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In his article “Self-Actual Engineer,” Professor Thomas P. Seage of Arizona State University writes, “Too often, we underestimate the importance of understanding our question. When you get lost in your search for knowledge, ask yourself, ‘What question was I trying to answer?’ and see if that helps you find your way again.”

“It is not the answer that enlightens,” playwright Eugene Ionesco ventured, “but the question.” And philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti said, “To ask the ‘right question is far m

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Home Visits by Bhaktimarga Swami


Visvambhar mentors international students from India and they are receptive, indeed, to Krishna Consciousness. Each morning while in Winnipeg, being accommodated in a quaint temple at 124 Hazelwood Ave., a portion of those students embark on a walk in the area of St. Vital. It is one of those sections of Winnipeg settled by the French.

My meals are provided by congregants, which I am grateful for. The zonal supervisor within ISKCON Zone 1 (Canada and six northern states) is Vrnda, a sincere and

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A 50th installation offering to Sri Sri Radha Ksira-Chora Gopinatha

In 2019, the Building Improvement Committee (BIC) at ISKCON Toronto embarked on a monumental task of revolutionizing the facilities and spaces within the temple to accommodate the growing community and to ensure that the building is efficiently serving the needs of the devotees. Thus, theTemple for the Future Renovation Projectwas born.

Initially, the renovations started with a new and beautiful accessible washroom on the main

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ISKCON Baltimore reported to North American officials that four to five people attacked an Arkansas Hindu temple, a Buddhist temple, a local Kali temple, and a few others. This group was also believed to be traveling to the Baltimore/ D.C. area. It was also reported the Potomac temple had an attempted robbery but the alert presence of a pujari made them flee.

ISKCON Denver temple was visited by women who entered the pujari room wearing shoes during the afternoon time when the Lords are resting.

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What Is A Hoser? by Bhaktimarga Swami


A cool and fairly wet season either curses or blesses the region. In my maturing years, I actually don’t mind so much the more moderate temperatures with the morning hovering around fourteen degrees Celsius. I recall doing exams in high school in early June when it was hot and sweaty. In any event, it is what it is, weather-wise, and we can accept it as Krishna’s mercy.

My evening was reserved for that daily needed walk when Vallabha, Ryan and I took to Bloor St. and were lucky to meet with a l

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Dreamy Day by Bhaktimarga Swami


Abhi is my stalwart helper. He accompanies me on the morning walks and takes me around to various locations, all places for speaking, chanting, associating, and honouring prasadam, sacred food.

My first visitation took me to the residence of Aravind, a Punjabi Sikh gentleman, kind and caring and involved in business. Members of his family relished the kirtan. One of the women asked me, “Please give us some jñāna (wisdom).”

My short version answer was, “We are gifted humans, so we must be in ser

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Growing Together

Growing Together!!!!

Sunita Maheshwary, Dr. Neeta Maheshwary

"Simple Living and High Thinking is the solution to economic problems. Therefore, the Krishna Conscious movement is engaging devotees in producing their own food and living self-sufficiently so that rascals may see how one can live very peacefully, eat the food grains one has grown oneself, drink milk, and chant Hare Krishna."

(Teaching of Queen Kunti, 18: Liberation from Ignorance and Suffering)

Investing in implantation can help humanity

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Some devotees seldom use the word ‘mystical’ when describing other worldly subjects, due to obscure hazy connotations; preferring instead to use terms like inconceivable, transcendental or spiritual. Srila Prabhupada quite often used the word in the context of performing sincere devotional service, and the benefits derived from Bhakti.

It is known that Srila Prabhupada had a number of mystical experiences which he would tell to his close friends. Being aware of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s order to

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Let us try to get a glimpse into Krishna’s heart today. How lovingly He reciprocates with His devotees and what makes Him obliged to His devotees. There is an underlying sweet mellow in Krishna’s exchange with His devotees. These mellows in Krishna’s heart are revealed to us by the acharyas, they know Krishna’s heart.

Revealing Krishna’s heart

Now, the Lord comes to deliver the devotees (paritrāṇāya sādhūnām), but it is clearly stated in Bhagavad-gītā that a devotee transcends the material qual

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On the bank of the Ganges, a young devotee of Krsna showed a 
death-bound king the way to immortality.

King Pariksit was cursed to die within seven days. Yet he took it all as Krsna’s will, and at once he went to the Ganges to fast till the fatal moment. On hearing the news, great sages came from all over the universe to witness his passing.

“Please tell me,” the king asked, ” what is the duty of one who is about to die?”

