kutra ksattur bhagavata
maitreyenasa sangamah
kada va saha-samvada
etad varnaya nah prabho
raja uvaca -- the King said; kutra -- wherein; ksattuh -- with Vidura; bhagavata -- and with His Grace; maitreyena -- with Maitreya; asa -- there was; sangamah -- meeting; kada -- when; va -- also; saha -- with; samvadah -- discussion; etat -- this; varnaya -- describe; nah -- unto me; prabho -- O my lord.
Exactly as Saunaka Rsi inquired of Suta Gosvami and Suta Gosvami replied, so Srila Sukadeva Gosvami replied to King Pariksit's inquiries. The King was very anxious to understand the meaningful discussion that took place between the two great souls.