Hare Krishna,
This is my first time asking a question on this forum, so if I make any mistakes while writing, please forgive me.
Yesterday, I had a dream where I saw Lord Nityananda and Lord Chaitanya dancing. It was a festival day at a temple in my dream, but I can't remember which festival it was. The deities of Sri Sri Radha Vrindavan Chandra were dressed beautifully. Suddenly, a Harinam sankirtan began in the temple, and both Lord Nityananda and Lord Chaitanya emerged from their vigrahas and started dancing. They appeared in very large forms.
After that, I took a close darshan of Srimati Radharani, who was wearing yellow garments, and I continuously cried in front of her. Then, the dream shifted.
All of a sudden, I found myself in another place where I saw my friend. As I walked forward, I noticed His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj. I ran towards my friend but was unable to utter a word to her; instead, I pulled her hand. By the time Maharaj sat in his car, he saw both of us from the car window, smiling, and I was crying over there, too, and then my dream ended.
What does this dream mean? I'm trying to understand its significance, but I'm feeling confused.
!!.. Hare Rama Hare Krishna ..!!
Lord Krishna always resides deep within our heart and our soul directly relates to Him.. :)
And.. it's nice to know that you're on the way of spirituality .. related to Lord Krishna..
Moreover.. check out this question if you wanna..
Seeing Gaura Nitai dancing seems to be more frequent than seeing other lilas.
In short, it's auspicious.
More about dreams: https://veda.harekrsna. cz/encyclopedia/dreams.htm
(remove the space in url)
Hari Hari
ys J.
Hare Krishna Mataji
A dream does not exist before one falls asleep, nor does it continue after one awakens. The period for dreaming exists only between these two, and therefore it is false in the sense that it is impermanent. We do not rejoice or lament for the situation in a dream before the dream takes place or after it is over, and so during the dream, or during a dreamlike situation, one should not accept it as factual and rejoice or lament about it. This is real knowledge.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.15.5 Purport
Hare krsna,
When we walk on spiritual path such things happen, because we have entered into spiritual world we see spiritual dreams. Those who dont eat prasad sometimes see bad dreams. You are blessed to see such a dream but if it is increasing your reading, hearing and chanting then I will consider it fruitful?
Hare Krishna,
Lucky mata ji you got a spiritual dream. You have got guru maharaj also in dream. You got kritan also in dream and Nitaai Gauranga also in dream dancing to kirtan. You got Shree Radha also. I would say you better not tell anyone. Keep it a secret.
I once got a dream and I told it to all... after that I never got dream again at all.
These spiritual dreams shouldn't be shared I guess.
If anything significant, Lord will guide you.
Just keep it a secret and remove the post.
my advice. I don't know if you want to follow or not.
Hare Krishna