Question: Why Do ISKCON Devotees Dance?
Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
I was asked by my friend why we dance in ISKCON. What is the reason for it? Please clear my doubt so that I can clarify my friend.
Your servant
Answer: Because They Feel Spiritual Ecstasy
The devotees dance because they feel spiritual ecstasy. Those who do not feel the ecstasy cannot understand. But those who feel the ecst
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We should always remember that our body is not for sense gratification; it is for Krishna’s service only. And to render very good sound service to Krishna we should not neglect the upkeep of the body.
-By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
Without being self-controlled, without being disciplined and without being fully obedient, no one can become successful in following the instructions of the spiritual master, and without doing so, no one is able to go back to Godhead.
-By. H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
Vibhavari sesa(from Kalyana-kalpataru)Text One
vibhavari sesa, aloka-pravesa,
nidra chari' utho jiva
bolo hari hari, mukunda murari,
rama krsna hayagriva
vibhavari–the night; sesa–has come to an end; aloka-pravesa–the light of dawn is entering; nidra chadi'–giving up your sleep; utho–arise; jiva–O soul!; bolo hari hari–chant the holy names of Lord Hari; mukunda–the giver of liberation; murari–the enemy of the Mura demon; rama–the supreme enjoyer; krsna–the all-attractive one; hayagriva
The blue Kombi van was regularly being used to pick up Srila Prabhupada from his Renny Street house and drive him to the temple for the even
saunaka uvaca
yad aha no bhavan suta
ksatta bhagavatottamah
cacara tirthani bhuvas
tyaktva bandhun sudustyajan
saunakah uvaca -- Sri Saunaka Muni said; yat -- as; aha -- you said; nah -- unto us; bhavan -- your good self; suta -- O Suta; ksatta -- Vidura; bhagavata-uttamah -- one of the topmost devotees of the Lord; cacara -- practiced; tirthani -- places of pilgrimage; bhuvah -- on the earth; tyaktva -- leaving aside; bandhun -- all relatives; su-dustyaj

Prahlāda Mahārāja loudly chanted the holy name of Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva. May Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva, roaring for His devotee Prahlāda Mahārāja, protect us from all fear of dangers created by stalwart leaders in all directions through poison, weapons, water, fire, air and so on. May the Lord cover their influence by His own transcendental influence. May Nṛsiḿhadeva protect us in all
parimanam ca kalasya
yatha purastad vyakhyasye
padmam kalpam atho srnu
parimanam -- measurement; ca -- also; kalasya -- of time; kalpa -- a day of Brahma; laksana -- symptoms; vigraham -- form; yatha -- as much as; purastat -- hereafter; vyakhyasye -- shall be explained; padmam -- by the name Padma; kalpam -- the duration of a day; atho -- thus; srnu -- just hear.
Don't forget that Krishna is in your heart and in the heart of the person you are approaching. When Krishna sees we are making honest effort to please Him, He inspires the other person to reciprocate.
-By H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj