Rishi Nayyar posted a discussion
Hare KrishnaDandavat PranamI have heard that while eating when you get your first butp you should stop, but many people also say that it is the second burp. Can someone please tell me if it is the first or second burp. Also, if possible can you…
Apr 1, 2024
Rishi Nayyar posted a discussion
Hare KrishnaDandavat Pranam"If you don't plan, you plan to fail."But each plan requires a goal to guide it.Devotee life can be divided into material and spiritual aspects.Srila Prabhupada said that the ultimate goal of all spiritual practices should…
Jun 2, 2023
Rishi Nayyar replied to Prakash's discussion How to read Srimad Bhagavatam
"Hare Krishna Mataji,What is the significance of 7 am-8 am?
Your servant,
Rishi Nayyar"
May 29, 2023
Rishi Nayyar replied to Krsna_Devotee's discussion My manager insults me. Should I retaliate or tolerate?
"Hare krishna mataji,
Does this also apply for irrational roomates in hostel. Also, should we confront them or just get away from the situation if we have the option.🙏
Feb 20, 2023
Rishi Nayyar posted a blog post
My roomates know that I practice krishna consciousness, and being non devotees they try very hard that I get angry or that I get irritated, but I resist them somehow and restrain myself. But lately I get very violent thoughts. Today after 4 months I…
Jan 26, 2023
Rishi Nayyar posted a blog post
Hare Krishna!!Right now i am a student studying management. I am a little confused about how i should serve Lord Krishna . In Gita, Lord said that everyone should do their varnashram dharma and one should put all their talents in the service of the…
Dec 29, 2022
Rishi Nayyar posted a discussion
Hare Krishna!!Can a devotee drink ice tea or is it not conducive for their growth?Thank you!!🙏   
Dec 18, 2022
Rishi Nayyar posted a discussion
Hare Krishna!!Should a devotee going to college react and say something back if someone says something about him or should they just ignore and keep silent, tolerating the abuse. Also, should a devotee worry about their reputation in college and…
Dec 14, 2022
Rishi Nayyar replied to Rishi Nayyar's discussion Slept more than 6 hours
"Hare Krishna!!
Thank you very much Mata ji, your reply has been very insightful and I will do my best to abide by it.
Hare Krishna!!🙏"
Dec 6, 2022
Rishi Nayyar posted a discussion
Hare Krishna!!I accidently slept 2 hours more because my alarm didn't go off and now I am feeling guilty that I didn't check the night before.Is there anything I can do to atone for my mistake😅Hare Krishna!!
Dec 5, 2022
Rishi Nayyar is now a member of ISKCON Desire Tree | IDT
Dec 5, 2022