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By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-mahadavagni-nirvapanam sreyah kairava candrika vitaranam vidyavadhu jivanam anandambudhi-vardhanam pratipadam purnamrtasvadanam sarvatma-snapanam param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. All glories to the sankirtana movement. Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was only a sixteen-year-old boy, introduced this sankirtana movement 500 years ago in Navadvipa, India. It was not that

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By Atma Tattva Das

Laghuhari Das, a multi-disciplined artist passionate about creativity, believes that art is a universal language that can bring people together and foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for one another. Through his diverse artistic endeavors and his current focus on creating altars for devotees and temples, Laghuhari aims to empower fellow devotees and establish a training program that promotes artistic expression and community building within the greater ISKCON soci

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Once, a friend asked me how it is to live in Mayapur. I answered that it is just like living beside a door that goes to the spiritual world. If we are attentive, we can listen to what is happening on the other side. We sometimes see other devotees crossing the door, and we hope our time to cross will also come.

Many devotees are attracted to living in Mayapur, Vrndavana, and Jagganatha Puri, and that’s because not only spiritual practice is indeed easier in these places. But it is also easier t

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Behind me was the voice of a familiar Hindi word, “Hanji.” So, I turned around as I took it to be directed to me. There, in the dark, was the flower man whom I see from time to time. I stopped and let him come close when he spoke in English.

“The last time you saw me you said you would pray for my sister who has cancer.”

“Oh, I did, and I will do some more right now.”

“Is she doing better?”

“Yes. Here…” He handed me a twenty and asked that I please speak to Him on her behalf. I told him that he

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By Jananibas Dasa Brahmacari

Let me first offer my obeisances to my spiritual master, His Divine Grace Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya 108 Sri Srimad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Gosvami Maharaj Prabhupada, the acarya for this age, who has opened my eyes with the torchlight of knowledge, having rescued me from the fires of material birth and death. Let me also offer my most humble obeisances unto the lotus feet of Sri Krsna Caitanya, who is more magnanimous than any avatara, even Krsna Himself,

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By Thomas Haribol

ISKCON New York City will be hosting a Deity Worship Bootcamp from June 23-July 2nd, facilitated by Nṛsiṁha Kavaca Dāsa, ISKCON’s Global Minister of Deity Worship, and Murli Manohara Dasa, Deity Worship Ministry Representative for the UK.

The intensive course, typically taught over a period of three weeks at the Mayapur Institute, will give devotees a thorough introduction to the knowledge, skills, and values of deity worship that will help them to understand and appreciate th

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By Gopi Gita Devi Dasi 

“Narasimhadeva is the eternal protector, still this year, we were able to offer him a golden Kavacha armor,” said Govindadeva Dasa, who worked endlessly for weeks in South India alongside the experts to ensure the Golden Kavacha was made to perfection and on time for this year’s Narasimha Caturdasi.

The Narasimha Caturdasi Festival, in ISKCON Simhachalam, situated in the Bavarian Hills in Germany, was a grand collection of festivities, including kirtan, dancing swamis, a

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By Thomas Haribol

NBC’s Channel 5 Texas Today recently featured Kalachandji’s Restaurant at the ISKCON Temple in East Dallas. Host Kristin Dickerson noted that the restaurant is the area’s longest-serving and highest-rated vegetarian restaurant. She remarked, “Kalachandji’s has been feeding the mouths and souls of north Texans for over forty years.”

The first devotees came to Dallas in 1970 and established a preaching center. By late 1971, they purchased the current property (formerly a Christi

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The way I make peace with the previous day is through journaling. What happened yesterday is documented today. It feels good. I have put May 8th to rest by rolling out of my pen on this day, the following next morning.

Yes, I’m still a pen and paper person. I love the flow of writing over punching letters. I guess I enjoy laying out the contents of a 24-hour stretch as much as I find satisfaction in walking.

These are two most natural undertakings – taking stock of life’s activities and being m

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Based on an interview with Felicity O’rourke
(Excerpt from “Mysteries of the Ancient Vedic Empire”)

If we do a comparative study, we can recognize numerous aspects of the Vedic culture, Krishna consciousness, in many of the Native American traditions. In order to show this, I conducted an interview with Felicity O’rourke who is a member of the Anishnaabi Native American tribe. <!–She is now a practicing Vaishnava and disciple of Jayapataka Swami with the initiated name of Phalguni Radhika dasi.

