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Sloka complete reference

Sankha-cakrady-ürdhva-pundra-dhārandy-ama-lakṣaṇam tan nama-kuraṇam caiva vaiynavatvam thocyte

"After initiation, the disciple's name must be changed to indicate that he is a servant of Lord Visnu. The disciple should also immediately begin marking his body with tilaka (urdhva pundra), especially his forehead. These are spiritual marks, symptoms of a perfect Vaisnava"



Can Anyone give complete this sloka reference from padma puran uttara khanda.prabhupada many time use this sloka

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Naimisaranya Dharma Yatra 

The Hub of the Universe

Naimisaranya, also known as ‘Nimsar’, is the aranya svarupa or forest manifestation of Lord Visnu, and is therefore a most sacred tirtha. 'Naimishe' also refers to Visnu's name, Animish, and Naimish-kshetra refers to the Abode of Lord Visnu. Naimisaranya existed at the onset of the universe, and in Satya-yuga, it was the first ever pilgrimage site manifested on the Earth planet. Suta Gosvami recited Srimad-Bhagavatam to 88,000 sages assembled h

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Hare Krishna Valley was founded in 1987 as a rural community for the members of the Hare Krishna Movement in Victoria, Australia. The beginning years saw the development of a great deal of infrastructure, including residential buildings, a retreat center, ashram buildings, a bridge, a dairy, and a market garden. Our goal is to practice a Krishna-conscious lifestyle in a peaceful country environment.

The current manager, Keshava dasa, and his wife, Atulya devi dasi, have lived in the Valley for

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By Thomas Haribol

The GBC College for Leadership Development has recently begun its next Zonal Supervisor Training course that includes thirty leaders from nine different countries worldwide.  

The GBC College has successfully offered this training fifteen times worldwide in different languages since 2015. It aims to train candidates to become zonal supervisors who will assist their local GBC in managing their zone. Each candidate is hand-picked by their GBC and carefully vetted by the GBC Coll

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The Village of Love is a nonprofit organization that helps provide goods, services, and resources for women and children in Mayapur, India, the international headquarters for ISKCON. The organization was inaugurated during the ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry Sanga, led by Radha Devi Dasi, GBC Vaishnavi Minister, and held in Mayapur, India, earlier this year. 

The founder of the Village of Love, Sri Radha Govinda Dasi, saw the urgency for helping deprived women in India to become uplifted and empowere

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I left for South Africa and Mauritius at the end of March with two large suitcases and one smaller carry-on, all containing a stack of The Saffron Path, my book covering my walking adventures around the world. After bidding farewell to the Mauritius community, I wheeled my carry-on in one of the big suitcases, and the second suitcase full of gold-coloured costumes to bring back home. The books were hotcakes – not enough of them!

I’m a happy camper returning home after a number of accomplishment

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Throughout his teachings, Srila Prabhupada expresses his ardent desire that his followers read and study his books. Keshava Bharati Dasa Goswami, a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, has not only taken this basic instruction to heart but has made it his life’s work by inspiring others to systematically read Srila Prabhupada’s books. He has dedicated forty-six years to studying, editing, distributing, and teaching his spiritual master’s books and is convinced that all challenges, internal and

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A devotee of the Supreme Lord is magnanimous and an inspiration to one and all. A devotee of the Lord is all-purifying and it is by great fortune that one comes to associate with him. Infact even a moment’s association with a Pure devotee of the Lord is highly glorified in the scriptures and is said to bestow all good fortune upon the other. It is by the mercy of the Pure devotees of the Lord, that one can begin to understand Krishna, the supreme Lord, and it is only by serving His devotees, th

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By Chaitanya Charan Das

Suppose we are driving to some destination and come to a fork. If we are unsure about which way to go, we will move slowly or not move at all. But even if we are sure, that conviction alone will not take us ahead – we need to drive ahead.

A similar dynamic applies to our spiritual practice. Spiritual growth is essentially a journey of the heart from worldly objects to Krishna. Such a journey requires philosophical conviction. When we have to choose between some worldly o

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In the run-up to the momentous occasion of the coronation of King Charles III, Bhaktivedanta Manor hosted a ‘pre-coronation tea’ for faith leaders on Tuesday 2nd May.

The event was attended by over 30 religious organisations from Hertfordshire, who collectively represented a dozen faiths. Bhaktivedanta Manor this year celebrates its 50th anniversary — it was 50 years ago that George Harrison of the Beatles kindly donated the temple to our community.

