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There is a lot of tension in our devotee community between ahimsa dairy lovers and vegan devotees. Let us explore what each community believes, the similarities, and the differences.

Ahimsa means non-violent. Ahimsa dairies do not confine their herd to a building where they never see the sun and they are allowed natural behaviors such as living in a herd and chewing cud in a pasture. Ahimsa dairies do not slaughter the cow at the end of her milking days. When her milking days are past, she can

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It can’t get more peaceful than out here. St. Andrews is a coastal town with population of 1,700. “It’s grown,” said Jo Anne Carney, our host, while we were all in her guest house. She and her husband, Rob, run a business as well as the “Tall Ship Whale Watching” outfit at the wharf. I’ve known Rob before I undertook marathon walking. He lived as a monk in the Hare Krishna ashrams of New York and Toronto.

Ryan has become our able chef to the group. He’s putting together some good meals. He’s al

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On the full moon day, sixteen Days just before Ratha yatra, Lord Jagannatha is bathed loving by devotees. After such long bath the Lord becomes sick and is confined to rest for fourteen days. He is then offered special care until He comes out for Ratha Yatra.
So, come join us this year as Lord Jagannatha Snana Yatra Is Just around the corner and It Is a very rare opportunity to bath Their Lordships personally and get the blessing of bathing the Lord on Snana Yatra! At Simantadvipa, In the
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Happy Snana Yatra!

One of the most grand festivals in Mayapur is Jagannath Snana Yatra. But this year, due to current lock down situation, the pujaris and sevaks performed Snana yatra, both at Rajapur & Sri Mayapur , wihile Sri Jagannatha’s devotees took part by having online darshan of broadcast & mentally bathing their beloved Lordships, Sri Jagannath, Baladeva & Subhadra Devi!


Lecture by HH Bhakti Vigna Vinasana Narasimha Swami on Mukunda datta and Snana Purima

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New Affiliates for Hare Krishna Community Radio
Hare Krishna Community Radio is now expanding its airwaves

South Africa
Devotees from South Africa have joined Hare Krishna Community Radio.
Broadcasting from Durban is two new weekly shows, “The Kalpa Vrksha Show,” and “Jiv Jago.” This new affiliate is headed by Dangati das, also known as Diresh Sinath, who has years of experience in the radio industry.

Beginning his career on South Africa’s public broadcaster, SABC – LotusFM, in 2005, he later h

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Help for Ukraine – Devotees fleeing to Poland gives you a brief insight into the dedication, service mood and attitude of devotees serving in the Poland Yatra. The devotees help provide temporary accommodation , food , basic necessities and help the refugees find financial assistance. If you like this video and would like to assist us in our service then please contact us at Thank you for viewing our video.


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Devotee – "When we are in the spiritual sky and serving Krsna, we have a perfect relationship with Krsna, what causes us to fall down into the material world, because we’re already serving Krsna?"

Srila Prabhupada – "Because you desire to fall down. Here it is explained don’t fall down!"

Devotee – "Srila Prabhupada, I can’t understand why we should have an impure desire when we are already serving…"

Srila Prabhupada – "Because you have got little freedom, you have fee will. Why one is not coming he

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It was a sweet-smelling, fruit-filled forest, but the demons threw
terror into all who came near. Except Krsna and His brother.

Fifty centuries ago, in the north Indian village of Vrndavana, Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead played just like a cowherd boy. Yet there were times when He performed wonderful, superhuman activities.

One day, as usual, Krsna went into the forest with His elder brother Balarama and His cowherd boyfriends, and on the way He played His flute. Vrndavana forest was

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In recent years thousands of religious figures have taken up faith healing. They use all kinds of approaches, but basically they claim that through their charismatic prayer and laying on of hands, God acts: He cures everything from cavities to brain tumors, releases sexual inhibitions, and even increases earning capacity. The faith healers have gained so much influence that many believe their craft should be recognized as one of religion’s essential components. Says one elder healer, “People ar

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Questions People Ask About Chanting


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Q. I’m afraid I’m a rather materialistic person. I want a compatible mate, a reasonable amount of money, healthy children, and things like that. Can I still chant Hare Krsna?

A. Definitely. Whoever you are, whatever you do, and whatever it is you want out of life, just chant Hare Krsna, and your life will be sublime.

