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Jagadish Das is originally from Russia. But at a young age, his Jewish family moved to Israel, where he grew up and eventually was influenced by meeting Vaishnava devotees. Over time, Jagadish found his way to Mayapur, West Bengal, India, where he settled in with his wife and children. Prabhu is very active in the Mayapur Russian community of Hare Krishna devotees, which is over six hundred during peak seasons. He can teach the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and Srimad Bhagavatam in numerous languages,

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Hare Krishna dear devotees, please accept our obeicanses all glories to Shrila Prabhupada.

We have a small update and prayer request on behalf of HH Kavicandra Swami.
He is traveling in Germany now and since last week he fell sick, there’s not much information since we still cannot get hold on local devotees. As per Maharaja’s words the doctor is treating him on strong antibiotics that seems to help but he still experiences strong pains in his body and severe face swelling due to which he canno

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By Khusboo Basan

Thousands of devotees live partially or full-time in Mayapur, India, the international headquarters for ISKCON; hence, a very well-equipped hospital is a grave need that has been felt by residents and visiting devotees alike. Therefore, in 2022, ISKCON Mayapur began construction of a new 100-bed multi-speciality hospital on Bhaktisiddhanta Road, adjacent to the existing hospital building. The new project has reached the first-floor level and is progressing quickly.

A total of f

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On April 21-23rd, Gopal’s Glorious Gang (GGG), a children’s club in Brisbane, Australia, gathered over 100 children (ages 4-16) at Tyalgum Ridge Retreat Centre, New South Wales, for a Bhakti Boost Camp. Gauranga Darshan Das, a well-known educator and author of over 30 books, was a featured guest. Fifteen volunteers and parents helped to organize and execute the event.

GGG aims to help each child become a well-rounded human being through intellectual, personal, and spiritual growth. The children

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It is almost the perfect weather, just a notch above 70° Fahrenheit. Boy, I left that non-metric calculation behind years ago when Canada switched to metric. Here I am in the USA, and as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Okay, but I prefer using kilometres when it comes to measuring distance. For today it was six kilometres on foot. A portion of that footwork was enroute to a home program, a sangha.

My host, Hari Pada, drove me to his home destination, and in the process, re

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The journey towards self-realization and spiritual growth is a profound and deeply personal quest. Amidst the myriad of paths available, the Ultimate Self-Realization Course by His Grace Sankarshan Das Adhikari shines as a guiding light, providing seekers with a transformative and illuminating pathway to self-discovery. Rooted in ancient Vedic wisdom and enriched by practical applications for modern life, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of the self and a profound understanding of
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By Atma Tattva Das

The Kadamba Foundation, a registered charity founded by His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami, focuses on fundraising for South African-African preaching projects and more opportunities for Africans to embrace Krishna consciousness. The foundation’s main objective is to publish, promote, and distribute new books and music while also republishing existing Kadamba Kanana Swami publications worldwide. The foundation has published 22 music albums, ten books, and numerous video and au

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By Thomas Haribol

On May 9th, a group of nine Buddhist monks from Vietnam visited Govinda’s Restaurant in Tucson for lunch. While on a tour of North America, these traditional vegetarian monks found the temple’s restaurant via Google, which rated it the #1 Vegan/Vegetarian restaurant in the city.  This traveling band was familiar with Govinda’s restaurants through their worldwide travels.  They appreciated the wonderful prasada, asked thoughtful questions about the philosophy of Krishna Conscio

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I have it down to a daily routine. After the morning arati (service) starting at 4:30 am, known to all practitioners as the mangal (auspicious) arati, I head off to those lacrosse playing fields. I dedicate an hour or more to walking the periphery while chanting the mantra of deliverance. I watch the mist rise with the sun’s pull and hope to maybe one day spot a deer, a cute woodchuck, or even a mama bear with her cubs (they have been sited here in the past).

After the liberating trek where spo

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“It’s my life and I’ll do what I want.” It is the rebel mantra of the human species. Freedom is the alluring promise that teenagers have faked ID’s for, eligible bachelor and bachelorettes remain single for, and nations have fought and died for. It doesn’t matter if it’s chocolate or vanilla, what matters is that I’m free to choose. Why bother with restrictions? Life’s short, you got to get all you can, while you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s chocolate or vanilla, what matters is that I’m free

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Health Update – 12/5/2023
Today the MRI scan was done, and it shows no sign of infarction or bleeding in the brain, which is very good news. Further physical tests will be done next week including tests to exclude arrhythmia and other heart conditions. Maharaja has been in better strength today than yesterday and his comprehension and ability to focus have improved. He is still feeling very tired and needs lengthy rest.
Mahārāja is very grateful for all the prayers and good wishes of the Vaiṣṇa

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The Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) was established in Kolkata in 2009 by Hari Sauri Das and Pranava Das. Currently, the administrative affairs are under the supervision of Gauranga Das and Balaram Lila Das. Pranava Das and Dr. Sumanta Rudra direct the BRC’s academic affairs.

