Krsna has saved her from so much nonsense

Jagattarini had just arrived at Prabhupada's house ready to assist Upendra with Srila Prabhupada's lunch, when Mohanananda came rushing in with The Daily Mirror. He excitedly thrust it into Jagattarini's hands.

"Check out page five," he said with a grin. Jagattarini thumbed through and saw to her mixed pleasure and horror, the three-quarter-page article headed: NED KELLY STAR JOINS HARE KRISHNA.

The article mainly described how she had renounced her promising movie career to serve Krsna. Look at Mick's Girl Now, the article announced. Mick Jagger's Girlfriend is Washing God's Pots. Two, half-page photographs accompanied the article. On the right of the page was a photo of Jagattarini in a sari, standing demurely outside the temple's pot-washing shed. She was smiling chastely and holding a kitchen colander in her hand. But the other photo made her wince. Announcing The Two Faces of Janne, the paper had chosen to feature another, far less chaste photo from her past, playing a role in a local television series.

"How inappropriate," thought Jagattarini.

Suddenly Mohanananda snatched the paper from her hands. "I'm taking it upstairs to show Srila Prabhupada," he said with another grin. Despite Jagattarini's protests, the paper quickly disappeared upstairs.

Jagattarini was morose. Although the article and the recent photograph were nice, the other photo was something she would never want a devotee to see, least of all her spiritual master. She sat down, too depressed to enter the kitchen.

Prabhupada was seated on a saffron cushion behind his polished wood desk as Mohanananda placed the open newspaper before him. Prabhupada put on his glasses and studied the article. He looked up at the few senior men in his room, who all moved in closer. "Just see," Prabhupada proclaimed with a grin. Pointing at the "before" shot of Janne trying to look sultry with false eyelashes and heavy makeup, he said, "In this photograph she looks very morose". Srila Prabhupada then pointed to the chaste "after" shot. "But in this picture she looks very beautiful."

Prabhupada chuckled. "But the materialist -- he will see it the other way." Prabhupada glanced at the article and picked out one paragraph which seemed to exactly confirm his conclusion. "Now," Prabhupada read, "Janne looks more ecstatic than Mick Jagger could ever make her."

Srila Prabhupada became serious. "My disciples -- their previous history is all black. Before they became devotees, they were eating meat, they were having illicit sex, intoxication .. We do not want to discuss it, we do not want to even think about it." Prabhupada paused, looking up, and with a sweep of his hand indicating the newspaper article, he said softly: "Krsna has saved her from so much nonsense."

That evening, before driving to the temple, Srila Prabhupada sat for a short while in the downstairs lounge while Nanda Kumara brought his shoes. Jagattarini came before him, offered her obeisances and sat, looking somewhat ashamed. Prabhupada, appearing totally at ease, spoke to her with affection.

"You are so lucky. Krsna has saved you," he reiterated. Prabhupada paused thinking for a moment and he then spoke again, looking intently at Jagattarini. "Always remain a devotee. You have had so many lives -- just give this one for Krsna, then you may do whatever you want; but this one is for Krsna."

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu
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