Krsna das replied to Govind dev's discussion Srila Prabhupad on brun hatya-use of contraceptives
"People are using dharma the way want and defending their sinful acts. 
य: शास्त्रविधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते कामकारत: ।न स सिद्धिमवाप्‍नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम् ॥ २३ ॥
16.23. He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims…"
Govind dev and Krsna das are now friends
Krsna das updated their profile
vimala srinivasagam and Krsna das are now friends
Jun 17
Krsna das replied to vimala srinivasagam's discussion Eliminating meat subsidies
"Hare Krsna pamho,
The artihmatic is external issue but the major problem is supply , i feel sad,there is demand thats why there is supply. and when the supply is in excess the prices go down.  No doubt tamoguna and in turn demoniac propensity is…"
Jun 16
Krsna das replied to Anonymous's discussion International student's Devotional life.
"Hare krsna prabhu,
Its sad to know whatever you are going through, keep praying to radha rani, she will take you out of it."
Jun 14
Krsna das replied to David's discussion Is Sadasiva the same as Lord Siva?
"Hare Krsna prabhu,
You can get answer here by just typing question but if you read chaitanya bhagwata, you will get detail information about srila advait acharya, i think we are chanting and on this site because of him only. Because he pleaded lord…"
Jun 14
Krsna das replied to Soumyajit Mallick's discussion I have accepted a great devotee as my spiritual master within my heart but it almost seems impossible I will ever get to meet him
"Hare Krsna,
First know how to serve guru, do disciple course, then try to know who are all close to your GM and how they allow or if they allow new comers to meet GM. One year you have to observe the system and closely watch how they solve or can…"
Jun 12
Krsna das replied to Kirti Konka's discussion Same-Sex Marriages and scriptural references to being ring or wrong
"Hare Krsna,
The crux of spirituality is we are not this body we are the soul, When you identify yourself with this body, i am man , woman , gay the problem starts. No easy journey to other planets without loosing bodily love."
Jun 8
Krsna das replied to Netrika tiwari's discussion Overthinking and anxiety
"hare krsna,
I have myself came out of depression during tough times. You have to take medicines to fight, krsna gives us our karma , bhakti alone wont help. Visit ayurvedic doctor, talk to friends often, visit temple and yoga also does help.  If you…"
Jun 5
Krsna das replied to Acyuta sevika devi dasi's discussion Sex life
"Hare krsna, pamho,
Ideally, one is supposed to follow Guru Aagya, Whatever instructions your guru maharaj gave regarding grihasth ashram you are supposed to follow them. But if you are not clear about what where and how of grihasth ashram, directly…"
May 19
Krsna das replied to Ritik's discussion Kindly guide me.
"hare krsna,
if you really want to deliver your friend, get the srimad bhagwat saptah, done for him in vrindavan. Remember dhundukari's katha when his brother gokarna did bhagwat for him , he was delivered to vaikuntha."
May 19
Acyuta sevika devi dasi and Krsna das are now friends
Apr 30
Krsna das and kunal are now friends
Apr 16
Acyuta sevika devi dasi and Krsna das are now friends
Apr 1
Krsna das replied to Acyuta sevika devi dasi's discussion Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
"Every state had and his its own top sampraday, gaudiya vaishnavism came much later when prabhupada restarted the preaching movement. In maharashtra, Varkari and dutt sampraday and ramanandi sampraday started by samarth ram das swami are prominent…"
Apr 1