During the last European Leadership Meeting conference a presentation was made on Child Protection in regard to the book “My Karma, My Fault” published by an european ex- gurukuli, who was physically, psychological, and sexually abused in ISKCON schools and communities.

During this discussion, it was emphasized the importance of creating awareness and educating leaders, teachers, community members, parents, and children on this matter, in order to prevent to the best of our ability future cases of abuse. As the saying it goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

In order to facilitate this training, Campakalata Dasi, the Director of ISKCON Child Protection Office, is scheduled to provide training in Sweden (25 to 28 June) and at Bhaktivedanta College, Radhadesh (30 June to 2 of July). Child protection team members, children and parents educators, community leaders, and some leading parents are be encouraged to attend.

The seminar is taught by Champakala Dasi who is the Director of the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection. Champakalata Dasi received her law degree in 1992, and has been a practicing attorney in criminal law, real estate law, and labor law. She is a Presiding Officer for the Department of Labor of South Africa and helps arbitrate labor disputes and compensation claims. She also has a post-graduate degree in Education and is a certified teacher. In her devotional career, she has served as Head of Legal Affairs as well as Communications Director for ISKCON Durban. Her twenty years of communications and public relations experience will be particularly helpful in her new position, as will her legal and teaching background. She has been especially active with child protection in South Africa, and is head of the Durban Child Protection Team. Champakalata Dasi, who resides in Durban, South Africa, is an initiated disciple of Indradumya Swami.



















Read more:http://news.iskcon.org/node/3629/2011-05-14/child_protection_seminar_at_almiks_gard_sweden_and_bhaktivedanta_college_radhad#ixzz1MuCmVALq

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