With the tiny bit of trekking that I did on the prairie frontier this morning, I noticed some heads turn. A monk is not a usual sight on this expansive landscape. On our return to large Winnipeg from Brandon, the space of infinity is obvious whether viewing from a car or on foot; you feel tiny but free in a certain kind of way. About the only thing that protrudes out of the horizon is a low level of trees and the occasional grain elevator.
Apart from the drive back to Winnipeg, it became a mix of wrap up items such as a meeting with the right people on expanding our mission in the area, a meeting with our young men and women for some inspiration on how they can carry on, a Zoom call with ISKCON Ottawa for their AGM, and a chat with an American monk who just completed walking the course of the base of the Grand Canyon – that was quite exciting to hear about! He was accompanied by his 60-year-old Dad. Although quite the trooper for his age, apparently, he almost didn't make it.
I always appreciate the meals Vrnda puts together for me and my companions, if there be any – a wholesome meal. It's the best bread in town with local flavourful tomatoes, a good brand of cheese, avocado, greens, and a splat of Vegenaise. Too often the regular fare on my travels is too oily and spicy, and as I understand it, when The Beatles made their trip to India in the late 60s, one of the reasons Ringo Star left early is because of the food not always being to his liking.
In any event, it's the last day for the Prairies as the next day we venture into the awesome area of the Canadian Shield.
Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/winnipeg-wrap-up