geeta kakkar's Posts (239)

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Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati's

Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

(The Nectar Moon of Sri Radha's Sweetness)

1. Turning far away from my kinsmen and from millions of worldly opulences, and not desiring to do anything to attain anything material, I meditate on the dust of Sri Radha's feet, dust that brings a monsoon of wonderful happiness.

2. When will restless-eyed Sri Radha, who during the daytime again and again sighs "O dark one", "O most handsome", "O charming one", "O You who are more graceful and handsome than millions of Kamadevas", "O best of lovers", be pleased with me?

3. O Sri Radha, when will I sweetly serve You, who with the arrow of Your sidelong glance deeply wound Vraja's prince, making His peacock feather fall from His turban, the flute fall from His hand, and His yellow garments become disarrayed?

4. I pray that birth after birth I may serve King Vrsabhanu's daughter, whose form is a shoreless ocean of nectar pastimes, whose wonderful gracefulness is the root of transcendental bliss, and who cannot be attained by Brahma and all the demigods.

5. I wish to become a maidservant in King Vrsabhanu's palace, where a splendid lightning vine that enjoys loving pastimes with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, a vine that has a form filled with the nectar of perfect love, appeared in this world.

6. I meditate on the moon of Sri Radha's face, a moon splendid with pastimes of love, a moon that with its flood of nectar moonlight satisfies the cakora birds of Lord Krsna's eyes.

7. Someday, in the forest grove where They have now met, with great determination I will grasp inexperienced, shy, frightened Sri Radha's lotus hands and lead Her to the bed of the king of lovers, a bed carefully made of soft flower petals.

8. As You passionately rush to meet dark Krsna, I will carry a fragrant garland and a box of betel nuts, camphor, and cloves. O Sri Radha, please kindly accept me as Your maidservant.

9. O Sri Radha, when will I, eavesdropping, hear every syllable of the shoreless nectar ocean of Your words as, Your body tossed by the waves in the ocean of amorous desires, You playfully talk with the hero of Vraja?

10. Glory to the beautiful jewel of a girl who, deep in the forest, sits on Her beloved's lap and, the limbs of Her body overwhelmed with passion for Her dark lover, talks with Him, sweetly calling Him, "O enchanter."
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees

1. Mother Yasoda binds Lord Krsna to the wooden mortar with a rope because of His naughty activities. While mother Yasoda was very busy with household affairs, the Supreme Lord, Krsna, observed twin trees known as yamala-arjuna, which in a former millennium had been the demigod sons of Kuvera.

2. In their former birth, these two sons, known as Nalakuvara and Manigriva, were extremely opulent and fortunate. But because of pride and false prestige, they did not care about anyone.

3. They used to drink a kind of liquor called Varuni. Within the waters of the Mandakini Ganges, the two sons of Kuvera would enjoy young girls, just like two male elephants enjoying in the water with female elephants.

4. By some auspicious opportunity for the two boys, the great saint Devarsi Narada once appeared there by chance. Upon seeing Narada, the naked young girls of the demigods were very much ashamed. Afraid of being cursed, they covered their bodies with their garments. But the two sons of Kuvera did not do so; instead, not caring about Narada, they remained naked.

5. Seeing the two sons of the demigods naked and intoxicated by opulence and false prestige, Devarsi Narada said: Because you both are living like trees (for trees are naked but are not conscious), you should receive the bodies of trees. But by my mercy you will have remembrance of your past sinful activities. After the expiry of one hundred years by the measurement of the demigods, you will be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, face to face, and thus revive your real position as devotees.

6. Having thus spoken, the great saint Devarsi Narada returned to his asrama, and Nalakuvara and Manigriva became twin arjuna trees.

7. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, to fulfill the truthfulness of the words of the greatest devotee, Narada, slowly went to that spot where the twin arjuna trees were standing.

8. Krsna entered between the two arjuna trees, and thus the big mortar to which He was bound turned crosswise and stuck between them.

9. By dragging behind Him with great force the wooden mortar tied to His belly, the boy Krsna uprooted the two trees. By the great strength of the Supreme Person, the two trees, with their trunks, leaves and branches, trembled severely and fell to the ground with a great crash.

10. Thereafter, in that very place where the two arjuna trees had fallen, two great, perfect personalities, who appeared like fire personified, came out of the two trees. The effulgence of their beauty illuminating all directions, with bowed heads they offered obeisances to Krsna, and with hands folded they spoke the following words.

11. O Lord Krsna, Lord Krsna, Your opulent mysticism is inconceivable. You are the supreme, original person, the cause of all causes, immediate and remote, and You are beyond this material creation. Learned brahmanas know that You are everything and that this cosmic manifestation, in its gross and subtle aspects, is Your form.

12. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the controller of everything. The body, life, ego and senses of every living entity are Your own self. You are the Supreme Person, Visnu, the imperishable controller. You are the time factor, the immediate cause, and You are material nature, consisting of the three modes passion, goodness and ignorance. You are the original cause of this material manifestation. You are the Supersoul, and therefore You know everything within the core of the heart of every living entity.

13. O Lord, whose glories are covered by Your own energy, You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You are Sankarsana, the origin of creation, and You are Vasudeva, the origin of the caturvyuha. Because You are everything and are therefore the Supreme Brahman, we simply offer our respectful obeisances unto You.

14. O supremely auspicious, we offer our respectful obeisances unto You, who are the supreme good. O most famous descendant and controller of the Yadu dynasty, O son of Vasudeva, O most peaceful, let us offer our obeisances unto Your lotus feet.

15. Henceforward, may all our words describe Your pastimes, may our ears engage in aural reception of Your glories, may our hands, legs and other senses engage in actions pleasing to You, and may our minds always think of Your lotus feet. May our heads offer our obeisances to everything within this world, because all things are also Your different forms, and may our eyes see the forms of Vaisnavas, who are nondifferent from You.

16. The two young demigods thus offered prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although Sri Krsna, the Supreme Godhead, is the master of all and was certainly Gokulesvara, the master of Gokula, He was bound to the wooden mortar by the ropes of the gopis, and therefore, smiling widely, He spoke to the sons of Kuvera the following words.

17. The great saint Narada Muni is very merciful. By his curse, he showed the greatest favor to both of you, who were mad after material opulence and who had thus become blind.

