Understanding Krishna Part 2

Understanding Krishna Part 2


  • Ved Vyas Ji has described three forms of supreme God Krishna i the

Bhagwatam: (1) brahma, (2) paramatma, (3) bhagwan.

  • The form of God in which all the Divine powers are present, but are totally

dormant, and which is merely a Divine existence is called sat-chit-anand
brahm (sat is active, but chit and anand are dormant).

  • Almighty God who has an all-beautiful Divine personal form, who has all the

Divine powers, and who also has uncountable names, forms and virtues, but
who does not perform Divine leelas (pastimes), and who has no intimate Divine
associates is called paramatma.

  • The form of God in whom all the Divine powers are fully revealed, whose allbeautiful

Divine form has unlimited names and virtues, and Who is always
performing all-loving leelas with His intimate Divine associates in His Divine
abode is Bhagwan Krishna.

  • The path to attain brahm is called gyan, the path to attain paramatma is yoga,

and the path to attain Krishna (bhagavan) is bhakti or devotion. Everyone is
qualified to practice bhakti.

  • Gyanis and yogis (who don't add bhakti to their practice), even after receiving

the ultimate attainment on their path, can't be liberated from maya because
they have only gained self-realization (knowledge of the soul, which is under
the bondage of maya). They have no practical knowledge of paramatma, the
personal form of God whose grace breaks the bondage of maya.

  • Gyanis and yogis are able to attain Divine knowledge (gyan) by practicing

bhakti and receiving God's grace. Otherwise, their worshipped form of brahm is
a non-doer, so doesn't bestow the grace that liberates a soul from maya.

  • Out of millions of gyanis, one fortunate gyani receives Divine love. Gyanis like

Shukdev Paramhans and the four Sankadik were drowned in braj ras, the bliss
of the loving leelas of Radha Krishna.

  • Maya is so powerful that it can't be eliminated without shaktiman Krishna's

grace. That grace is received only by selflessly surrendering to Him. This is the
essence of the Gita's teachings.

  • Just as your feelings of cold disappear the closer you come to a fire, so those

who come close to Shri Krishna by surrendering to Him and lovingly establishing
their minds in Him receive His grace.

  • Oh my mind, don't try to remove your feeling of 'I'. Instead think, 'I am a

servant of God.' Don't remove your feeling of 'mine'. Instead think, 'Krishna,
the crest jewel of Rasik Saints, is mine'."

  • "Oh my intellect! Understand that you can't understand Krishna on your own

strength. When you are graced by Krishn to receive His intellect, then you could
understand Him.

  • After receiving Krishna's Divine intellect you will understand Him. Knowing this,

you should surrender your intellect at His lotus feet.

  • Just as the life aspect of your material body is the soul, similarly the life aspect

of your soul is Krishna.

  • Pure satvik virtues like truthfulness, nonviolence and so on are only achieved

through selfless devotion to Krishna. Just as it's impossible to extract butter by
churning chalky water, similarly, it's impossible to receive pur satvik qualities by
doing any amount of spiritual practice that doesn't include devotion to Krishn.

  • The mind is made of maya and this world is also made of maya. That is why the

world is pleasing and attractive to the mind.

  • Some say that one should renounce all worldly desires, others say to do only Krishna devotion. Maharaj says that both are naive.Renunciation and Krishna devotion should be practiced together.

  • Oh foolish mind, don't try to renounce desire, anger, pride and greed. Instead relate these to Shri Krishna. (For example: if you get angry, get angry at yourown shorcomings; feel pride that you belong to Krishna, etc.)

  • Worldly people love those in the world who have wealth and prestige. But, Nandkumar Krishna loves and takes care of those who are humble and


  • In the path of gyan, one has to completely eliminate the feeling of 'I' and

'mine'. But in the path of bhakti, the awareness of 'I' and 'mine' ('I' belong to
Krishna, He is 'mine') always remains.


*****  If any thing found wrong or against philosphy, please tell me ..

I copied it from somewhere,this person was influenced by Roop Goswami  *****

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