Questions regarding reading Bhagvad Gita

I have 2 separate (unrelated) questions regarding reading Bhagvad Gita As It Is.

1. In Bhagvad Gita As It Is, there are a lot of Sanskrit words used, which I can neither pronounce correctly or know the meaning of. Thus, I skip reading them and move to the English translation directly. Is it necessary to read the full Sanskrit text or one just needs to understand the actual meaning being conveyed? Also is there any assistance for reading the Sanskrit text used in Bhagvad Gita As It Is ?

2. I have a digital (pdf) version of Bhagvad Gita which I read on my Kindle (e-Book reader). I read it a relaxed manner, sometimes holding the electronic reader even while in a sleeping position, though with full focus and concentration. Since Bhagvad Gita is a very holy literature, is it fine if I read in a relaxed manner OR it is very bad and one needs to give a lot more respect to get full benefit (even though it is not a physical book but an electronic version)

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  • E-Counselor

    Hare Krsna Prabhuji,


    It is said that the Gita was spoken in sanskrit. Therefore the shlokas as exactly what was spoken in the battlefield. Therefore they have a very purifying effect on us. Even if we dont understand the sanskrit, speaking it purifies us in some manner. I would recommend reading the sanskrit part also.

    Regarding reading Gita in lying down position - I know of people who do so. My personal take on it is - suppose you have a teacher in class - that teacher has come to teach and will give the knowledge she has come to give. However, if you are polite to her and show respect, she will give teach with her heart and soul and impart a lot more knowledge or in a more convincing manner. Gita is not just a book - if that were so, then why would it have The Most Confidential Knowledge as a chapter? What is confidential if it is written down and anyone can read it?

    Since you are realising that you are doing something disrespectful, it would be better if you sit up, do mangalacharan and then read.


    Your servant,


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