18. O Nalakuvara and Manigriva, now you may both return home. Since you desire to be always absorbed in My devotional service, your desire to develop love and affection for Me will be fulfilled, and now you will never fall from that platform.

19. The Supreme Personality of Godhead having spoken to the two demigods in this way, they circumambulated the Lord, who was bound to the wooden mortar, and offered obeisances to Him. After taking the permission of Lord Krsna, they returned to their respective homes.

20. When the yamala-arjuna trees fell, all the cowherd men in the neighborhood, hearing the fierce sound and fearing thunderbolts, went to the spot.

21. There they saw the fallen yamala-arjuna trees on the ground, but they were bewildered because even though they could directly perceive that the trees had fallen, they could not trace out the cause for their having done so.

22. Then all the cowherd boys said: It is Krsna who has done this. When He was in between the two trees, the mortar fell crosswise. Krsna dragged the mortar, and the two trees fell down. After that, two beautiful men came out of the trees. We have seen this with our own eyes.

23. Because of intense paternal affection, the cowherd men, headed by Nanda, could not believe that Krsna could have uprooted the trees in such a wonderful way. Therefore they could not put their faith in the words of the boys.

24. When Nanda Maharaja saw his own son bound with ropes to the wooden mortar and dragging it, he smiled and released Krsna from His bonds.
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Prem Ras Madira

prem ras madira

Dainya Madhuri
(The Sweetness of Humbleness)

Kishori mori, ab na lagao bar.
A devotee is begging of Shri Radha, "Oh Radhey! Do not delay any longer! I have been begging at Your door only for Your grace."

Mangat bhikh kripa ki keval, khado tihare dvar.
"I have heard from Saints that the destitute souls are always treated with respect in Your divine court. I have also heard that there may be a delay in Your court, but never injustice."

Rasikan-mukh as suni deen ko, aadar yehi darbar.
"Therefore, thinking this delay to be merely a delay, I have been waiting for Your grace with unshaken faith and hope."

Der hot, andher nahin bas, ihai rahyo aadhar.
"Oh Kishori ji! No matter how long I have to wait, do not think that I will leave Your door because of this delay, for I am dull-witted, determined and simple."

Kahihaun nahin Kripalu kahu son, aa jaiya ik bar.
Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj says, "Oh Radhey, grace me with Your divine vision just once. If you are afraid of anyone finding out, then rest assured, I solemnly promise to keep it a secret.
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Akhand mandla karam, vyaptam yena characharam
tat padam darshitam yena, tasmai shri gurave namah
I bow to that Shri Guru who pervades the whole universe constituting of beings moving and unmoving and by whom is shown the state of Tat (Supreme Brahman)

Dhyana mulam gurur murtih, puja mulam gurur padam
mantra mulam gurur vakyam, moksha mulam gurur kripa
The Guru's Form is the root of meditation
The Guru's Feet are the root of worship
The Guru's Word is the root of mantra
The Guru's Grace is the root of liberation

Shri Guru charan saroj raj, vandat main kar jor
vighna mite pragate vibho, hoye vimal mati mor
I salute with folded hands the lotus feet of my Guru
the dust of whose feet removes the obstacles, creates faith and purifies the intellect

Vandon charan saroj guru, mudmangal agar jehi sevat nat hote hai
bhav sagar se par
I pray (salute to the lotus feet of my Guru) who is the reservoir of joy and auspiciousness
by serving whom the beings cross the ocean of sansar (worldiness)

Guru ke sumiran matra se, nashat vighna anat
ta te sarva arambe mein dyavat hain sab sant
By merely constantly remembering the Guru, lots of obstacles are removed or destroyed
therefore all Saints meditate upon the Guru before the start of any undertaking

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshvara, Gurur sakshat param Brahma
tasmai Shri Guruve Namah
Guru is the Creator (Brahma), Guru is the Preserver (Vishnu), Guru is the Destroyer (Maheshvara)
Guru is verily the Supreme Absolute
Prostration to that Guru

(Translated by Shri Dayakrishnan Jalpota)
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Gita Govinda

Gita Govinda - Sri Krsna’s expressions of sorrow due to separation from Sri Radhika
Song by Jayadeva Gosvami

Krsna was dancing in the forest bower. He was immersed in joyful pastimes with beautiful young gopis, who were receiving him with the utmost respect. Radha was blinded by love for Krsna and enchanted to the point of bewilderment. Directly before the attractive eyes of the other radiant cowherd maidens, who were overwhelmed with love in the rasa-lila, Radha tightly embraced Krsna’s chest. When Radha saw Krsna enjoying affectionate exchanges with all the cowherd maidens in the groves of Vrndavana, she became indignant because he had not acknowledged her eminence. She immediately departed for another part of the forest and hid herself inside a shady bower that resounded with the drone of bumblebees.

kamsarir api samsaravasana-
radham adhaya hrdaye
tatyaja vraja-sundarih
As Krsna, the enemy of Kansa, remembered the intimate love expressed previously by Radha, he realized that it was the very essence of the highest devotion. His heart was bound by the chain of worldly desire, embodied in the form of Radha. Therefore, considering the love of the other voluptuous maidens of Vraja to be insignificant, he abandoned them all.

itas tatas tam anusrtya radhikam
krtanutapah sa kalinda-nandinitatanta-
kunje visasada madhavah
As the arrows of Kamadeva tore him apart, Sri Krsna condemned himself, “Alas! Why did I neglect Sri Radha? How will I meet her again?” He searched extensively to find her, but without success. Finally, in despair, he entered a secluded grove on the Yamuna riverside and began to repent.

mam iyam calita vilokya vrtam vadhu-nicayena
saparadhataya mayapi na varitati-bhayena
hari! hari! hatadarataya gata sa kupiteva (refrain) (1)
“When Radha saw me surrounded by cowherd damsels, she became indignant and departed. I thought, ‘I have committed an offence’, so I became fearful and could not muster the courage to stop her from leaving. Alas! She left in a huff because I had disrespected her.”

kim karisyati kim vadisyati sa ciram virahena
kim dhanena janena kim mama jivitena grhena
hari! hari! hatadarataya... (2)
“She has been suffering from the devastating heat of separation for a long time, so I cannot predict her behaviour. What will she do? What will she say? Alas! In the absence of Radha, my wealth, my relatives, my life, my home and everything seem worthless.”