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Hare Krishna dear vaisnavas

Agnideva prabhu is hosting a retreat in Tobago (neighbouring island to his birthplace of Trinidad in the Caribbean near the tip of South America off the coast of Venezuela)

Please go if you can and share this flyer with those whom you think would appreciate this wonderful opportunity to relish the prayers of our Acharyas in person with agnideva prabhu.

Prabhu will be featuring 6 Bhajans & discussion each day.


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The beating of traditional drums, the dancing flying of colorful flags, and the aroma of delicious food filled the air as Semarang City in Central Java Province prepared to celebrate the cultural parade and festival. This festival was held in In collaboration with Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI) and the Department of Tourism and Culture Semarang, the festival aimedwith the aim to commemorateof Nyepicommemorating Nyepi Day and the 476th Anniversary of Semarang City while promoting inter-

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Bound by the love and devotion of Madhvendra Puri, the Lord becomes compelled to personally visit him, and then appears in his dreams three times and even commits a sweet act of thievery for him. The unique bond between Lord Gopal and Madhvendra Puri takes the understanding of love to a level that is uncommon in this world.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu establishes a paradigm of intense love by recounting the exemplary actions of Madhvendra Puri to his close associates, as he receives from his spiritual

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On May 4th,  Nrsimhadeva Caturdasi was celebrated for the inaugral opening of the Sri Sri Gaura Nitai preaching center in Mymensingh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. This celebration was an event two years in the making born of humble beginnings. The project has recently progressed to the point of purchasing land within the heart of the city, with plans to build a temple.

The land of Bangladesh is historically entwined with the culture of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, and Mymensingh is no exception. It was the brief

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On Saturday, May 6th, MOSA (The Museum of Sacred Art), located at the Radhadesh Temple, inaugurated its latest exhibit for over 70 dignitaries and guests. The exhibition, entitled “Narasimha and the Avatars,” includes various artistic offerings on the ten avatars of Krishna, with a specific emphasis on Lord Nrisimhadeva.

Government officials present included Santosh Jha, the Ambassador of India to Belgium, Luxembourg, and the European Union, as well as ambassadors from Bangladesh, Mauritius, an

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The ISKCON East London community has been actively spreading the teachings of Lord Krishna in South Africa’s Eastern Cape region since 2013. The project began when devotees traveling to Grahamstown for the annual National Arts Festival stopped in East London and arranged for a small, spontaneous Ratha Yatra procession in Braelyn. After the event, Nimai Das, Acyuta Keshava Das, and Vrajabasi Das mutually agreed to initiate programs in East London.

Vrajabasi Das established the preaching program

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I’ve been staying in the Swami Room at the Towaco ISKCON temple since Tuesday night and accomplishing a few things. The room hosts a sizeable desk and adorning the wall set against that desk is a framed image of Krishna on a boat lovingly spending time with the gopis (milk maidens). While one of the gopis steers, the others are playing instruments – a drum and tamboura. It is indeed a window to the spiritual world as is inspiring.

I have been sitting at this spot admiring the image while piecin

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By Parasuram das

Murari Krishna Prabhu: “My wife , daughter and myself were getting ready for bed when we suddenly heard the sounds of explosions. We ran into the corridor of our apartment, away from the windows, my daughter managed to take the Deities and after 30 seconds we saw a bright glow that looked like a wave of a nuclear bomb. the light was so bright that it just blinded us and turned the night into day. The daughter and wife began to loudly call Krishna as we were sure that it was a n

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Secret Behind the Secret


Jadu Thakur Prabhu a devotee in the Brahamchari Trainee group of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, Chowpatty recalls this interesting experience from last year’s Marathon:

I was distributing books in the train with Pitambar Prabhu, when I saw this man reading a book. He was so absorbed in reading that he just looked up for a split second to see what Pitambar Prabhu was announcing and immediately went back to his book. I edged closer and saw that it was the bestseller, Secrets. I had read an articl

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For the past few weeks I had been trying to contact Paul, a manufacturer I am a UK distributor for, and not getting any reply. I was starting to get worried when I received a call from Paul saying, “I just wanted to say thank you for all those videos you sent me. I truly needed them, thank you so much. I just wanted to say good bye and it has been great knowing you for over 3 decades.” I did not understand and was very much confused.
He continued, “I have some sad news, I have but a few days le

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