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Thought Of The Day

"It is better to think that spiritual advancement depends on our effort. Otherwise you will just wait for mercy. In English there is a saying, God helps those who help themselves. Krishna also says, ‘All of them, as they surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly’. So the key is attentive chanting.

-By H.H. Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

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For those who want to be initiated in this Society for Krsna
consciousness, there are four principles: no illicit sex, no
intoxication, no meat-eating, and no gambling. We don't say, "No sex."
But we do say, "No illicit sex." If you want sex, get married and have
Krsna conscious children. "No intoxication" means not even taking tea
or coffee—to say nothing of other intoxicants. And there is no
gambling and no meat-eating (including fish and eggs). Simply by
following these four basic rules and regulati

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As human beings, we should be cognizant that we are suffering the pains of birth, old age, disease and death and should be inquisitive to know how to avoid these miseries. We have been suffering from the beginning of our birth when as a baby we were tightly placed for nine months in the womb of a mother. After birth, suffering continues; although a mother may take much care for her child, the baby still cries. Why? Because he is suffering. Either a bug is biting, or there is a pain in the stomac
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Krishna is Adhoksaja, difficult to understand but through the medium of devotional service what is difficult becomes easy. Those who engage on the path of devotional service they can gradually understand the Lord depending upon their degree of surrender.



(Gopal Krishna Goswami, BG 7.3, 19.5.2001, Moscow)

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Question: How is Spiritual Master's Body Spiritual?

It is said in scriptures that the body of a spiritual master is never to be considered a material body. Then, in this present material world, why does the spiritual master seem to take birth, get old, sometimes get sick and at the end leave his body at the time of death?


Answer: Like an Iron Rod in the Fire

Even though the spiritual master's body is still under the laws of material nature, it is a fully spiritualized body because it is fully

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 1 Text 8
dyute tv adharmena jitasya sadhoh
satyavalambasya vanam gatasya
na yacato 'dat samayena dayam
tamo-jusano yad ajata-satroh

dyute -- by means of gambling; tu -- but; adharmena -- by unfair tricks; jitasya -- of the vanquished; sadhoh -- a saintly person; satya-avalambasya -- one who embraced truth as shelter; vanam -- forest; gatasya -- of the goer; na -- never; yacatah -- when asked for; adat -- delivered; samayena -- in due course; dayam -- right share; t
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Thursday, 6 April 1972

The day was set aside for the installation of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna, the initiation of a dozen or so devotees into the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one marriage, and the sannyasa initiation of Hanuman dasa. Srila Prabhupada came down to the temple around mid-morning and sat down on a gold satin cushion on the floor before the newly-completed altar -- a very basic, box-like, wooden construction decorated with stencilled white swans and set atop three m
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@*@*@*@ Association Of Devotee @*@*@*@

There may be so many faults in devotees but at least they will tell others to chant “Hare Krishna”, at least they will tell other to surrender to Lord Krishna, and Hence one will be victorious over maya. One must take full advantage of the devotees association.


His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj

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Thought Of The Day

If there is little pain in the finger, I become so much disturbed because I have got intimate connection with this finger. Similarly,we have got intimate connection with Krishna, and we are fallen. Therefore, Krishna also feels little pain, and therefore, He comes down. Krishna is feeling pain. So you become Krishna conscious.Then Krishna will feel pleasure. (Conversations, Vrindavan, 24th April, 1975).


-By H.D.G.Srila Prabhupada

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ISKCON Calcutta - new era dawning


ISKCON Calcutta - new era dawning...


My dear Maharaj ji's and Prabhu ji's
Please accept my most humble obeisances at the dust of your lotus feet's!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

There is very good news from West Bengal. After ruling for 34 years, the communists have been finally defeated by the opposition party. The leader of the opposition party, Sushri Mamata Banerjee is now the new Chief Minister of West Bengal. She is very favourable & good friend of ISKCON. She was the railway minister
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One of the most severely limiting beliefs that many of us have is that the person we were yesterday is the person we have to be today. This belief keeps us tied to our past mistakes, habits, and limitations. 