cintayami tad-ananam kutila-bhru kopa-bharena
sona-padmam ivopari bhramatakulam bhramarena
hari! hari! hatadarataya... (3)
“I feel as if I am directly beholding the face of Sri Radha, with its arched creeperlike eyebrows. Her angry face resembles a red lotus flower surrounded by hovering bumblebees.”

tam aham hrdi sangatam anisam bhrsam ramayami
kim vane ’nusarami tam iha kim vrtha vilapami
hari! hari! hatadarataya... (4)
“Alas! When I continuously realize the direct presence of Radha and deeply embrace her in the temple of my heart, why am I uselessly lamenting over her and why am I repeatedly searching for her from forest to forest?”

tanvi khinnam asuyaya hrdayam tavakalayami
tan na vedmi kuto gatasi na tena te ’nunayami
hari! hari! hatadarataya... (5)
“O delicate woman with a slender waist, it seems that your heart is contaminated with jealousy. But what can I do? You proudly left in a huff. What kind of humble supplication should I offer to dispel your indignation? I have no idea.”

drsyase purato gatagatam eva me vidadhasi
kim pureva sa-sambhramam parirambhanam na dadasi
hari! hari! hatadarataya... (6)
“Alas! It seems that you are repeatedly coming and going. Why do you not impetuously embrace me as you did before, being impelled by the exhilaration of love?”

ksamyatam aparam kadapi tavedrsam na karomi
dehi sundari darsanam mama manmathena dunomi
hari! hari! hatadarataya... (7)
“O beautiful one, please forgive me. I will never offend you again. Allow me to see you at once. I am reeling from the pain inflicted by Kandarpa.”

varnitam jayadeva-kena harer idam pravanena
hari! hari! hatadarataya... (8)
Sri Jayadeva appeared in the village of Kindubilva just as the moon appears from the ocean. He has humbly collected Sri Krsna’s expressions of sorrow in the form of this song.

hrdi bisa-lata-haro nayam bhujangama-nayakah
kuvalaya-dala-sreni kanthe na sa garala-dyutih
malayaja-rajo nedam bhasma priya-rahite mayi
prahara na hara-bhrantyananga krudha kim u dhavasi
“Hey Anaìga! Are you inflicting pain on me with such fury because you think that I am Lord Siva? Why have you become so harsh? This is not the king of snakes, Vasuki, upon my chest. It is actually a necklace made of lotus stems. The blueness of my throat is not the effect of poison, but a garland of blue lotus flowers. This is not ash from a funeral pyre smeared on my body. It is sandalwood paste applied in the absence of my beloved. So go away! You have caught me by mistake, so stop unnecessarily raining your terrible arrows upon me. Why are you running after me in such a rage? And look! Lord Siva lives happily with half of his body united with Parvati, whereas I am far from united with Radhika – I don’t even know where she is.”

panau ma kuru cuta-sayakam amum ma capam aropaya
krida-nirjita-visva murcchita-janaghatena kim paurusam
tasya eva mrgi-drso manasija prenkhat-kataksasugasreni-
jarjaritam manag api mano nadyapi sandhuksate
“Hey Cupid! You who conquer the entire universe by the power of your bow on the pretext of playing a game, I am suffering from the fever of amorous desires. In what way will your remarkable prowess be established by assaulting an insignificant and decrepit fellow like me. Don’t take that mango-bud arrow in your hand. If you do, at least do not place it on your bow. Just see! My heart has been cut to pieces by the sidelong glances streaming forth from that doe-eyed Sri Radha and it has not yet recovered. Therefore do not strike my heart, which has already fainted from the convulsions of lust.”

bhru-pallavo dhanur apanga-tarangitani
bana gunah sravana-palir iti smarena
tasyam ananga-jaya-jangama-devatayam
astrani nirjita-jaganti kim arpitani
“Aha! The bow of fresh petal-like eyebrows, the arrow-like waves of angular glances from the corner of the eye, the bowstring of long eyes that almost reach the ears – these components comprise the totally infallible military science employed by Kamadeva. After conquering everyone in the universe without exception, Kamadeva has again offered those weapons to their empress, the animate deity of his own victory, Sri Radha.”

bhru-cape nihitah kataksa-visikho nirmatu marma-vyatham
syamatma kutilah karotu kabari-bharo ’pi marodyamam
moham tavad ayam ca tanvi tanutam bimbadharo ragavan
sad-vrttam stana-mandalam tava katham pranair mama kridati
“O slender Radha, the arrow of your sidelong glance, shooting forth from the bow of your eyebrow, may tear my heart to pieces. The rope of your dark curling locks may bind me like a prisoner. Your lips, as soft and red as bimba fruit, may bewilder me. But your perfectly round and enchanting breasts are well-behaved. So why are they playing with my life-airs on the pretext of a sport?”

tani sparsa-sukhani te ca taralah snigdha drsor vibhramas
tad vaktrambuja-saurabham sa ca sudha-syandi giram vakrima
sa bimbadhara-madhuriti visayasange ’pi cen manasam
tasyam lagna-samadhi hanta viraha-vyadhih katham vardhate
“While meditating on my beloved in a secluded place, my skin thrills on experiencing the happiness of her pure touch. The restlessness of her eyes, her affectionate expressions, her erroneous behaviour due to the bewilderment of love, and the way she casts her glance are bringing me back to life. I am being inundated by the fragrance of her lotus mouth. I can hear the trickling ambrosia of her words as she speaks one crooked statement after another. I am tasting the sweet nectar of her enchanting bimba-fruit lips. My mind has become deeply attached to these objects of perception in this condition of trance. So why is my dire suffering from the disease of separation increasing so rapidly at every moment?”
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Krishnashtaka : Eight Pada on Krishna by Adi Shankaracharya.

