
That is spiritual life

Spiritual life means service to Krsna. So if you don't serve Krsna,
where is spiritual life? That is the difference between material life
and spiritual life. In the material life you serve but you don't serve
Krsna. Or you serve Krsna indirectly under pressure. But actually when
you serve Krsna then you are situated in spiritual life.

So spiritual life means to serve Krsna. Otherwise material life.
Everyone is serving. That is material. Nobody can say that "I am not
serving." Everyone is serving. That I have repeatedly said. If he has
nothing to serve, then he keeps a dog and serves him. So service is my
business. If I don't serve Krsna, that is material life. And when we
serve Krsna, that is spiritual life.

- Srila Prabhupada Lecture :: Bhagavad Gita 9.5 - 1976
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