This two words is the reason we are here in this material world.
The impersonalists say " I am god(Brahman). Our aim is to be one with the absolute or whole " .
they spend their whole life in search of self realization in such a complicated method but never find peace and joy.though they claim so. what a pity. why don't they turn to krishna ? when the process is so easy and so well explained by Prabhupada .
By serving the great, the mahatmas also become great through identifying with the superior energy: (aham brahmasmi) "I am Brahman-- spirit." It is not that they become puffed up and think that they are
God. Rather, if one becomes Brahman, he must show his activities in Brahman. Spirit is active, and to become Brahman is not to become inactive. Brahman is spirit, and these material bodies are active only because Brahman is within them. If we are active despite our contact with material nature, do we cease to be active when we purify ourselves of the material contamination and establish ourselves in our proper identity as pure Brahman? Realizing "I am Brahman" means engagement in spiritual activity because we are spirit, and our activities are exhibited even though we are contaminated by matter. To become Brahman does not mean to become void but to establish ourselves in the superior nature, which means superior energy and superior activities.
No one can become a representative of God without being a devotee of God's. One who thinks, "I am God," cannot be a representative. because we are part and parcel of God, our qualities are the same as His, and therefore if we study these qualities in ourselves, we come to learn something of God. This does not mean that we understand the quantity of God. This self-realization process is one way of understanding God, but in no case can we preach, "I am God." We cannot claim to be God without being able to display the powers of God. As far as Krsna is concerned, He proved that He was God by displaying so much power and by revealing His universal form to Arjuna. Krsna showed this awesome form in order to discourage people who would claim to be God. We should not be fooled by one who claims to be God; following in the footsteps of Arjuna, we should request to see the universal form before accepting anyone as God. Only a fool would accept another fool as God.
when the process of love is so wonderful and easy.When the people in KC are so easily self realized by mercy of krishna and Prabhpada , why do people turn to impersonal things when there is no love and so much complexity? is Loving so difficult?
Q. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF Aham brahmasmi ?
Hare Krishna Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Yes Loving is difficult, Because Love can only be expressed through service and No one wants to serve, rather people wants to be served by others . Love means to fullfill the desire of the person whom we love without any concern for personal gain or comfort. It also means surrender like a chaste wife devoted to his husband's needs. The definition of Love is given by Lord Chaitanya in his teachings
Aslisya va pada-ratam pinastu mam
adarsanan marma-hatam karotu va
yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato
mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah
I know no one but Krishna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally.
Another definition we find in Bhagavtam of Love for Godhead
sa vai pumsam paro dharmo
yato bhaktir adhoksaje
ahaituky apratihata
yayatma suprasidati [SB 1.2.6]
Translation: "The supreme occupation, or dharma, for all humanity is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted in order to completely satisfy the self."
So love is unmotivated and uninterrupted. generally in this world lust is taken as love. The idea here is as long as you satisfy my desires I will love you, if you don't agree with my concern I will kick you. But in real love whether the lover loves me or not, care for me or not, insult me or praise me, I should love him/her, that is real definition of love. Now tell me who are going to do that? We come in this world because we want to become Krishna and get served, and this is being made possible by false ego. False ego is the last things to Go. So mayavadi or other spiritualist may allof themselves from sensual plane, mental plane, intellectual plane but they unable to transcends the false ego. False ego which obstacles us frrom loving God and surrendering unto him. Thats why they make different philosophies where love for God is not given preference, because the cause is envy. Envy leads to false ego, and it is for envy we are in this world, then How come we think that everyone will love God suddenly?
Hope this will help
Your aspiring Servant
Hari Bol
I have heard that love for god is already present in everybody's (all living beings ,including atheists) consciousness . It just the matter of reviving that consciousness for love which is definitely not easy.
Loving god is not that difficult if ones consciousness is triggered/revived once. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Jai shree Gokulesh
Hare Krishna Mataji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada
yes you are correct. But the difficulty is very less people really want to revive the consciousness of service to God. This is the difficulty we face during preaching, Actually no body want to come out of their comfort zone.
your aspiring servant
Hari Bol