
Hare Krishna,

Dandavat Pranam, All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dolly is a sheep celebrity. She's the product not of mating between ram and ewe-and not even an artificial combination of egg and sperm-but of a cloning technology developed in 1997 by Scottish scientist Ian Wilmot.

Dolly started as a single cell removed from her mother's udder. The nucleus, containing the mother's DNA information, was then taken from that cell and implanted into an egg from which the DNA had been removed. The egg was cultured briefly and then transplanted into the womb of a surrogate mother ewe. Five months later, Dolly, a clone of her mother and with no biological father at all, was born.

People say that it is another process like test tube babies and embryo transplantation but here exact replica is created. 

We are aware that nothing can be created without the will of Krishna.

Cloning is not a theory where a new soul is created out of chemicals though ignorant people may think so.

I read a post where Sudheendra S prabhu was asking  " We have heard from Srimad Bhagavatam that Durvasu muni pulled out his hair and created a demon out of it to kill maharaj ambrish. Hair is a good source of DNA and a life form was created out of it. Is this also cloning? "

There are similar incidents like birth of Kauravas and Drona from pot.

 My question is how can we define cloning in terms of Spiritual science ? Is it really unethical as claimed by spiritual people nowadays?


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    The Mahabharata describes how once when Gandhari was pregnant, in a fit of anger, she struck her womb and consequently had a miscarriage. The lump of flesh that came out of her womb  was cut into 100 pieces. The great sage Vyasadeva instructed her to place these pieces in 100 ghee pots. And that is how the Kauravas were born. ("The Mahabharata actually describes how  Vedavyas created the Kauravas from a single embryo from Gandhari" states Dr B G Matapurkar, a surgeon with Maulana Azad Medical College in New Delhi. Dr Matapurkar holds a US patent on  an organ regeneration technique that he devel­oped ten years ago.     He further states, "they not only knew about test tube babies and embryo splitting but also had the technology to grow  human fetuses outside the body of a woman - something that is not known to modern science." (The Times Of India. May 5, 2002; The Indian Express, May 4, 2002))

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    Hare Krishna pr, pranam dandavat AGTSP! AGTSG!

    While I was surfing I came across a very informative short article related to cloning. Hope this will help you to some extent.

    Principle of Cloning

    Fourth Canto Chapters 14 and 15: By churning the dead body of King Vena according to a specific method, the sages produce three individuals: Bahuka, King Prthu and Queen Arci. Although the intricate details are not mentioned, the principle is very similar to modern day cloning which uses the genetic material from one cell to produce daugh ter cells.

    Your servant

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      yes, You are right dear Priya Mataji. 

      Even in Mahabharata Vyasadev clones the bulk  of flesh which came out from the womb of Gandhari. 

      In this way it is not a new thing. This type cloning was known and used even before.

      Your servant, 

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    Hare Krsna,

    His divine grace, A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has given examples that life comes from life in several books and during conversations and morning walks. Cloning seems to be supporting the argument that "life comes from life" since without the cells from Dolly's mother, there would have been no Dolly.

    From the book "Life comes from life":

    Dr. Singh. Some scientists hope that in the future they will be able to make babies in test tubes.

    Srila Prabhupada. Test tubes?

    Dr. Singh. Yes, they intend to combine male and female elements in biological laboratories.

    Srila Prabhupada. If they begin with living entities, what is the purpose of the test tube? It is only a place for combination, but so is the womb. Where is the credit for the scientists if this is already being done in nature's test tube?

    Karandhara. It is already being done by nature, but when some scientist does it, people will give him the Nobel Prize.

    Srila Prabhupada. Yes, that is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam: sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh.[4] This verse indicates that those who praise men who are like animals are no better than dogs, hogs, camels and asses. Sva means "dog," vid-varaha means "stool-eating hog," ustra means "camel," and khara means "ass." If the Nobel Prize is given to a scientist who is a rascal, the men on the committee who give him that prize are no better than dogs, hogs, camels and asses. We don't accept them as human beings. One animal is praised by another animal. Where is the credit in that? If the men on the committee are no better than animals, anyone who receives the Nobel Prize in science is fool number one, because animals are praising him, not human beings.

    Dr. Singh. For some scientists, the Nobel Prize is the ultimate.

    Srila Prabhupada. They are rascals. They are speaking nonsense, and because they are juggling words, others are being misled.

    Brahmananda Swami. Nobel is the person who invented dynamite.

    Srila Prabhupada. He has created great misfortune, and he has left his money for creating further misfortune. [Laughter.]

    Brahmananda Swami. The Gita says that demoniac people perform acts meant to destroy the world.

    Srila Prabhupada. Yes. Ugra-karmanah ksayaya jagato 'hitah (Bg. 16.9). They perform acts meant for inauspiciousness and the destruction of the world.

    Hari Bol,

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