According to Vedanta Sutra there are 5 kinds of Maya in human. AnandaMaya being the highest and AnnaMaya being the lowest. Please explain these Mayas if anyone has info on this.
1. If both the other souls and Radha Maa is born of Krishna's internal potency (antaranga skakti,spiritual energy). then what is the difference between them ?
2. I was now reading nectar of instruction and also found the l
I was asked by a new devotee during preaching that if our fore fathers are in pitraloka then who goes to other lokas? the person who worship forefathers goes there.
Unfortunately i don't have answer to this. please clarify.
I heard that Karna was not allowed to get knowledge from Parasurama as he was not a son of Brahmin.later he disguised as a brahmin son to get knowlegde.
From when this system of caste by birth started exactly ?
We all are materialistic person surrounded by such a society where we can't give up our work for maintaining the body and family. High status , reputation , promotion etc comes automatically when we
The vital force of a living entity includes the five kinds of air working within the body, which are known as prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana. The vital force is compared to a serpent because a serpent can live by s
Dolly is a sheep celebrity. She's the product not of mating between ram and ewe-and not even an artificial combination of egg and sperm-but of a cloning technology developed in 1997 by Sco
Shankaracharya later in his life rejected his own impersonalistic teachings and taught devotion to Krishna because his impersonal teachings were simply a temporary tactic to defeat Buddhism and re-establish V
This is not KC question but i need help of devotees as I know many people who are/ were victim . I want to help them.Please be merciful on me if anyone knows anything about it. Reciting krishna's name and narsingha kavach
why the Vaisnavas will be celebrating janmasthami on 10th where as the others on 9th? both are done according to astronomical calculation .What is the exact reason ? same in case of some Ekadashi.
in our society there are many people who believe in krishna as Bhagwan . But they believe that before realizing krishna we should realize our self because it is the jyoti which is first visible to us. thus they indulge in