Before the sages came to any consensus, a sixteen-year-old boy arrived, a

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While distributing books in Wellington, New Zealand, I met a middle-aged lady from Finland. For many years she lived in north Finland, which she described as being remote and mountainous.

Somehow or other, she felt inspired to journey to the Himalayas and learn about yoga. Amazingly, while participating in a Himalayan yoga retreat, her teacher recommended that she read Bhagavad-gita and also that she visit the Bhakti Lounge in Wellington to learn more about spiritual life.

So our Finnish friend

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It was with great pleasure that I could see Daruka, my support person for my fourth walk across the country, and also the second half of the third trek. This meeting with Daruka was very special, in his home area of Winnipeg/Transcona. His parents, especially his mother, wanted to meet me. Sometime in the past, I prayed for her when Daruka told me of her physical challenges. That touched her, even though I never met her. Although skeptical about her son getting “involved in a cult” years ago, s

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A cleric was once training his students how to perform a wedding. During the cleric’s tutorial, a frisky cat who lived on the church premises repeatedly interrupted the proceedings by meowing and playing with the ceremonial items. To pacify the cat, the cleric asked one of his students to bring it a bowl of milk. After plying the rambunctious cat with milk, the cleric, a cat lover himself, stroked the cat until it became drowsy and fell asleep. Having accomplished his goal, he put the sleeping

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Prof. George Wajackoyah speaks to journalists at his Karen offices on February 17, 2022

On Sunday, June 19, Prof. George Wajackoyah, a presidential candidate for the Roots Party, revealed that he is an ISKCON devotee and priest.

Wajackoyah acknowledged that he was a priest in the Hare Krishna movement in an interview with Tanzanian journalist Millard Ayo. His initiated name is Krishna-Balaram Dasa and received initiation from Srila Prabhupada in Nairobi.

“I am a High Priest at the Hare Krishna

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Stop and Smell by Bhaktimarga Swami



You have all heard the saying, “Stop and smell the roses.” It’s a phrase that was used often in the ’60s (not sure if it had anything to do with hippie flower power). The message is hurry and worry less. Simon and Garfunkel, the exceptional duo singers, put it this way in their piece Feelin’ Groovy. “Slow down, you move too fast. Yah gotta make the mornin’ last.”

In any event, whenever I trek with the boys through the residential neighbourhoods, where great pride is displayed in individual lan

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Rain is prevalent these days, but somehow or other the presiding God of all Gods seems to make way for some walking to take place. Thank you, Krishna. The water from above appears to get tossed around intermittently. It’s not a solid downpour. I understand, though, that Manitoba farmers are unhappy about the collective wetness.

During some rain, I had the pleasure to get interviewed indoors by R. Jamnu Radio, with host Apna, at 10 am. Initially it was going to be a twenty-minute talk, then it w

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June 20th is World Refugee Day and it is Refugee Week up until the 24th of June.

Food For All’s great friend Jennie Matthias has released a new single in support of World Refugee Day 2022. All proceeds will go towards supporting refugees in London, by offering them food, work, and rehabilitation.

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The Airy Prairie by Bhaktimarga Swami


I could not resist going down an endless prairie dirt road for the friendly skies of Krishna – blue clouds, great air, and no stop signs or intersections to worry about. The road I chose is located where I’ve been staying; I didn’t catch the name of it but it is edged by lots for new housing units. Out of nine lots, seven are sold and one of them is already under construction, at least the foundation. Three men were up and at it, hard hats and all. They were surprised to see a spec of saffron a

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I remember coming to the temple with two of my friends, and a beautiful kirtan—a very sacred kirtan—was in progress, probably led by Yamuna. We sat down and all of a sudden the devotees fell flat on the floor. Being polite young girls, we did the same for the first time in our lives. I was very curious and I wanted to see what was happening. I was thinking, “Why are they doing that?” I put my head up a little and I saw two beautiful golden feet passing by my head. I wanted to see to whom these

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Functional freedom by Kasya das


Cholars, artists  and folk cried  after  freedom  from  time  immemorial.  Unfortunately,  it  frequently  continues to be  cry  only for a  simple  reason – nobody of them  knows  what  constitutes  freedom  and what  slavery.  So the  meaning  of the  freedom  itself  is  degraded.

In this  essey I will  deal  with  with bondage  in its  unalloyed  and  primary  form  as  defined  in Bhagavad-gita, the  oldest  book of freedom.  My subject  is  easily  understandable  analogy  of thraldom,  w

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