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Beauty is Temporary

Beauty is Temporary

Is the material body, simply a bag of stool, urine, blood, mucus, and other horrible things?

Once upon a time a prince met a very beautiful young girl. Immediately upon seeing her beauty, the prince decided to marry the beautiful girl. But she didn’t want to marry him, as she knew that the prince was only interested in her material senses, her beauty, and not her real self.

The girl said to the prince “If I remove my beauty, will you still marry me?” The prince said “Yes, I am r

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hare krishna hare rama , story of Dhruva

Story of Dhruva...


There is a story of a little boy , about five years old , named dhruva , who belonged to a royal family . In te couse of time his father , the king , tired of his mother and deposed her as his queen , he then took another women as queen , and she became step mother to the boy .She was very envious of him , and one day as dhruva was sitting on his fathers knee, she insulted him , "oh u cannot sit on the lap of ur father ,'she said because u r not born of me , she dragged dhruva
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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"Value the association of Vaishnavas ……………….Nectarean MellowsAssociation of devotees is to strive to hear from and to give pleasure to those who have the great treasure of love of God. Narottam Das Thakur in his prayers to the departed Vaisnavas, he prays in this way - he is beating his head against the rock in separation, longing for the association of those devotees who have, who had that great treasure of Prema Bhakti within their hearts, within their lives
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MA%20A.jpgISKCON’s headquarters, Mayapur, West Bengal, India — The Mayapur Academy, which aims to train brahmanas with a focus on Deity worship, looks set to add a new building to its educational campus to accommodate its rapid growth.

In an early March meeting of the Mayapur Administrative Council, a proposal for the school to occupy three floors of a new building about to be constructed was approved.

The Academy currently finds its home on the 5,000-square-foot second floor of ISKCON Mayapur’s Chaitanya B

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Spiritual Story: Crossing the Water

There was a milkman and his daughter. His daughter’s duty was to carry fresh milk to customers in various villages. One of the customers was a Priest. To reach Priest’s house, the milkmaid had to cross a good-sized stream. People used to cross it by a ferry raft for a small charge.

The Priest used to perform daily Puja and offer fesh milk to God. One day that milkmaid got late. On this priest scolded the poor girl.

"What can I do?" she said. "I start out early from my house, but I have to wait a l

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What Is Reincarnation ?


What is Reincarnation?

The soul is eternal but the body is temporary. Thus when the body is finished (death), the soul must continue to exist in another body.

If a person kills and soon after dies himself. How can he be punished unless he takes birth again? If a sinner is sent to hell forever then how can God be merciful unless he is given another chance?

Once you had the body of a baby and now an adult. The baby body is gone but you still exist. This is reincarnation, changing bodies.

Just as you c

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Srila Prabhupada's jewel

In 1976, Srila Prabhupada visited New Vrindavan. They were building a house
for Srila Prabhupada, and they were going to call it Prabhupada’s Palace. At
that time it was a very crude construction site, just cement and steel, and
they gave Srila Prabhupada a tour of it. One of Srila Prabhupada’s very
senior disciples, he said, “Srila Prabhupada, this is going to be your
palace. Will it be like the palaces in the heavenly planets or in Vaikuntha
where there’s no need for the sun or the moon or electric

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The Ill Effects Of Non-Vaisnava Foods

The Ill Effects Of Non-Vaisnava Foods

3605.jpg?width=64By Kesava Krsna Dasa

We all know about avoiding prohibited foods, but may not know why, or what effects they produce. Becoming aware of such bad effects will cause us to think extra before eating more “delicious” sin.

We understand that there are difficulties faced by certain householders, especially if both husband and wife work, or are being surrounded by indifferent family members. Whatever the situation, it is worth trying to place oneself in an advantageou

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The Vedas Say They MUST be Shared With Everyone

By Sri Nandanandana dasa 

For those of us who have traveled the length and breadth of India, there are many temples that have allowed us in and left indelible and inspiring memories for our spiritual progress. There have also been some temples who have kept us out, or even kicked us out after we have already entered, as if they do not want to share their culture with us, or anyone they feel does not meet their requirements. I can understand that to

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Why Chant Hare Krishna?

