Krishna (4351)

Regarding Guru and desciples

Hare Krishna,

As we know the one must surrender to a bonafied guru to make spiritual progress.

In our sampradya(ISKCON) we see that many are taking initition . Only some of them  are serious about their spiritual upliftment.  Should our present acharya

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Spicey Prasadam

Thursday night i had gotten very very sick. They had made the prasadam too spicey I think. Its to harsh on my stomach. And I hadn't eaten anything really in three days because I was so afraid of getting sick again. I had told the authorities here at

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Hore krisna.

all glories to radha krisna.

all glories to srila probhupada.

It is a well accepted theory that nothing came in this universe by chance. Behind each creation there is a creator, behind every design there is a designer. Nothing came of its o

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Birth of soul

Dandvat to all devotees !


Soul is said to be eternal , neither it takes birth nor it dies.I want to know the origin of souls , i mean  how the souls were born from the Supreme Lord. Please explain the begining of body and soul from The Supreme Lord.


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iskon kirtan

hare krishna

                    is anybody knows that is there any devotees group do Kirtans in edinburgh (scotland).Actually temple is situated in lanarkshyre and it is at about 100 miles from here. so please suggest me.


Hari bol

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Hore krisna.

all glories to radha krisna.

all glories to srila probhupada.

Some of my friends who are strickly non-vegetarian argues that if fish/meat eating is a sinful work then tree/plant eating should also be a sinful work. Beacause they also have l

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Natural Disaster on 21-May-2011 - How Much true It Is?

हमारी प्यारी दुनिया के जल्द खत्म हो जाने का एक और संदेसा आया है। हम पहले भी ' प्रलय ', ' महाविनाश ' की भविष्यवाणियां सुनते आए हैं , पर एक भी सच नहीं साबित हुई। इस बार ' सर्वनाश ' की भविष्यवाणी की है अमेरिकी धर्मोपदेशक हैरॉल्ड कैंपिंग ने। उनके मुताबिक

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