2an8tdfoll48k's Discussions (86)

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Doing Work for Krishna

We  all are materialistic person surrounded  by such a society where we can't give up our work for maintaining the body and family. High status , reputation ,  promotion etc comes automatically when we

do our work sincerely. we all are bound by reacti

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The Vital Force

Hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam.

The vital force of a living entity includes the five kinds of air working within the body, which are known as prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana. The vital force is compared to a serpent because a serpent can live by s

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Hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dolly is a sheep celebrity. She's the product not of mating between ram and ewe-and not even an artificial combination of egg and sperm-but of a cloning technology developed in 1997 by Sco

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Aham Brahmasmi

This two words is the reason we are here in this material world.

The impersonalists say " I am god(Brahman). Our aim is to be one with the absolute or whole " .


they spend their whole life in search of self realization in

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hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam,

why the Vaisnavas will be celebrating janmasthami on 10th where as the others on 9th? both are done according to astronomical calculation .What is the exact reason ? same in case of some Ekadashi. 

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Do we have three bodies?

Hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam,

All glories to Prabhupada,

I read the below article today :

Indian philosophy tells us that when you are born your consciousness becomes embodied and sheathed in energies that form your physical body and mind.

The embodied s

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