Why Chant Hare Krishna?

By Jayadvaita Swami

from Back to Godhead, May-June 1994


Here’s a page full of reasons. I’ll spare you the footnotes, but each reason is fully upheld by evidence from Vedic writings likeBhagavad-gita, the Upanisads, and the Puranas.

  • Chanting Hare Krishna awakens love of God.

  • Chanting Hare Krishna brings liberation as a side benefit along the way.

  • When you chant Hare Krishna, you automatically develop knowledge and detachment.

  • Chanting Hare Krishna gets you out of the endless cyc

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Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,

What's So Special About Chanting Hare Krishna?

By Nandlal

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama

Rama Rama, Hare Hare







We've all heard the Hare Krishna mantra at some time, but what the heck is so special about this mantra? Why are we supposed to spend time chanting it? What can it do for us?

First of all, let me explain a little about mantra-yogaMantra-yoga is actually a mystical tradition found in almost every spiritual path in the

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Aindra Dasa Interview:

Another important point that I very much appreciated. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati in his book, called Sri Caitanya and His Teachings, I think that’s the name of the book, or Sri Caitanya’s Teachings, yeah, Sri Caitanya’s Teachings, in that book, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati states that of the five angas of devotional service - there are sixty-four angas, fifty-nine actually, but five are reiterated for emphasis. What are they? These are mathura-vasa, bhagavata-sravana, sri-murti

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Soul's constitutional postion

One who knows the constitution of the soul, he is called brahmana. Because the soul is Brahman. Soul is not matter. So one who knows the constitution of the soul, he is called brahmana. We have already discussed this matter, that brahmana does not mean a particular class or born in a particular country. A brahmana means who knows the position of the soul, or the constitution of the soul. He is brahmana. Just like a person who is conversant with medical science. He is called medical man or a doct

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What is the purpose of Bhagavad-gita?

The purpose of Bhagavad- gītā  is to deliver mankind from the nescience of material existence. Every man is in difficulty in so many ways, as Arjuna also was in difficulty in having to fight the Battle of Kurukṣetra . Arjunasurrendered unto Śrī Kṛṣṇa , and consequently this Bhagavad- gītāwas spoken. Not only Arjuna , but every one of us is full of anxieties because of this material existence. Our very existence is in the atmosphere of nonexistence. Actually we are not meant to be threatened
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Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Hare Krishna to all devotees.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


When I hear about Lord Krishna's pastimes, I feel Krishna is the supreme personality of godhead and so he can do anything..There is nothing as such he cannot do anything...But when I hear about Chaitanya mahaprabhu's pastimes

I feel ..ha..chaitanya mahaprabhu did great is he...when he too is Lord krishna himself...

Why is this different feeling?


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Does God Want Man To Eat Meat ?

Does God Want Man to Eat Meat?

When discussing the topic of killing (meat eating) with Christians and Muslims. They ultimately justify killing animals for food by pointing to their scriptures. Thus the main reason why man kills for a living (meat eating) is religion. The Bible and Koran both state that animals are food. They both claim that their scripture is the word of God and thus there is absolutely nothing wrong in killing innocent animals.

This raises the question would God want man to eat m

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"G u r u m u k h p a d m a v a k y a"Who is a Pure devotee ……………….Nectarean MellowsSrila Prabhupada also explains that a pure devotee is a person whose ideal is pure devotional service. That personality may not yet be completely free from the modes of material nature, that devotee still may have material contaminations, but that devotee understands what I want in my life is pure unalloyed devotion. anyabilashita sunyam jnana karmadi anavritam/anukulyena krishna anusilanam bhaktir uttama - I want
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KidFoodA.jpgGURGAON: The education department has outsourced a contract to provide mid-day meals to primary government schools all over Gurgaon. An MOU has been signed between the Directorate of Elementary Education and ISKCON to provide meals to more than 90,000 students across the city.

A semi-automated kitchen will be set up to ensure that the food is cooked in a hygienic way and also to reduce the need for a large staff. The semi automated
kitchen would reduce our manpower needs but the people working in

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