16 Days of Activism to 365 Days of Action


ISKCON’s GBC Statement Against Domestic Abuse from 2020 says, “Domestic abuse is indefensible, often illegal, and never acceptable within the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Any interpretation of Vaishnava religious or social teachings that condones, endorses, or justifies domestic abuse is rejected by the North American Governing Body Commission (GBC).” (Find a copy of the GBC resolution against Domestic Abuse here: https://gbc.iskcon.org/domestic-abuse-policy/)

Throughout Prabhupada’s teachings, his books, lectures, room conversations, morning walks, and letters, we find numerous references to the importance of the care and protection of women, and its vital connection to the success and welfare of society.

Globally, 1 in 3 women will experience abuse from an intimate partner in their lifetime.3 (This figure does not include sexual harassment. )Every hour more than 5 women are killed by a member of their family that is 120 women killed every day, 43,800 killed every year by the individuals who are supposed to be their protectors.2 Needless to say, the abuse of women is a global pandemic and the most pervasive human rights violation historically and presently.1 “It is unrealistic to think that the problems ‘out in the world’ will not occur within our ISKCON communities,” Anuttama das (ACBSP). The sad reality is that abuse does occur within our ISKCON communities; sadder still is the fact that we as a society are ill-equipped to handle these incidents.

At least 160 countries have passed laws on domestic violence, and 144 have laws on sexual harassment in employment.3 However, even when laws exist, this does not mean they are always compliant with international standards and recommendations or are implemented and enforced. In recognition of the reality of this pandemic, the GBC has passed a resolution condemning domestic abuse. While it is important that we have legislation, or in our case GBC resolutions, ultimately these resolutions are only as powerful as their application on the ground level. In order to effectively ensure that all our communities are the places of refuge and safety that Prabhupada envisioned, we need to build practical systems of response and support on the ground level. One of the largest challenges that we as ISKCON face in adequately dealing with abuse is the lack of resources. However, this is not something that we can do alone. Prabhupada often spoke of yukta vairagya, using everything in Krishna’s service. The protection of Krishna’s devotees is one such instance where we can utilize any and all resources that are available both within our institution and within the society at large.

The Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention Programme (IPA) is an initiative intended to provide an initial point of contact whom Vaishnavis can turn to during moments of IPA. She provides them with a judgment-free, confidential space where they receive validation and strength to make the next step to contact one of these agencies from the rep’s resource list. The reality is that the majority of our organization is volunteer-based and we do not have the infrastructure for full-time support for mental health, legal advocacy, etc., within our communities. Therefore, it is imperative that we utilise resources from the secular world, especially that of law enforcement.

The IPA is still in its early stages, focusing much of its efforts on developing resources that can be deployed in any community. This resource package is in the process of being piloted this year in North America at the ISKCON Phoenix and ISKCON DC communities. The package includes a policy document to help leaders implement ISKCON’s Statement Against Domestic Abuse, a decision tree that is designed to help respond to cases of IPA, and a suggested calendar of events to keep IPA Prevention a relevant topic throughout the year.

For leaders/temple management interested in having access to IPA resources to use in their communities, please contact Krishna Paraná to get access to a resource package to assist them in these difficult situations.

The unfortunate reality is that 85% of incidents of intimate partner abuse are perpetrated by men against women. As such, the IPA Prevention Initiative has focused specifically on supporting Vaishnavis undergoing situations of IPA. The rep is not meant to be an expert in any of these areas of support required, nor is she meant to be an ongoing long-term support. The role is intended to be an initial point of contact with the intention of connecting the victim to proper long-term support systems. The objective is to empower Vaishnavis so that they can make deacons for themselves. One of the biggest signs of abuse is the limitations of the victim’s ability to make decisions for themselves. If the Vaishnavi is not ready to take that step, the rep will not impose her opinion and understand that there are all types of valid reasons that make it hard to leave an abusive situation. Even if the Vaishnavi undergoing IPA does not decide to take steps to leave at that time, we cannot underestimate the impact that initial point of contact with the IPA rep can have, as it plants that initial seed that often starts to take growth in the future. It is important to understand that leaving an abusive situation is incredibly challenging. Statistics show that it takes an average of seven attempts for a victim to break free from an abusive relationship for good. Therefore, the significance of maintaining a non-judgmental and supportive stance during this critical period cannot be understated. Creating a safe and understanding environment is crucial because victims navigating this difficult journey need unwavering support and empathy to help them make decisions that ensure their safety and well-being. It is also extremely important to acknowledge that when a victim decides to leave, it can be the most dangerous period. As they take steps towards freedom, abusers may escalate their behaviour to regain control, making it a vulnerable and frightening time for the victim.

While in North America, Domestic Abuse agencies include specialized resources such as counselling, victim services, transition housing, etc., all of which tend to be free or extremely low cost, not all countries have developed support systems. As part of our service to Srila Prabhupada in the care of Krishna’s devotees, it is our desire to ensure that every Vaishnavi has the support that she needs. In order to do this we need to support of leaders and communities. Currently, 60 IPA representatives support ISKCON centres in the US and Canada. Our desire is to expand this network both within North America and around the world. If any ISKCON centre is interested in participating in this pilot program, please contact Krishna Paraná for more information. Please note that you do not have to participate in the pilot project to have access to the resource package. If you choose to initiate a pilot project in your area, you will not be alone. You will have ongoing support from the IPA to ensure that the model is tailored to your community’s unique needs.

Even if you are not in a position to become an advocate or activist, we can all show our support through kindness and compassion. Isolation is one of the strongest weapons that abusers use. If you are concerned about someone being in an abusive situation or feeling unsafe, here are some simple things that you can do to show your support:
Stay in touch: Ask your friend the best way to contact them, as abusers are often very controlling of communication. Staying in touch is one of the most powerful things that you could to do help someone
Be supportive: Reassure your friend that they are not alone.

Source: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=112249

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