Krishna (4351)


Dandvat to all Vaishnavas !


Lord sent prophets like Mohammed , Christ, Guru Nanak Dev ji and many others to teach and tell human beings about him (about Personality of Godhead). But whenever prophets came, a new religeon came into existance. It is be

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Shri Svapna-vilasamrtastaka

Shri Svapna-vilasamrtastaka
Eight Prayers Describing Nectar Pastimes in a Dream

priya svapne drsta saridina-sutevatra pulinam
yatha vrndaranye natana-patavas tatra bahavah
mrdangadyam vadyam vividham iha kascid dvija-manih
sa vidyud-gaurangah ksipati jag

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satwik bhoj

hare krishna,iam a student, living in a hostel in a interior place and the mess is governed by a secreatry.I have asked him many a time could it be possible to make food free from onion and garlic in the mess for me, but he said it can't be done for

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