
  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Devotees,

    yes, yes, very nice replies from Sudipta Roy Prabhu and Rakesh Roshan Prabhu.

    And also wanted to add.

    Sometimes when our health is ok we feel nice we think that we are not this body. But when some pain comes all our consciousness comes to the body and it is intolerable to think that we are not this body. We suffer too much.

    In this case we have to understand consciously that this suffering is only due to our bad deed in the past. And now by feeling this pain we are washing away bad karma. By this feeling of pain our bad desires also will be washed away.

    In this way we can not just reject these problems concerning body. They will be there and we have to tolerate and ask for forgiveness and be determinate that we never ever again will do bad things or have bad desires.

    As like the soul who suffers in the hell or child who suffers in the womb.

    They can not ignore them - it is impossible. They just cry out to the Holy Names if they are fortunate and beg for mercy. In this way child takes birth. 


    Your servant,

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Manish Prabhuji. Dandavat Pranam. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

    hmm, very nice question.

    Well, to reach the soul platform and work on that plane is the highest stage, before that we need to transcend 4 other patform. i.e.

    1. sensual platform

       where senses are employed (five senses) , When we work through our senses and engage it to exploit matter to derive material pleasure, is called work on sensual platform. works related to sensual platfom e.g. eating passionate food, sleeping, gross sex life. Karmi or common materialists involve here.

    2. Mental platform

       When we derive pleasure from engaging mind in the matter and derive enjoyment from it its called mental platform. works related to mental platform like watching movies,games etc. poets, philosophers falls in this category

    3. Intellectual platform

       When we transcend the plane of mind we dwell in intellectual platform. Most of the scientist , researchers dwells in this platform. They derive pleasure from experiment,inventing stuff.

    4. False ego

      when one dwells in  Aham or "I"  mam or "mine" platform .

    4. Soul platform

       when we even transcends the intellectual platform also, we enters in soul platform. Spiritualists dwells in this platform.


    so from the above case study we see that to reach the soul platform we need to first transcend all the other 4 platform.and then the question comes to work on soul platform. So the process to transcend all the other platform are:

    1. To transcend sensual platform : four regulative principle ( no intoxication, no illicit sex, no gambling, no meat eating) . It totally stop the work of sensual platform

    2. To transcend Mental platform :  To engage mind in Chanting the Mahamantra (Chanting and Hearing) . It transcends the mental platform

    3. To transcend intellectual platform : To contemplate on Shastra or Scriptures always. Discrimination become activated in intellect.

    4. To transcend false ego- Total surrender to Guru and Krishna , and carry out Guru's order and do Seva.

    So when practicing the above mention remedy we gradually transcend all the 4 platform, then we eventually come to soul platform, then our work on soul platorm starts. Now what is the work in the soul Platform ?

    work that is related to Krishna is the work in soul platform. Because Krishna (para-Brahman ) is transcendental, so work dedicated to trancendental person also becomes transcendental. Then there are no material reaction remains, because we get material problem or reaction only when we we work to satisfy our senses, but when we work to satisfy Krishna's senses then , no work bind us and we get no reaction . In this stage we totally work on soul platform. As Krishna Says in Bhagavad Gita

    BG 4.24: A person who is fully absorbed in Krishna consciousness is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature.

    Here consummation means the reaction becomes absolute and spiritual because the work itself become spiritual and not material. So we get rid off material problem, because we don't work materially. Now how to do this?

    Its simple , there are 9 processes.

    1. Hearing ,2 . Chanting, 3. remembering ,4. Serving the Lords lotus feet, 5. deity-worship, 6. praying, 7. executing orders, 8. serving as a friend 9. complete surrender.

    So when we do work, related to the above mentioned 9 process, we gradually elevate to the soul platform , and we keep on wroking on that platform.

    Basically, whatever we do, if we do it for Krishna , its the work in the soul platform. So we should Keep Krishna as a center in all our work, thus we can always remember him, and dedicate our results to him. Then we are perfectly in soul platform , because the offering and the object both are spiritual in nature. The matter also use in Krishna's service become spiritual, then the material world and work both become spiritualize and we see Krishna everwhere.The all duality and problem of material existence cease to exists.

    Hope this will help

    your aspiring servant

    Hari Bol

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krsna p

    humble obeisances

    it is not easy to realize that we are soul. Though we know that theoretically but we have not realized it, the day we realize it and also that we are servants of Krsna , we will be free from lots of anarthas. The only solution is to keep chanting Hare Krsna and follow the principles of Krsna consciousness strictly,one day we will come to that platform and we will realize it.

    To act on the soul platform , we should always remember the 3rd verse of Shikshastakam - trinad api sunichena, tarur eva sahisnuna, amanina manadena, Kirtaniyaha sada Harih and then we will know that we are eternal servants of sosos of Krsna and mother Radharani....

    Please meditate on this verse and try to emulate it in ur life .

    your servant

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