drdha vrtah namasyantas ca mam bhaktya, nitya yukta upasate. This is a
description of the Mahatma. They are always glorifying Krishna,
chanting and speaking about Krishna. Everyone has a tongue and we use
it for something to speak.
•There are so many topics about the temporary material world which
hold no real importance. They are meaningless sounds which are sounds
of no consequence like the sounds of sea waves which have no meaning.
When the tongue is vibrating Hare Krishna, it is connecting us with
Krishna. Krishna and everything pertaining to Krishna are identical.
•So, the tongue has two functions – to taste and vibrate. It’s a very
important issue because the tongue although very small determines our
direction in life. According to the sounds we make, our life will go
in one direction or another. For example, we see large ships which are
guided by one small metal rudder. A rudder is a very small thing but
determines the whole direction of the ship.
•If we use the tongue to vibrate mundane sounds then we will remain in
this world lifetime after lifetime. We will vibrate some mundane sound
and someone will respond and the sun will rise and set and everyday it
rises and sets, it will take days from our life and will bring death
closer. This is because we are vibrating about something which has no
•The great souls are therefore always vibrating something about
Krishna and with full determination because they know that this world
is tenporary and full of miseries.
•Krsna Consciousness is the real aim of human life -- To get free from
the cycle of birth and death in which we are trapped from time
immemorial and be restored to our natural position. It needs some
serious attention, determination and discipline.
•For example the athletes when they focus on a sport, they give up
everything the coach says.. "no this no that" and they give it up
because they are serious. When a student is serious about his studies,
he puts other things aside and focuses on his studies because he
considers that important. A person serious about spiritual realization
takes the things that are going to hold him back he puts it aside and
takes those which will bring him forward in spiritual life.
•Those who are serious about Krsna Consciousness live their life with
determination and they engage in practical activities to please
Krishna. It’s not just a sentiment but there is a practical activity.
•The big obstacle to spiritual life is our unwillingness. We are
habituated and conditioned since time immemorial to do something which
will turn away from Krishna. So all we have to do is turn towards
Krishna and that begins by chanting the Holy Name. This is the whole
art of Krsna Consciousness which is just connecting everything with
Krishna because ultimately everything comes from Krishna. The devotees
and bonafide spiritual master guide us how to follow these
instructions and with proper training we can achieve the goal of human
•We have this human life and we will loose it. We won’t have it
forever. The animals do not have an opportunity to read the
transcendental literature but they will only bark and whine but humans
have the higher intelligence to inquire.
•One time Srila Prabhupada was asked: What will this chanting of Hare
Krishna bring about? Srila Prabhupada said: Chanting will result in
more Chanting. The more we chant the more we want to chant. The more
we chant the more others will chant. The more they chant the more the
people around them will chant and then the entire world will chant.
- His Holiness Jayadvaita Swami (Ljubljana,Slovenia - Sunday Feast
Lecture :: June 19,2011)