The mission of BRC is “to be a leading global institution” by collecting, preserving, researching, teaching, exhibiting, and publishing the work of the previous acaryas. 

The BRC library has over 30,000 books and 4,000

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Since 1995, ISKCON Youth Ministry volunteers have led the Krishna Culture Festival Tours (aka Youth Bus Tours) across North America to inspire youth in Krishna consciousness. Hare Krsna youth (18-29) are invited to apply for this year’s immersive Bhakti-yoga adventure, which will take place in the US and Canada from June 30-August 14, 2023.

“The mission of ISKCON Youth Ministry bus tours is to inspire, train, engage and empower youth in Krishna consciousness to their fullest potential, through

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It was just me walking and the robins bob, bob, bobbing along in an expansive soccer and Lacrosse playing fields at Montville. All was well. The field is flat. It’s quiet and early enough (5:30 am) that the kids aren’t out yet. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind them. But then, an unleashed dog came at me, barking up a storm. He kept jumping up at me while its owner made little effort to get it off me. Rather strange. Not much of an apology either once the canine let me be. I came here to pray and the fe

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By Thomas Haribol

Visakha Dasi, President of Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple, was among the invited guests at the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla held at Westminster Abbey in London on April 6, 2023. Regarding the invitation, she said, “On the historic occasion of His Majesty’s Coronation, I’m honoured to be representing the Bhaktivedanta Manor Krishna Temple. And I feel privileged and delighted to be standing together with respected leaders of diverse spiritual paths.”  Indeed, thi

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Apparently, a man was shot across the street, but our short walk (slightly investigative in nature for any traces of blood) went in vain. The neighbourhood is not a bad one. It is simply coincidental and consequential that this violent act took place while I stayed here for a night. Much like a month ago when in Mauritius during a beach walk, we came upon a person who hung himself; I am beginning to wonder if violent events are following me.

In any case, such acts of aggression, whether self-in

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Happy Mothers Day (Seven Mothers)


Do you know we have Seven Mothers ?

Yes we have Seven Mother According to Vedic Scriptures Let us see who are they : 

ātma-mātā guroḥ patnī
brāhmaṇī rāja-patnikā
dhenur dhātrī tathā pṛthvī
saptaitā mātaraḥ smṛtāḥ

ātma-mātā—one's own mother; guroḥ-patnī—the wife of the guru; brāhmaṇi—the wife of a brāhmaṇa; rāja-patnikā—the wife of a king; dhenuḥ—the cow; dhātrī—the nurse; tathā—thus; pṛthvī—the earth; sapta etā—these seven; mātaraḥ—mothers; smṛtāḥ—should be remembered as.


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A Krishna Conscious mother plays a very influential role in the lives of her children, especially in the development of their Krishna consciousness.

A Krishna Conscious Mother selflessly serves her children in the service of Lord Krishna.

A Krishna Conscious Mother constantly prays to Krishna for the welfare of her children.

A Krishna Conscious Mother is the shelter for her children when the world’s ways trouble them.

A Krishna Conscious Mother guides her children to seek the shelter of the Sup

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A Mother’s Love by Giriraj Swami


“There are very exalted spiritual understandings in Krishna consciousness. They are not fictional, imaginary, or concocted. They are facts, and every devotee can have the privilege to understand and indeed take part in Krishna’s pastimes if he is actually advanced. We should not think that the privilege given to Mother Yasoda is not available to us. Everyone can have a similar privilege. If one loves Krishna as one’s child, then one will have such a privilege, because the mother has the most lo

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Mothers and Kids


It is an odd development of the modern world that being excessively anxious about our children is considered a virtue. We consider ourselves good parents if we make life easy for them, reward them for the smallest achievement, and are anxious for their safety and well being at all times.
There is, however, a hidden message in all of this anxious attention and it’s not good. As a teacher and school principal for 20 years, I saw all kinds of kids and all kinds of parents. For those who had confid

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