Sing salutations to The only ornation of Vraj, Who destroys every sin (among us), Who is continuous bliss for His devotees, and Who is the dear one of Nanda. I bow to naughty Krishna, Who has beautiful bunch of peacock feathers on head, Who has a sweet sounding flute in hands, and Who is inseparable from God and is full of colorful actions.||1||

I bow to The lotus-eyed One, Whose beauty slays the pride of Kamdev (Manoj), Who has fulsome lips and beautiful big eyes, Who removed the thoughts of obstacles from cow-rearers (gopa). I bow to head-elephant-like-carefree Krishna, Who lifted a mountain in His lotus like hands, Whose smile and gaze is enticing, and Who slayed the pride of Indra.||2||

I bow to Krishna, Who is hard to get, Who has beautiful earrings made of flowers of kadamba-tree, Who has two beautiful cheeks, Who is the only dear One of land of Vraj. I bow to Krishna as cow-rearing-leader, Who is supreme bliss when viewed with Yashoda, Cow-rearers, and Nand.||3||

I bow to the son of Nanda, Whose lotus-feet is always immersed in the maan-sarovar like lake of my mind, Who has beautiful curls falling upon his face. I bow to the delight of Nand, Who is absolver of all defects (in us), Who looks after everyone in this world, and Who is the heart of every Gopa or cow-rearer.||4||

I bow to the heart-stealer, Who relieved earth of heavy weight (of humans), Who is the support for us to cross the ocean of life and death, and Who is the young son of Yashoda. I bow to the son of Nand, Who has beautiful glancing eyes, Who is always accompanied by bumble-bees, and Who appears new to His devotee, everytime, and leaves them mesmerized.||5||

I bow to the dear one of Gopas, Who is the abode of qualities, mercy, and happiness, and does not needs any mercy from anyone, and Who relieved the problems of demi-gods. I bow to cloud-colored beautiful one, Who is a new cowherd rearer and playful, Who is always thinking of new ways to mesmerize the mortals, and Who is wearing yellow lightening like robes.||6||

I bow to Krishna, Who roamed amidst the gardens of Vraj, Who is dear to every cow-rearer in Vraj, Who is the only happiness for heart, and Who has a sun like resplendent face. I bow to Krishna, Who is the leader of everyone in gardens of Vraj, Who is desireless but fulfils desire of everyone, Whose glances are like beautiful enticing arrows, and Who sings mesmerizing tunes over flute.||7||

I bow to The consort of Lakshmi, Who slept in the bed-like-dreams of young gopikas in Vraj, Who swallowed the forest and garden fire inside Vraj to save His fellows, Who is surrounded by the divine glow, Who is decorated in every way, and Who gave moksha to Gajendra, the elephant king.||8||

O Lord! Whenever or wherever I am born, may I be immersed in Your beautiful ornate stories. Whomsoever sings the Krishnashtaka, and meditates on it shall be born with Krishna bhakti in every life.||9||
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Once Sri Nanda Maharaja, Sri Yasoda and the other gopas and gopis took Krsna and Balarama with them on a journey to the Ganga to take bath. That night, they rested near Govardhana. Krsna questioned the need for them to travel so far when all holy places reside in Vraja. He remembered Ganga-devi, and at once Bhagavati Bhagirathi-Ganga's strong current brought her to the spot, making a sweet sound. At the head of this current was Sri Ganga-devi, mounted on an alligator. This darsana astonished Nanda, Yasoda, and the gopas, gopis and other Vrajavasis.

Krsna said,"All holy places exist in Vraja. You wanted to bath in the Ganga, so Ganga-devi has personally appeared before you today. Please bath in her waters without delay." Thus appeared Manasi-ganga.
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Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati's

Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

(The Nectar Moon of Sri Radha's Sweetness)

1. O Sri Radha, when will I place on my head Your lotus feet, which are a flood of the nectar of spiritual love, a flood that always flows among Your devotees, and are the treasure more dear than life for Lord Krsna?

2. O Radha, when, carrying splendid sandal paste, scents and flower garlands, walking slowly like a graceful elephant, and showing You which path to take, will I follow behind as, eager to enjoy amorous pastimes, You hurry to the forest rendezvous.

3. O Sri Radha, when will I gaze on Your beautiful face, which is a blossoming lotus in the lake of pure love, a lotus decorated with the black bees of Your curling locks of hair, a face that is a moon bringing great tidal waves to the nectar ocean of bliss?

4. My thoughts rest in something that bears the name Radha, something that is the essence of beauty, the essence of nectar, the essence of happiness, the essence of mercy, the essence of charming and splendid forms, the essence of expert intelligence, the essence of playful amorous pastimes, and the essence of the best of everything.

5. She is the cintamani jewel of the surrendered devotees, the crest jewel of the girls of Vraja, the jewel of King Vrsabhanu's family, the jewel that pacifies Lord Krsna's desires, the jewel that decorates the forest groves, the splendid jewel we keep in the jewellery chest of our hearts.

6. O saintly heart, please at once take shelter of the something that bears the name Radha, something that is gentle by nature, a forest of kalpa-lata vines, a wonderful flood of nectar mercy, and a fathomless and shoreless nectar ocean of love.

7. He is fortunate who meditates on Sri Radha as She talks with Her lover, Her ornaments pearls and red sindura, Her red lips glorious flower blossoms, and Her teeth jasmine flowers.

8. In my heart I place Sri Radha, who is splendid with the colours of yellow and red, who is glorious like limitless lightning vines, whose beautiful form is overcome with passionate love, and whom the king and queen of Vraja love as much as they love Krsna.

9. O Sri Radha, O goddess of the newly-blossoming groves of Vrndavana forest, when, engaged in making a crown of peacock feathers and a necklace of gunja, will I be Your maidservant?

10. O Sri Radha, please place Your glance of mercy upon me. I yearn to decorate the forest-grove rendezvous with many flowers, arrange for Your meeting with the dark moon of Vraja, and thus attain Your mercy.
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Krsna

1. One day when mother Yasoda saw that all the maidservants were engaged in other household affairs, she personally began to churn the yogurt. While churning, she remembered the childish activities of Krsna, and in her own way she composed songs and enjoyed singing to herself about all those activities.

2. While mother Yasoda was churning butter, Lord Krsna, desiring to drink the milk of her breast, appeared before her, and in order to increase her transcendental pleasure, He caught hold of the churning rod and began to prevent her from churning.

3. Mother Yasoda then embraced Krsna, allowed Him to sit down on her lap, and began to look upon the face of the Lord with great love and affection. Because of her intense affection, milk was flowing from her breast. But when she saw that the milk pan on the oven was boiling over, she immediately left her son to take care of the overflowing milk, although the child was not yet fully satisfied with drinking the milk of His mother's breast.

3. Being very angry and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, Krsna, with false tears in His eyes, broke the container of yogurt with a piece of stone. Then He entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter in a solitary place.

