Krishna (4351)

Sense gratification

hari hari............... im just a fallen soul....... far away from krishna conciousness.... my yearnings for sense gratification always stop me on this path... i have no idea how to control my senses and unfortunately im a little too rebellious to b

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when krishna came ....


Can anyone explain about saraswat kalpa ... it's said that it's the time when krishna came on earth ..... when was saraswath kalpa ? has saraswat kalpa over ? in which kalpa we are living? 

is it so that krishna takes avatar in each dwap

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Materialistic help

Hare KrishnaAll glories to Srila PrabhupadaIs it wise to help materialistic people attain materialistic goals?Or should we just leave them by themselves even if we were in a position to help?Is it right to think that if we help materialistic people a

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