
  • In the whole creation of Brahmaji, peacocks are one such special species that gives birth without having sex.

    The feather of peacock on Krsna's head symbolizes the fact that Krsna can do anything. He does not need to take the help of sex for creation.

    The male peacock impregnates a peahen with the eyedrops that is sucked by the peahen by mouth.

    Amazing creation by Krsna.

    Krsna's Dristi alone can do Sristi.

    There is a message in everything that Krsna does. 

    "Janma Karma cha me divyam"

    His birth, name, form, activities are all transcendental and one who knows Krsna, will not take birth again in this material ocean.

    Your aspiring servant ....

    • Volunteer

      Hk pr,

      "peacocks are one such special species that gives birth without having sex"

      "The male peacock impregnates a peahen with the eyedrops that is sucked by the peahen by mouth."

      Please give references when you are posting pr.

      Thank you,


      • Volunteer

        Jai, such a nice information Prabbu KA Prabhu,

        Thank You!

        Your servant,

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