4. Mother Yasoda, after taking down the hot milk from the oven, returned to the churning spot, and when she saw that the container of yogurt was broken and that Krsna was not present, she concluded that the breaking of the pot was the work of Krsna.

5. Krsna, at that time, was sitting on an upside-down wooden mortar for grinding spices and was distributing milk preparations such as yogurt and butter to the monkeys as He liked. Because of having stolen, He was looking all around with great anxiety, suspecting that He might be chastised by His mother. Mother Yasoda, upon seeing Him, very cautiously approached Him from behind.

6. When Lord Sri Krsna saw His mother, stick in hand, He very quickly got down from the top of the mortar and began to flee as if very much afraid. Although yogis try to capture Him as Paramatma by meditation, desiring to enter into the effulgence of the Lord with great austerities and penances, they fail to reach Him. But mother Yasoda, thinking that same Personality of Godhead, Krsna, to be her son, began following Krsna to catch Him.

7. While following Krsna, mother Yasoda, her thin waist overburdened by her heavy breasts, naturally had to reduce her speed. Because of following Krsna very swiftly, her hair became loose, and the flowers in her hair were falling after her. Yet she did not fail to capture her son Krsna.

8. When caught by mother Yasoda, Krsna became more and more afraid and admitted to being an offender. As she looked upon Him, she saw that He was crying, His tears mixing with the black ointment around His eyes, and as He rubbed His eyes with His hands, He smeared the ointment all over His face. Mother Yasoda, catching her beautiful son by the hand, mildly began to chastise Him.

9. Mother Yasoda was always overwhelmed by intense love for Krsna, not knowing who Krsna was or how powerful He was. Because of maternal affection for Krsna, she never even cared to know who He was. Therefore, when she saw that her son had become excessively afraid, she threw the stick away and desired to bind Him so that He would not commit any further naughty activities.

10. The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no beginning and no end, no exterior and no interior, no front and no rear. In other words, He is all-pervading. Because He is not under the influence of the element of time, for Him there is no difference between past, present and future; He exists in His own transcendental form at all times. Being absolute, beyond relativity, He is free from distinctions between cause and effect, although He is the cause and effect of everything. That unmanifested person, who is beyond the perception of the senses, had now appeared as a human child, and mother Yasoda, considering Him her own ordinary child, bound Him to the wooden mortar with a rope.

11. When mother Yasoda was trying to bind the offending child, she saw that the binding rope was short by a distance the width of two fingers. Thus she brought another rope to join to it.

12. This new rope also was short by a measurement of two fingers, and when another rope was joined to it, it was still two fingers too short. As many ropes as she joined, all of them failed; their shortness could not be overcome.

13. Thus mother Yasoda joined whatever ropes were available in the household, but still she failed in her attempt to bind Krsna. Mother Yasoda's friends, the elderly gopis in the neighborhood, were smiling and enjoying the fun. Similarly, mother Yasoda, although laboring in that way, was also smiling. All of them were struck with wonder.

14. Because of mother Yasoda's hard labor, her whole body became covered with perspiration, and the flowers and comb were falling from her hair. When child Krsna saw His mother thus fatigued, He became merciful to her and agreed to be bound.

15. This entire universe, with its great, exalted demigods like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and Lord Indra, is under the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yet the Supreme Lord has one transcendental attribute: He comes under the control of His devotees. This was now exhibited by Krsna in this pastime.
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Prem Ras Madira

Prem Ras Madira

Dharu Nandanandana ko dhyan re.
Oh, my mind! Lovingly meditate on Nandanandana Shri Krishna.

Jako dhyan dharat nishi vasar, vidhi hari har bhagavan re.
Even Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar, who are supreme God, continuously meditate upon Shri Krishna.

Mor mukut lakuti lapati pat, lajavati bhrikuti kaman re.
A crown embellished with peacock feathers is adorning His head. The yellow silken shawl that graces His shoulders is wrapped around His staff. The arch of His eyebrows puts to shame the perfect arch of a bow.

Chanchal nain driganchal chanchal, anchalapat phaharan re.
His eyes are casting playful and mischievous glances and sidelong looks of love. His yellow peetambar flutters playfully in the breeze.

Gati madamatta gayanda lajavati, manda manda musakan re.
His charming gait puts to shame the gait of an intoxicated elephant. He has a gentle and sweet smile.

Viharat nit Kripalu Vrindaban, rati-ras chatur sujan re.
Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj says, “Shri Krishna is the crest-jewel of the Rasik Saints who are eternally absorbed in divine love, and He eternally performs ever-new pastimes of divine love in Vrindaban
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within His Mouth

1. One day while Krsna was playing with His small playmates, including Balarama and other sons of the gopas, all His friends came together and lodged a complaint to mother Yasoda. "Mother," they submitted, "Krsna has eaten earth."

2. Upon hearing this from Krsna's playmates, mother Yasoda, who was always full of anxiety over Krsna's welfare, picked Krsna up with her hands to look into His mouth and chastise Him. Her eyes fearful, she spoke to her son as follows.

3. Dear Krsna, why are You so restless that You have eaten dirt in a solitary place? This complaint has been lodged against You by all Your playmates, including Your elder brother, Balarama. How is this?

4. Lord Sri Krsna replied: My dear mother, I have never eaten dirt. All My friends complaining against Me are liars. If you think they are being truthful, you can directly look into My mouth and examine it.

5. Mother Yasoda challenged Krsna, "If You have not eaten earth, then open Your mouth wide." When challenged by His mother in this way, Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda, to exhibit pastimes like a human child, opened His mouth. Although the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is full of all opulences, did not disturb His mother's parental affection, His opulence was automatically displayed, for Krsna's opulence is never lost at any stage, but is manifest at the proper time.

6. When Krsna opened His mouth wide by the order of mother Yasoda, she saw within His mouth all moving and nonmoving entities, outer space, and all directions, along with mountains, islands, oceans, the surface of the earth, the blowing wind, fire, the moon and the stars. She saw the planetary systems, water, light, air, sky, and creation by transformation of ahankara. She also saw the senses, the mind, sense perception, and the three qualities goodness, passion and ignorance. She saw the time allotted for the living entities, she saw natural instinct and the reactions of karma, and she saw desires and different varieties of bodies, moving and nonmoving. Seeing all these aspects of the cosmic manifestation, along with herself and Vrndavana-dhama, she became doubtful and fearful of her son's nature.

