Krishna (4351)

material form

hare krishna,today while I was reading Bhagwad Gita as it is, 7 chapter, 7 verse..There is written that, krishna doesn't have any material form, and through the lectures I was told he do have the form.......Iam confuse please help to remove my doubt.

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Hare Krsna,

All glories to all devotees..........

In shrimad Bhagavatam it is mentioned that God has given everyone as much as freedom that they deserved and due to the misuse of this freedom everyone suffers.But what i am not understanding is means ex

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Hare Krsna,

Please solve my doubt...

As we know that our consciousness comes from birth to birth. Shrila Prabhupadji  has told that sense are very strong in the youth that one is not able to control them fully … mostly  everyone has dream 2 enjoy famil

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Hare KRSNA , Prabhuji and Mataji

While discussing how to live life in this material world , i asked my wife to seek inspiration from Ramayana . But she asked me one question which i was unable to anwer.

She feels that it was unjustified on the part of

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hare krishna.....

krishna told in Bhagwat Geeta that He is absolute truth and no one is there above Him........... but one of my christian friend have told me that ib bible it is quoted "never do idol worshipped , it is not the worship of God but the evil worship"....

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7 Replies

hare krishna

what should we do if some one doing very badly behaviour with us .......... and also if that person is our relative ............. plzzzzzzzzzzzz answer spiritualllyyyy ........... radhe krishna ............ hare krishna............

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Hare krishna ....I have  read in the book-"easy journey to other planets" by srila prabhupada.there it is written dat matter is destructible.but i have learnt some chemistry book that-matter can nevr be creatd and can nevr be destroyed.can any one pl

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