We somehow buy into the notion that if we weren’t successful yesterday, we certainly can’t be successful today or tomorrow.

If you can see how ridiculous and self-defeating this belief is, you can make an instant shift toward success. What prevents us from tapping into this potential is our o
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Hiranyasa and Hiranyakasipu

Twin delivery

There is an authoritative Vedic literature called Pinda-siddhi in which the scientific understanding of pregnancy is very nicely described. It is stated that when the male secretion enters the menstrual flux in the uterus in two successive drops, the mother develops two embryos in her womb, and she brings forth twins in a reverse order to that in which they were first conceived; the child conceived first is born later, and the one conceived later is brought forth first. The first ch
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Preaching Spirit

Before leaving for the temple that afternoon, Srila Prabhupada had
been sitting in his room talking with his senior disciples. Scholarly,
bespectacled Pradyumna had come to Prabhupada with various technical
questions on Sanskrit vocabulary. Prabhupada, as he often did, had
turned the conversation into a full-blown philosophical discussion.
The devotees present had relished the opportunity of witnessing
Prabhupada's exhilarating presentation of Krsna consciousness, and
were especially pl
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This article has to do with six of the most common words in the English language: “I have to go to work.” 

In all probability, it’s absolutely true that you do “have to” got to work. Nevertheless, these particular words carry with them some really negative baggage that, I believe, is self-destructive.

Other than your thoughts, your words are your primary entry point into your experience. When you “have” to do something, it implies that it’s not a choice – that you would rather be somewhere else, d
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Always thinking of Krsna.

Man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. Real thing is bhaktya, not official. Not
official. Patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati. He
does not accept anything even it is not offered with bhakti and by the
bhakta. He does not accept. Why He shall accept? Is He hungry like me?
No. He simply wants to see how you have learned to love Krsna, bhakti,
how you are eager to serve Krsna. That is... Krsna wants to see.
Otherwise He does not require your service.
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73/08/31 London, Bhagavad-gita 2.30 



dehi nityam avadhyo 'yam
dehe sarvasya bharata
tasmat sarvani bhutani
na tvam socitum arhasi
 [Bg. 2.28]

"O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any creature."

Prabhupada: Dehi nityam avadhyo 'yam dehe sarvasya bharata. Dehe, dehe means body, within the body. This topic began, dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara [Bg. 2.13]. Deha, dehi. Dehi means one who po
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 1 Text 7
yada sabhayam kuru-deva-devyah
kesabhimarsam suta-karma garhyam
na varayam asa nrpah snusayah
svasrair harantyah kuca-kunkumani

yada -- when; sabhayam -- the assembly; kuru-deva-devyah -- of Draupadi, the wife of godly Yudhisthira; kesa-abhimarsam -- insult by grabbing her hair; suta-karma -- action taken by his son; garhyam -- which was abominable; na -- did not; varayam asa -- forbid; nrpah -- the King; snusayah -- of his nephew's wife; svasraih -- by he
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Class at Melbourne

Prabhupada's reason for travelling to Melbourne was mainly to train and convince his disciples. Out of the nine processes of devotional service to Lord Krsna, Prabhupada had explained that the first process, hearing, was the most important. Without hearing sufficiently from authentic sources like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, no-one could make progress in spiritual life. Thus for the devotees, hearing directly from their spiritual master was the highlight of their few da
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Prabhupada - on being intelligent


And there is one small animal, he's called phew. As soon as the tiger gets out to find out some prey, this small animal  warns, 'phew.' The other animals will understand the tiger is coming. So despite getting good  strength, good jaws, good nails—there is no food; he's dependent. If God supplies him, then he'll get opportunity. Otherwise, these nails and jaws and strength are useless." 
 Dayänanda and Atreya rshi tried to  argue that man could use his own intelligence in order to create the
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