Q. I get the feeling that if I start chanting Hare Krsna, then sooner or later I’m going to have

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I do get overwhelmed by people’s kindness. For instance, Ravi opened up his house to us. We were fed, looked after, and he and his good wife also entertained us trough their six-year-old. Our whole troupe –Mahadeva, Anna Purna, Ryan – and I find children adorable, and this little one, Achintya, shows us both reverence and crankiness. Such is the way of childhood, and I might add that those traits may never leave us.

Enroute, we went to Moncton. I guess you could say it’s the place of monks. It’

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Homage to Brahmananda prabhu

10547635653?profile=RESIZE_584xDandavats. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Brahmananda prabhu was virtually the first ISKCON devotee—senior to everyone. Actually, we are all here because of his invaluable service to Srila Prabhupada—especially in the early days when he so selflessly assisted Srila Prabhupada in starting ISKCON. For one example, anyone who has ever read Bhagavad-gita As It Is, owes an eternal debt to Brahmananda prabhu, who first arranged to publish it. He was able and willing to do anything Prabhupada wanted,

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Madhusudan Eulogy for Brahmananda prabhu.

At 18 years old, around the time I met Brahmananda, the first president of an ISKCON temple in early 1967, I was still suffering from the effects of delusion resulting from so-called “consciousness expanding drugs.” Wandering the streets late one night I knocked on the door of the temple when everyone was sleeping. Brahmananda, in his sober wisdom and seeing my state, would not let me in. A month or so later, after recovering a bit, I stated going regul

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Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Your departure from this world to be with Srila Prabhupada came very suddenly. I was in the ICU of ILBS hospital when I was informed of this news by Gopal Krishna Maharaja. I have been in the ICU for the last thirty days and was discharged to the general ward only yesterday. Although I wish that I were there for your memorial service, my present health condition does not permit me to travel to Vrindavan today. So I have asked

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10547568868?profile=RESIZE_584x              Video: Click here                             

By Satsvarupa Das Goswami

Bruce Scharf had just graduated from New York University and was applying for a job. One day an exroommate told him about the Swami he had visited down on Second Avenue. “They sing there,” his friend said, “and they have this far-out thing where they have some dancing. And Allen Ginsberg was there.” The Swami was difficult to understand, his friend explained, and besides that, his followers recorded his talks

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Why such a question you might ask? In one sense anyone can lead a kirtan, but let us consider a few things first. I write this as much for myself as others as I too am prone to egoism and a lack of proper attitude at times in my service.

There are few leaders, such as Indradyumna Swami and Sivarama Swami, who will only have capable devotees lead a kirtan, those who know how to keep a steady pace and stick to the same melody. I am not of the opinion that
anyone can lead at any given time, maybe

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During the community sankirtan festival in March in NZ, Krishnaloka and I were both unable to go out because of some unfinished projects.

However, Caitanya Vihar’s class in the morning was very inspiring. He stressed that we shouldn’t be unmotivated to distribute books just because we might not be able to do many hours in one day. A power hour, or even thirty minutes is beneficial. Or perhaps just ten minutes, if you’re really time poor!

He suggested that having a book on us at all times means

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I was on South Street in Philadelphia, just about to leave for home, but my partner was in a queue in a store, so while waiting I was doing some books.

An African-American couple, Dana and Peter, appeared to be from around here, when I met them. I asked whether they had a busy afternoon planned.

They are Philly locals, but they had just gotten off a plane after a holiday in South Korea. They were walking around during the afternoon trying to stay awake, fighting jetlag.

I showed them Srila Prab

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Near the home of Ravi, in Stellarton, the Albion Trail begins, which changes its name to Samson Trail as you approach New Glasgow along East River. It is a well-maintained earth path, soft on the feet, superior to asphalt, and it goes for a mere five kilometres – a perfect length for a person (me) on physio recovery.

Our forty-five-minute drive to Antigonish ended up being more of a sit-down at a gazebo with a creek to our side and green all around. The local news “The Casket,” took interest in

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It is very important to understand that the individual jiva-souls are eternal persons, each with their own unique bodily form that can change voluntarily in the spiritual world according to Krsna's pastime.

This means each individual jiva-soul (marginal living entity) has their own personality separate from Krsna's Personality, and the free will to make their own decisions to stay in Vaikuntha and Goloka-Vrindavana, or leave.

The eternal spiritual bodily form is anti-matter (spiritual energy as in

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