7. [Mother Yasoda began to argue within herself:] Is this a dream, or is it an illusory creation by the external energy? Has this been manifested by my own intelligence, or is it some mystic power of my child?

8. Therefore let me surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead and offer my obeisances unto Him, who is beyond the conception of human speculation, the mind, activities, words and arguments, who is the original cause of this cosmic manifestation, by whom the entire cosmos is maintained, and by whom we can conceive of its existence. Let me simply offer my obeisances, for He is beyond my contemplation, speculation and meditation. He is beyond all of my material activities.

9. It is by the influence of the Supreme Lord's maya that I am wrongly thinking that Nanda Maharaja is my husband, that Krsna is my son, and that because I am the queen of Nanda Maharaja, all the wealth of cows and calves are my possessions and all the cowherd men and their wives are my subjects. Actually, I also am eternally subordinate to the Supreme Lord. He is my ultimate shelter.

10. Mother Yasoda, by the grace of the Lord, could understand the real truth. But then again, the supreme master, by the influence of the internal potency, yogamaya, inspired her to become absorbed in intense maternal affection for her son.

11. Immediately forgetting yogamaya's illusion that Krsna had shown the universal form within His mouth, mother Yasoda took her son on her lap as before, feeling increased affection in her heart for her transcendental child.

12. The glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are studied through the three Vedas, the Upanisads, the literature of Sankhya-yoga, and other Vaisnava literature, yet mother Yasoda considered that Supreme Person her ordinary child.

13. Thus the Supreme Personality, Krsna, along with Balarama, lived in Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana. By exhibiting different pastimes in His childhood, He increased the transcendental pleasure of Nanda and the other inhabitants of Vrndavana.
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Srimati Radhika as Gandhesvari

Srimati Radhika as Gandhesvari

Sri Krsna and the cowherd boys would smear aromatic (gandha) substances on their bodies while grazing the cows. It is said that Sri Krsna became intoxicated by the fragrance emanating from the body of Srimati Radhika, who was hiding nearby with Her girlfriends. Seeing Srimatiji, the flute slipped from His hands, His peacock feather crown fell at Her lotus feet, and He fainted. From then Srimati Radhika is also called as Gandhesvari.

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Sports of the Child
(Bala Lila)

1. After a short time passed, both brothers, Rama and Krsna, began to crawl on the ground of Vraja with the strength of Their hands and knees and thus enjoy Their childhood play.

2. When Krsna and Balarama, with the strength of Their legs, crawled in the muddy places created in Vraja by cow dung and cow urine, Their crawling resembled the crawling of serpents, and the sound of Their ankle bells was very charming. Very much pleased by the sound of other people's ankle bells, They used to follow these people as if going to Their mothers, but when They saw that these were other people, They became afraid and returned to Their real mothers, Yasoda and Rohini.

3. Dressed with muddy earth mixed with cow dung and cow urine, the babies looked very beautiful, and when They went to Their mothers, both Yasoda and Rohini picked Them up with great affection, embraced Them and allowed Them to suck the milk flowing from their breasts. While sucking the breast, the babies smiled, and Their small teeth were visible. Their mothers, upon seeing those beautiful teeth, enjoyed great transcendental bliss.

4. Within the house of Nanda Maharaja, the cowherd ladies would enjoy seeing the pastimes of the babies Rama and Krsna. The babies would catch the ends of the calves' tails, and the calves would drag Them here and there. When the ladies saw these pastimes, they certainly stopped their household activities and laughed and enjoyed the incidents.

5. Within a very short time both Rama and Krsna began to walk very easily in Gokula on Their legs, by Their own strength, without the need to crawl.

6. Thereafter, Lord Krsna, along with Balarama, began to play with the other children of the cowherd men, thus awakening the transcendental bliss of the cowherd women.

7. Observing the very attractive childish restlessness of Krsna, all the gopis in the neighborhood, to hear about Krsna's activities again and again, would approach mother Yasoda and speak to her as follows.

8. "Our dear friend Yasoda, your son sometimes comes to our houses before the milking of the cows and releases the calves, and when the master of the house becomes angry, your son merely smiles. Sometimes He devises some process by which He steals palatable curd, butter and milk, which He then eats and drinks. When the monkeys assemble, He divides it with them, and when the monkeys have their bellies so full that they won't take more, He breaks the pots. Sometimes, if He gets no opportunity to steal butter or milk from a house, He will be angry at the householders, and for His revenge He will agitate the small children by pinching them. Then, when the children begin crying, Krsna will go away.

9. "When the milk and curd are kept high on a swing hanging from the ceiling and Krsna and Balarama cannot reach it, They arrange to reach it by piling up various planks and turning upside down the mortar for grinding spices. Being quite aware of the contents of a pot, They pick holes in it. While the elderly gopis go about their household affairs, Krsna and Balarama sometimes go into a dark room, brightening the place with the valuable jewels and ornaments on Their bodies and taking advantage of this light by stealing.

10. "When Krsna is caught in His naughty activities, the master of the house will say to Him, `Oh, You are a thief,' and artificially express anger at Krsna. Krsna will then reply, `I am not a thief. You are a thief.' But now, our dear friend Yasoda, this expert thief is sitting before you like a very good boy." Sometimes all the gopis would look at Krsna sitting there, His eyes fearful so that His mother would not chastise Him, and when they saw Krsna's beautiful face, instead of chastising Him they would simply look upon His face and enjoy transcendental bliss. Mother Yasoda would mildly smile at all this fun, and she would not want to chastise her blessed transcendental child.

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Radha-Krishna one soul two bodies

Radha-Krishna one soul two bodies - an excerpt from Sri Prema-Samput
by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

1. anyonyacittavidusau nu parasparatmanityasthiteriti
nrsu prathitau yadavam
taccaupacarikamaho dvitayatvam eva
naikasya sambhavati karhicidatmano nau

Sri Radhika says to sakhi: “Common people say, ‘Radha and Krsna are eternally present in each others’ hearts, and that is why They know each others’ minds.’ Factually, the real truth is this: We are one soul. It is not possible for one soul to become two.

