Krishna (4351)

Dream and bygone janams

Hare Krishna!

I wanna request senior devotees to kindly counsel my realization and dreams ,which i had some time back.

1.)Like many people,i too wanted to know,what wrong had i done in my previous births or the bad karmas ,which were causing me trouble

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Tulsi and food!

Hare Krishna!


I have read that any Bhog offered to lord is not accepted by him,if we do not put tulsi leaves on it.So for those living in cold climate...where tulsi is not available easily ,,,,what is the option.......and when we o

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Naivedya to Lord

Hare krishna!


Kindly let me know ,if the Bhog that is offered to Lord....can be later heated ,when we eat it later.I mean,can prasadam be warmed again ......later after we remove it from altar.

Further do let me know,that how can i progress and b

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A temple at home

Hare krishna!

kindly suggest me, that as a student,what kind of temple or small worship place, i can have at my living place,where i live that it helps me in my bhakti.Ofcourse since im at my initial stage in Diety worship by

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