How is disciplic sucession selected?
I dont know how to ask this question but what i mean is there must have been multiple associates or disciples with Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. Why only HDG Srila Prabhupada?
Read more…I dont know how to ask this question but what i mean is there must have been multiple associates or disciples with Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura. Why only HDG Srila Prabhupada?
Read more…Dandavat pranam to all devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances. Harekrishna!!
I have a few questions,for my knowledge and better understanding.
1. When its said that one can simply attain the lotus feet of the supreme personality of God head throu
By representative of God I mean s/he can hear God or have his body be controlled by God. Or instead of God, s/he can hear a person who can hear God, or so forth.
I want to ask some questions to such guru and s/he can tell me God's answers to my questi
Read more…hare krishna everyone i have committed Guru apradh due to my false pride i thought bad about my pujya sadguru dev i seek atonement everything i got by the grace of my sadguru dev in spirituality the bhav i got is lost i now have become the most sinfu
Read more…Hare Krishna to All,
My question is do we need to have a Guru in person?
If not how can we ask for clarification when we have any problem or confusion?
Read more…Dear devotees,Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances.All glories to guru and gauranga. AGTSP.I'm aspiring to become the disciple of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj. And before I become eligible for initiation I have to go through the counselor sys
Read more…Hare Krishna dear devotees, pls accept my humble obeisances! AGTSP! All glories to guru n gaurangaCan anyone pls kindly provide the pranama of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj? I'm aspiring to be his insignificant servant. It'll a great help if anyone can
Read more…Need of a Guru
In Srimad Bhagavtam 3.25.8, it is said:
tasya tvaṁ tamaso ’ndhasya
duṣpārasyādya pāragam
sac-cakṣur janmanām ante
labdhaṁ me tvad-anugrahāt
Translation: Your Lordship is my only means of getting out of this darkest region of ignorance becau
Read more…The following verse is found in the Kātyāyana-saṁhitā (Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 10.295, Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu 1.2.111)—
varaṁ huta-vaha-jvālāpañjarāntar-vyavasthitiḥ
na śauri-cintā-vimukhajana-saṁvāsa-vaiśasam
I would rather be locked in a cage surrounded b
Read more…Someone may be GBC of some region of the world, so according to the management system he is authority. We accept him because we are in a society. But by the spiritual system, unless I am convinced, I cannot accept him as authority. That is up to me.
Read more…Hare bolI offer my obeisanses to the Deites and to all vaishnavas. All glories to srila Gurudev!Its a great joy to announce that ive been initiated, i wanted to ask you about things i have to know regarding my relationship to him, i know i must follo
Read more…Hi Devitees,
I really wanted to know how gauranga prabhu (vice president of iskcon chowpatty) came to krishna consciousness? if anybody has any info or any link please share here.
Read more…Hare Krishna!,
Srila Prabhupada is our Siksha Guru or Diksha Guru or Jagad Guru or Caitya Guru or all of these?
Hari Bol!
Read more…Hare Krishna ,
They all are 2013 lectures .
Please visit above website and be happy always !!
Hari Bol :-)
Read more…Hare Krishna to all devotees.
Dandavat pranam.
How to identify that a person is a pure devotee of Lord so that we can surrender ourself fully to his lotus feet and take diksha ? Only a person(Pure devotee) who has Krishna can give Krishna. but how to i
Read more…Hare Krishna to all devotee,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Can anyone tell me the reference of this Guru-Mantra,
Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha.
I have some question related to this abo
hare Krsna,
Please accept my humble obeisance.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I have had this doubt lingering in my mind for quite some time.I am aspiring to be under a certain guru to follow and practice his teachings as my life and s
Read more…Hare Krishna ,
Do anyone of you know where is Kratu Prabhu ?
Why his latest lecture's are not being uploaded on his website or IDT .
Read more…i am a 8th std student. my school encourages sports,art, dance, music.but spiritual activities aren't followed .please suggest some spiritual activities for schools .
Read more…if a student does not perform well in examination teachers instead of encouraging that student to study the next time ,shout at him call his parents and insult the child in front of his parents. is this right?are teachers training the students in the
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