Robert Voss the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordsh

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By Parasurama Das

The wonderful Tribhuvanath Prabhu used to tell us how Srila Prabhupada often said ” comfortable living and Krishna Consciousness don’t go well together”. Tribhuvanath Prabhu jokingly would say that we should not practice ” cosy yoga”.

The bhagavata-dharma, or the cult of Srimad-Bhagavatam, is perfectly distinct from the way of fruitive activities, which are considered by the devotees to be merely a waste of time. The whole universe, or for that matter all material existence,

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By Krishna Dasa Kaviraja Goswami

From Back to Godhead

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, appeared in India in the fifteenth century. His mission was to freely distribute pure love of God to everyone without considering who was qualified or unqualified. He predicted that the whole world would one day hear the chanting of the Lord’s holy names. The first of the following three narratives is excerpted from Srila Prabhupada’s introduction to Srimad-Bhagavatam. The fina

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By Atma Tattva Das

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is constructing a new temple in Mauritius that will be a significant milestone for devotees on the island. This project signifies the organization’s sustained presence in Mauritius and will serve as a haven for those seeking spiritual refuge. Moreover, it is a concrete response to the desire of Srila Prabhupada that Mauritius would eventually become a leading Krishna-conscious nation. The temple’s grand design and a

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Have you ever made a bad decision in your life? Who hasn’t?

In hindsight, review a couple of your bad decisions. Then ask yourself if you made those decisions on your own or if you may have consulted the wrong people.

When His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami engaged me as his long-term secretary, there were many lessons for me to learn. One of the most important ones was to consult with others before making important decisions. This idea is millennia-old, but unfortunately is often not followed.

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Two groups by Bhaktimarga Swami


I want to congratulate the initiates at the Krishna Balarama Temple in Bon Acceuil. Four people took their second initiation, namely, Akilananda, Yasoda Mayi, Saguna, and Sarsthi. Thank you, Jnandev; your initiated name is Jnana Shakti.

It is hard for me to say goodbye to all of you and to the many stalwart and devoted people of devotion in this beautiful country of Mauritius. In addition to the diksha (initiation ceremony) of yesterday, we also had a gathering of dozens of devotees at Amar an

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We are afraid to make chanting our number one priority in life because of the fear of failure.

Chanting Hare Krishna can be the most humbling experience, especially if we make it the most important goal of our life. Krishna is inaccessible to the conditioned souls; those who are not qualified won’t get access to Krishna’s intimate association. He reserves the right of not being exposed to the conditioned souls. Thus chanting can expose us to our own disqualifications; chanting can reveal to us

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Meditating on the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Muralimanohara, placing myself at the dust of Lord Caitanya’s feet, and respectfully offering obeisances to the great devotees of the Lord, who are so many oceans of transcendental virtue, I shall now happily begin to praise the transcendental opulences of Sri Vrndavana.

I am not strong enough to go to the far shore of the great nectar ocean of Vrindavan’s glories. Who can go there? However, because I love Vrindavan I will now dip into that ocean.

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The ISKCON Ministry of Education recently released the news that Satya Medha Gauranga Das, a disciple of Jayapataka Swami based in the United Kingdom, shall join the ISKCON Ministry of Education as a Director.
The special news was shared by Tapan Misra Das, Minister, Ministry of Education who mentioned that Satya Medha Guaranga Das shall support the Ministry of Education to fulfil its vision and mission. He is fully committed to utilising his experience and skills in expanding the Ministry. Tap

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By Pallika-Sakhi Devi Dasi 

Festivities abounded in Naperville, Illinois as ISKCON devotees prepared to install the Deities of Sri Sri Radha Syamasundar and Lord Caitanya and to inaugurate a new temple building for Their Lordships. The event lasted three full days (April 20-22nd) and included a variety of auspicious celebrations, yajnas, and pujas. Sacred fire yajnas were held each morning, followed by roaring kirtans in the afternoons, and then followed by more yajnas and ceremonies into the n

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By Thomas Haribol

The Krishna’s Home Adult Care facility in Tucson held a pre-opening event on April 21, 2023, to celebrate the completion of their facility near the existing temple community. This joyful gathering of devotees occurred during the auspicious time of Akshaya Tritya inside the new building itself. Welcoming guests at the event, ISKCON Tucson Temple President Sandamini Devi said, “This is a monumental event not only for Tuscon but for all of ISKCON, and particularly North America.”

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