2. ekatmaniha rasapurnatame ’tyagadhe
ekasusangrathitam eva tanudvayam nau
kasyimscidekasarasiva cakasadekanalotthamabjayugalam
khalu nilapitam

“In a lake, two lotuses – one blue and one yellow – may bloom from a single stem. In the same way, Our two bodies, one blue and one yellow, are connected as one life. They are one supremely profound soul composed of topmost rasa. As bodies We are separate, but by nature We are one. Krsna is by nature blissful (ananda) and I by nature am joyful (hladini). Just as fire and its burning potency are one, there is no difference between the potency (sakti) and the
possessor of the potency (saktiman). We cannot be distinguished from each other when seen as a person and the person’s potency, but for the sake of rasa, We manifest in separate forms as Radha and Krsna. Without pastimes,
We cannot relish each other; and without form, We cannot perform pastimes.

3. yat snehapurabhrtabhajanarajitaikavarttyagravarttyamaladipayugam
taccetaretaratamo ’panudat paroksamanandayedakhilaparsvagatah

“When a container filled with oil has a wick that is lit at both ends, the two flames dispel the darkness in both directions. Similarly, Our two bodies are joined together as one soul, destroying the darkness of each others’ distress, and also giving pleasure to the sakhis present with Us.

4. yadyapated virahamaruta etadattakampam
bhaved yugapadeva bhajecca murccham
vyagra sadalyatha tadavarane yateta
tat susthayecca sukhasadmagatam vidhaya

“Sakhi, when the wind of separation from each other blows, the flames of Our two bodies tremble and We both faint at the same time. The sakhis, all of whom are expert, anxiously try to stop this wind from blowing. They remove all Our distress and restore Our peaceful condition by arranging for Us to enter the house of happiness in each others’ company.

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Naming Ceremony

1. One day, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, namely Gargamuni, who was highly elevated in austerity and penance, was inspired by Vasudeva to go see Nanda Maharaja at his home.

2. Nanda duly received him and said, “You are versed in the Vedas. The science of astrology has been propounded by you. Please perform the naming ceremony of these two boys (Krsna and Balaram).”

3. Gargamuni said: My dear Nanda Maharaja, I am the priestly guide of the Yadu dynasty. This is known everywhere. Therefore, if I perform the purificatory process for your sons, Kamsa will consider Them the sons of Devaki.

4. Nanda Maharaja said: My dear great sage, if you think that your performing this process of purification will make Kamsa suspicious, then secretly chant the Vedic hymns and perform the purifying process in the cow shed of my house, without the knowledge of anyone else, even my relatives, for this process of purification is essential.

5. Having thus been especially requested by Nanda Maharaja to do that which he already desired to do, Gargamuni performed the name-giving ceremony for Krsna and Balarama in a solitary place.

6. Gargamuni said: This child, the son of Rohini, will give all happiness to His relatives and friends by His transcendental qualities. Therefore He will be known as Rama. And because He will manifest extraordinary bodily strength, He will also be known as Bala. Moreover, because He unites two families--Vasudeva's family and the family of Nanda Maharaja--He will be known as Sankarsana.

7. Your son Krsna appears as an incarnation in every millennium. In the past, He assumed three different colors--white, red and yellow--and now He has appeared in a blackish color.

8. For many reasons, this beautiful son of yours (Krsna) sometimes appeared previously as the son of Vasudeva. Therefore, those who are learned sometimes call this child Vasudeva.

9. For this son of yours (Krsna) there are many forms and names according to His transcendental qualities and

10. To increase the transcendental bliss of the cowherd men of Gokula, this child Krsna will always act auspiciously for you. And by His grace only, you will surpass all difficulties.

11. O Nanda Maharaja, as recorded in history, when there was an irregular, incapable government, Indra having been dethroned, and people were being harassed and disturbed by thieves, this child Krsna appeared in order to protect the people and enable them to flourish, and He curbed the rogues and thieves.

12. Demons [asuras] cannot harm the demigods, who always have Lord Visnu on their side. Similarly, any person or group attached to Krsna is extremely fortunate. Because such persons are very much affectionate toward Krsna, they cannot be defeated by demons like the associates of Kamsa [or by the internal enemies, the senses].

13. In conclusion, therefore, O Nanda Maharaja, this child of yours is as good as Narayana. In His transcendental qualities, opulence, name, fame and influence, He is exactly like Narayana. You should all raise this child very carefully and cautiously.

14. After Gargamuni, having instructed Nanda Maharaja about Krsna, departed for his own home, Nanda Maharaja was very pleased and considered himself full of all good fortune.
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Killing of the Demon Trnavarta

1. One day, a year after Krsna's appearance, mother Yasoda was patting her son on her lap. But suddenly she felt the child to be heavier than a mountain peak, and she could no longer bear His weight.

2. Feeling the child to be as heavy as the entire universe, the astonished mother Yasoda put the child down on the ground.

3. While the child was sitting on the ground, a demon named Trnavarta, who was a servant of Kamsa's, came there as a whirlwind, at Kamsa's instigation, and very easily carried the child away into the air.

4. Covering the whole land of Gokula with particles of dust, that demon, acting as a strong whirlwind, covered everyone's vision and began vibrating everywhere with a greatly fearful sound.

5. For a moment, the whole pasturing ground was overcast with dense darkness from the dust storm, and mother Yasoda was unable to find her son where she had placed Him. Thus she fell down on the ground like a cow who has lost her calf and began to lament very pitifully.

6. Having assumed the form of a forceful whirlwind, the demon Trnavarta took Krsna very high in the sky, but when Krsna became heavier than the demon, the demon had to stop his force and could go no further.

7. Because of Krsna's weight, Trnavarta considered Him to be like a great mountain or a hunk of iron. But because Krsna had caught the demon's neck, the demon was unable to throw Him off.

8. With Krsna grasping him by the throat, Trnavarta choked, unable to make even a sound or even to move his hands and legs. His eyes popping out, the demon lost his life and fell, along with the little boy, down to the ground of Vraja.

9. While the gopis who had gathered were crying for Krsna, the demon fell from the sky onto a big slab of stone, and his limbs got dislocated.

10. The gopis immediately picked Krsna up from the chest of the demon and delivered Him, free from all inauspiciousness, to mother Yasoda. Because the child, although taken into the sky by the demon, was unhurt and now free from all danger and misfortune, the gopis and cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, were extremely happy.
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Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati's

Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi

(The Nectar Moon of Sri Radha's Sweetness)

1. When will Vrndavana's queen Radha, Her eyes restless with love and Her limbs like waves in the flooding ocean of nectar, place Her merciful glance upon me?

