become his? Why does he say that?"

Prabhupada: "Then what shall he say?"

Himavati: "I don't understand. How can he say it? If you understand nothing belongs to you, th

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Female association

Female association is so powerful that a man forgets his time, energy, possessions, and even his own identity. As it is said in the Niti-shastra,striya charitram purushasya bhabyam daivo vijanati kuto manushyah: "Even the demigods cannot predict the behavior of a woman. Nor can they understand the fortune of a man or how it will determine his destiny. According to Yajnavalkya Muni, "A (celibate) person who desires spiritual life should give up all association with women, including thinking of th
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Constant Chanting

Sometimes we get caught up in our day-to-day lives and our minds become contaminated by the entangling modes of material nature. We forget the big picture of why we are here and what we should give our prime importance to. Māyā can creep in and leave us feeling dizzy.

Kṛṣṇa is so merciful though. He gives us a daily practice that we can all perform to take a step back from our other activities and fully concentrate on Him, giving us protection from the influences of Māyā. And we can do it as much
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To be initiated by any guru is not sufficient for going back to Godhead. The guru who can deliver you back to home, back to the spiritual world must himself be engaged 24 hours daily in Krishna's service and engage you also in doing that. Initiation means beginning. It does not mean that you are now delivered. It can be compared to registering as a student in a university. Registration does not mean that you are now graduated. It simply means that you are now formally beginning your studies. Wou
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In Krishna consciousness the road is a fabulous guru. While traveling and preaching the science of Krishna consciousness all over the world we face so many difficulties, so many obstacles being constantly put in our way by the material energy. We must always keep our faith in Krishna and go forward with determination, enthusiasm, and patience. There is one test after another after another. And we must become expert in passing them in order to remain unimpeded in successfully purifying our hearts
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 13
eko nanatvam anvicchan
yoga-talpat samutthitah
viryam hiranmayam devo
mayaya vyasrjat tridha

ekah -- He, one alone; nanatvam -- varieties; anvicchan -- so desiring; yoga-talpat -- from the bedstead of mystic slumber; samutthitah -- thus generated; viryam -- the semina; hiranmayam -- golden hue; devah -- the demigod; mayaya -- by the external energy; vyasrjat -- perfectly created; tridha -- in three features.

The Lord, while lying on His bed of
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 10 Text 12
dravyam karma ca kalas ca
svabhavo jiva eva ca
yad-anugrahatah santi
na santi yad-upeksaya

dravyam -- physical elements; karma -- action; ca -- and; kalah -- time; ca -- also; sva-bhavah jivah -- the living entities; eva -- certainly; ca -- also; yat -- whose; anugrahatah -- by the mercy of; santi -- exist; na -- does not; santi -- exist; yat-upeksaya -- by negligence.

One should definitely know that all material ingredients, activities, time a
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A pure devotee sees Krsna like that

By June 1970, six devotees were living in the Sydney temple. Although young and inexperienced, they were feeling a growing connection with Srila Prabhupada. Regular readings from Prabhupada's little blue abridged Gita and his new Nectar of Devotion kept them philosophically informed. The Krsna Consciousness Album played day and night from a little record player in the lounge. Upendra's classes invariably turned into stories of his early days with Prabhupada in
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Early days

Noel, the taxi driver, had stopped visiting the temple on the plea of philosophical doubts, but Janne, the movie actress, was coming around more often. Janne enjoyed the chanting, and especially relished the prasadam -- hot milk flavoured with nutmeg and bananas, and the slices of orange and figs, served after the mid-week classes. She liked to sometimes join the chanting party at the fountain.

The Beach Boys were doing a series of shows at the Chevron Hotel. Janne had befriended them a
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Question:  Does Sincere Work Purify the Heart?

Please accept my respectful obeisances,

I read Bhagavad-gita As It Is 3.8: "Perform your prescribed duty, for doing so is better than not working. One cannot even maintain one's physical body without work."  The following question came to my mind: Is it true that by doing one's job sincerely one gets purified of material impurities?


Answer: Work Minus Bhakti is Contamination

When reading scripture one must always read the verses in context in order

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Some would have us believe that the scientists can produce something from nothing. But when we ask for proof they only give us a post dated check that in the future the scientists will be able to do it. If someone offered you a billion dollars for your house, you would probably take it. But what if the check was post dated? What if they tell you that they only have $50 in their account today but by tomorrow afternoon they will have a billion dollars in their bank account. Will you sign  over you
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Applying the Bhagavad-Gita Today

Applying the Bhagavad-Gita Today

Why should I bother with the Bhagavad-Gita?
How does it apply to me today?

What is the Bhagavad-Gita?

The Bhagavad-Gita is the only word of God in person. It is the conversation between a man called Arjuna and God himself in the human form, Lord Krishna. The conversation took place in Kurukshetra (India), more than 5000 years ago.

Arjuna was a typical person in the material world. He was in a dilemma as he was forgetful of his real duties in life. Therefore Krishna sp

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Srila Govinda Ghosh - Disappearance

Sri Govinda Ghosh

Sri Govinda Ghosh, an intimate associate of Lord Caitanya, was known for his sweet kirtans at the annual Jagannatha Puri Ratha- yatra festival. Lord Caitanya would at once begin to dance whenever Govinda Ghosh would sing. Govinda Ghosh and his brothers Vasudeva and Madhava are eternal associates of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda Prabhu.


He made his home in Agradvipa, Vasudeva in Tamluk, and Madhava Ghosh in Dain Hat. Govinda Ghosh Thakur’s house is not far from Agradvipa in K

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