What is the significance ?
Similarly for devas and gurus exactly which is the direction ?
In Which direction should we pay obeisanes when we meet a devotee during association ?
Is is a Gaudiya tradition only or followed by others also ?
What is the significance ?
Similarly for devas and gurus exactly which is the direction ?
In Which direction should we pay obeisanes when we meet a devotee during association ?
Is is a Gaudiya tradition only or followed by others also ?
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Hare Krishna Rahul Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
According to Vaishnava etiquette one should offer obeisances to the Deities from the left side. Which means turn one's left side to the Deities and offer obeisances. Because there is heart.
For a spiritual master who departed from this world also from the left side.
To the spiritual master who is still in this world or to any saints possible to offer in their front. But not disturbing them if they walking.
According to time, place and circumstances.
Your servant,