2. O queen of Vrndavana, I take shelter of your lotus feet, which are flooded with nectar, which are cool and pleasing, and which, placed over Lord Krsna's heart, extinguish the blazing fire of desire that torments Him.

3. I pray that my heart may find its happiness in Radha's pastime forest, where the vines bear flowers picked by Radha's own hands, where many charming places bear Radha's footprints, and where the birds passionately sing of Radha's glories.

4. I will say, "You should go there and bathe in the dark nectar." Smiling, Radha will joke, "O friend, wait until night. Then the dark nectar will come here." When will I pick this glorious flower on the kadamba tree of Radha's sweet pastimes?

5. Will I see graceful Radha, first shyly gazing at her own toes, then from afar gazing at the full-moon face of the king of rasikas, and then Her anklets tinkling as She runs to meet Him?

6. O Radha, when, after You have spent the entire night enjoying pastimes with the best of charming lovers, and after You have bathed and eaten breakfast with Krsna, will You finally fall asleep, the soles of Your feet gently stroked by my hand?

7. May Sri Radha, who is an ocean of intelligence, a nectar ocean of love, an ocean of kind affection, an ocean of great mercy, an ocean of beauty, an ocean of nectar splendour, and an ocean of transcendental pastimes, appear in my heart.

8. May King Vrsabhanu's daughter, who becomes startled when She hears the music of Krsna's flute, and whose limbs become like a wonderful blossoming campaka vine when She gazes at Krsna, become pleased with my singing songs about Krsna's glories. May She suddenly embrace me.

9. O Sri Radha, whose hips are the dancing arena of amorous pastimes, with the cooing swan of Your belt, the buzzing bees of Your anklets, and the nectar splendour of Your beauty, please bring coolness to Your lover, Krsna.

10. O Sri Radha, O celestial Ganges, O ocean garlanded with waves of splendid pastimes, O girl with the glistening lotus face, O river passionately running to meet the dark ocean of Lord Krsna, O goddess whose whirlpool navel is so graceful, please appear before me.
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Overturning of the Cart

1. When mother Yasoda's baby Krsna was slanting His body to attempt to rise and turn around, this attempt was observed by a Vedic ceremony. In such a ceremony, called utthana, the child is properly bathed. Just after Krsna turned three months old, mother Yasoda celebrated this ceremony with other women of the neighbourhood.

2. After completion of the bath, Yasoda found that her child closed His eyes in sleep and so she put Him to bed under a cart which contained vessels full of milk and curd. After some time, the child opened His eyes and cried for His milk. As Yasoda was busily engaged in receiving her guests, she did not hear Sri Krishna’s cry.

3. At that time, the child Krsna, demanding to drink the milk of His mother's breast, angrily threw His legs upward. Although His little legs were as soft as leaves, when He struck the cart with His legs, it turned over violently and collapsed. The wheels separated from the axle, the hubs and spokes fell apart, and the pole of the
handcart broke. All the vessels scattered hither and thither.

4. When mother Yasoda and the other ladies who had assembled for the utthana festival, and all the men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, saw the wonderful situation, they began to wonder how the handcart had collapsed by itself. They began to wander here and there, trying to find the cause, but were unable to do so.

5. At that time, the small children present asserted that the cart had been kicked apart by the baby Krsna. As soon as the crying baby had kicked the cart's wheel, the cart had collapsed.

6. The assembled gopis and gopas, unaware that Krsna is always unlimited, could not believe that baby Krsna had such inconceivable power. They could not believe the statements of the children, and therefore they neglected these statements as being childish talk. They did not realise the immeasurable strength of that child.
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Milan Madhuri

prem ras madira

Milan Madhuri
(Sweetness of Meeting Krishna)

Gayo Hari, mo pai jadu dar.
"Oh, woe is me! Krishna has cast some magic spell on me!"

Haun Jamuna-asnan karan gai, tahan rah Nandkumar.
"I went to bathe in the Yamuna River and He came there all of a sudden."

Piya drig piya-ras-roop madhuri, drigan bachay nihar.
"Avoiding looking directly into His eyes, I drank the nectar of His divine beauty through the protection of my veil."

Ras-lampat drig pat ghunghat-pat, karan chat janu par.
"That very instant, my eyes became so intoxicated with that bliss, that it felt as if they desperately wanted to escape by tearing right through the veil."

Jab ghat bhari chali ghar Natvar tab, chat kankari dai mar.
"But still I did not let my eyes meet His, and started on my way home after having filled my pitcher with water. That devious Krishna followed me and hit my pitcher with a small stone from the back."

Phutyo ghat tutyo ghunghat pat, auchak drig bhaye char.
"That stone made a small hole in my pitcher. Startled by the sound, without taking care to hide my eyes behind my veil, I looked around to see who the culprit was. As soon as I turned, my eyes met Krishna's eyes."

Ut 'Kripalu' nagari it gagari, bahat prem-jaldhar.
Kripalu depicts the incomparable beauty of that scene, "From the front, tears of joy were flowing from the Gopi's eyes, and from the back, a stream of water was flowing from her pitcher."
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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Putana’s Deliverance

By Kamsa’s orders, the fierce demoness Putana went about killing children in towns, villages and pasture lands. Dressing herself just like a beautiful woman, she entered the house of mother Yashoda. Krishna showed the nature of a small baby and closed His eyes, as if to avoid the face of Putana. On that very spot, the fiercely dangerous Putana took Krishna on her lap and pushed her breast into His mouth. The nipple of her breast was smeared with a dangerous, immediately effective poison, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, becoming very angry at her, took hold of her breast, squeezed it very hard with both hands, and sucked out both the poison and her life. She screamed forth,"Please leave me, leave me! Suck my breast no longer!" Her eyes bulged out. At last she fell dead like a great mountain. Without fear, the child Krishna was playing on the upper portion of Putana's breast, and when the gopis saw the child's wonderful activities, they immediately came forward with great jubilation and picked Him up.

Because of Krishna's having sucked the breast of the Putana, when Krishna killed her she was immediately freed of all material contamination. Her sinful reactions automatically vanished, and therefore when her gigantic body was being burnt, the smoke emanating from her body was fragrant like aguru incense.

Putana was always hankering for the blood of human children, and with that desire she came to kill Krishna; but because she offered her breast to the Lord, she attained the greatest achievement.
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