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If one team wins the World Cup, dozens loose.

This shows that in material world the  ratio of people suffering is greater than the ratio of people happy. - Nectar Drops - H.H. RNSM

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R U want To Advance Spiritually?

Those devotees who are associated with ISKCON, who want to advance spiritually, save themselves from outside influence, do not want to be bewildered for them systematic study of these books is very important.His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj
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Human Birth Is Rare - Don't Waste It

Human Birth is Rare-Don’t Waste It

The Scientific Theory of Evolution – Charles Darwin Theory

Charles Darwin is famous worldwide for his evolutionary theory. According to his theory, one species evolved into another. Thus one body changes into another. We evolved from the animals, our closet relatives in the animal kingdom are the monkeys.

The Vedic Theory of Evolution

The Vedic scriptures also state an evolutionary process, but the definition is different from that of Charles Darwin. There are 8.4

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Hare Krishna....

Fault Finding means....Ignoring the positives.. . in others and finding faults in others, may be in persons, places, things.

For instance people of different philosophical levels go to temple. 1st level people go to temples for praying God to satisfy their desires, 2nd level people go to temple due to fear that if they do not go to temple at least once in a week / month / year, their existing oppulence will go, 3rd level people go to temple as their duty t

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large_0.jpgISKCON’s Governing Body Commission has accepted a proposal from Vishoka Dasa of New Vrindaban, West Virginia, and Krishna-Mangala Dasa of Russia that they establish a memorial for Jayananda Prabhu—considered a modern-day saint by members of ISKCON—although he passed away as far back as 1977.

“The GBC Body hereby thanks Vishoka Das and Krishna Mangala Das for their kind endeavors in this regard and offers its blessing for the successful completion of the project,” stated Resolution 303 in the offi

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*** Make A Habit Of Reading ***

Make a habit of reading. It is a very good habit the habit of reading. That is going to sharpen your intelligence. Your intelligence should have a twenty by twenty vision. When you have perfect vision this means that your eyes are able to see correctly, identify colors and so on. So our intelligence should be so trained that you can identify what is beneficial, what is detrimental, what is good, what is bad.



His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

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Ram Navami fasthing - doubt

Is the fasting on Rama Navami till sunset or noon. I have read SP saying it should be observed till sunset.


How do we break the fast? Grains?


During the fasting period, can we have anything at all to eat and drink? There are some contradictory statements in this regard. Please clarify. Thank you. Hare Krishna!

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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"Sure 100% method to conquer lust. …………..……..… Nectarean MellowsHow to conquer this all-devouring sinful enemy-Lust? There is a method ... And it a sure 100% method. And the Supreme Lord showed us the method in a wonderful way. He sent to this world, lust personified Ravana. Ravana was the most striking emblem of lust in the history of all creation.Sita Devi is the wife of Ram. Sita is none other than an expansion of Lakshmi Devi, the goddess of fortune. All t
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Manor%20Gurukula%20A.jpgOne of the only ISKCON schools to remain standing in Europe today is struggling, but continues to push on with new ideas for growth, full of faith in its ideals.

“There is so much research on the positive effect of giving children a joyful spiritual foundation and experience in the first years of their education, and we really believe that,” says Guru Charana Padma Dasi, who runs the Bhaktivedanta Manor Primary School in England with colleague Moksha Lakshmi Dasi. “And that is why we keep going.”

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Reflecting the short Japa walk

Normally when I go out for a walk, I see too many things that I do not like to see.  What to do? This is material world and I am a fallen soul.  Today, I had to go to a shop to buy some lemons and cucumbers.  It takes at least 10 minutes to reach the shop on foot.  I thought I rather walk and chant few extra rounds while walking both ways. 


The worse part of Japa rounds while walking along the public roads is I get distracted by too many objects.  While my lips are uttering the Mahamantra, my mi

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Take your breaks regularly

There was a time when I felt that breaks were a waste of time. I assumed that by skipping my breaks unless it was absolutely necessary, I would be able to save a great deal of time and get more done – I would have an edge. I would work through lunch and rarely take breaks throughout the day.

In recent years, I’ve learned that a failure to take regular breaks is an enormous mistake that not only wears you down over time, but actually makes you less productive. While you may not even feel it at the
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He Could Relish Spiritual Bliss

In the material world, if one engages in chanting a material name, he will feel tired after chanting a few times. However, one can chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra all day and night and never feel tired. As chanting is increased, it will come out new and fresh. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī said that if he could somehow get millions of ears and tongues, then he could relish spiritual bliss by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.30.20
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God's Descend to this world

Question to Radhanath Swami: We read in Gita: Krishna says that when there is a decline in religion and an up-rise in irreligion, he descends. Look at the world today; so much of irreligion, so many problems. There is tsunami of irreligion and problems crashing against practically every living entity in the whole planet- there's an inundation. Where is God?

Radhanath Swami: Krishna has descended in this age in his name. And all the power of all the incarnations is within the name, because Krishna

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Question to Radhanath Swami: How exactly does this chanting of God's holy names work?

Chanting & Mantra Meditation

Radhanath Swami: It begins by regular chanting, like treatment begins with regular intake of medicines. And then we try to go deeper into the holy name by living according to the qualities of a true devotee, i.e. to live our life with humility, with tolerance and forgiveness, offering honor and respect to others, while demanding no respect for ourselves. We should live by the principles of morality, we should li

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My father used to tell me as he read my poorly written essays in school, “It’s not important that you’re not a great speller. It’s really important, however, that you know that you’re not a good speller. That way, when in doubt, you can use the dictionary.” 

My dad was absolutely correct, but not just about spelling. The same idea applies to virtually everything. In my work, for example, it’s not critical that I’m an expert editor as long as I know my own weaknesses and limitation. I can hire som
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Six orthodox philosophies of Vedic tradition:

 1. Sankhya –  Sankhya explains the evolution of natural elements from subtle to gross


2. Yoga - Patanjali’s yoga describes the eightfold method of meditation

3. Nyaya - Nyaya sets forth the techniques of logic

4. Vaisesika - Vaisesika considers the basic metaphysical categories of reality.

5. Mimamsa - Mimamsa establishes the standard tools of scriptural interpretation

6. Astavakra - tried to establish the impersonal effulgence (brahmajyoti) as the S

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Learning from our glorious past

We are all more or less proud of our past Indian civilization, but we actually do not know the real nature of that civilization. We cannot be proud of our past material civilization, which is now a thousand times greater than in days gone by. It is said that we are passing through the age of darkness, the Kali-yuga. What is this darkness? The darkness cannot be due to backwardness in material knowledge, because we now have more of it than formerly. If not we ourselves, our neighbors, at any rate
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