Why do religious believers show concern for those in need?Note:There are many religious believers and therefore the million dollar question would arise who is guiding and who is misguiding.Religious person means one who follows the order of the Lord. So what is the order of the Lord.Surrender unto him, depend on his protection and live the way he expects us to live as every living entity is part and parcel of the Lord.If one fails to have this understanding then he is only a sentimental religious person and a misguided person.Science without religion is mental speculation and religion without science is sentimental.One who has lived the true meaning of religion not only shows concerns for those in need but show concerns for everything that belongs to God.Without understanding the science of Krsna consciousness, modern civilization is trying to be happy just by taking care of the outward body, without any concern for the person inside.Such pure souls informs the living entity not only of the soul within the body but of the eternal spiritual world where everyone eternally serves the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Just as we learn about faraway places on this planet by hearing about them, similarly, we can come to understand the nature of the spiritual world and ultimately go there by hearing and inquiring from these self realized pure souls who are selfless in their motives and full of love in every action of theirs expresses their deep love of the Supreme Lord Krsna.People advertise their concern for the welfare of others while allowing the slaughter of hundreds of millions of innocent creatures this is going on.A devotee of the Lord has all good qualities and is thus competent to govern the citizens fairly, effectively, and with full compassion. Because his mind is not disturbed by the demands of his senses, or by the virulent desires for money, fame, and power, his vision is clear, and he can see what needs to be done in all situations and on every level.Because the godly ruler is deeply devoted to the Lord, he feels great affection for all the citizens, who are sons and daughters of the same supreme father. Just as a parent is able to make judicious decisions for the benefit of his children, owing to his deep love for them, so an advanced devotee of Lord Krsna, because of his heartfelt concern for the citizens, always makes proper judgments on their behalf.In describing the superexcellent administration of Maharaja Yudhisthira, a world emperor of a former age, Srila Prabhupada comments,By knowing the science of Krsna, one can become the most perfect man in the world, and unless one has knowledge in this science, all qualifications and doctorate diplomas acquired by academic education are spoiled and useless.One who is actually learned has no concern for the body. He’s concerned with the activities of the soul.Ref: BTG
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